Fre-Freddie's got you next bitch
Got-Got you-Got you hanging from your neck bitch"No! No! Please~!"
"Beg for it, peasant!" Luci cackled into the face of the man, his legs bent backward as he bled onto the carpet as he only screamed in pain as she pressed into his broken appendages.
You know-You know that Freddie never ever switch
Got it swi- Got-Got it swinging from my necklace"If you were obedient you'd have your knees, isn't that right George?" She mused, a sick grin on her face. Looking over to the other man besides her she smiled even wider, her sharp rows of teeth coated with blood. "Now... Let's play a game shall we?" She suggested
Freddie's got you next bitch
Got-Got you-Got you hanging from your neck bitch
You know-You know that Freddie never ever switch"Never you psychopath!! Help! Help-!" A bloodcurdling scream echoed through the damp and musty room and Luci brought her heavy boots onto his lower leg, severing it from the top. " Do you fucking think anyone will hear you down here? Tch- idiot" she growled.
Got it swi- Got-Got it swinging from my necklace
Rolling-Rolling round the block
I'm getting ready just to pop a fuckerA muffled scream escaped George's lips and Luci went over to him "What'd you say? Let me help you out" she ripped the tape off George's mouth, earning a soft cry "See Steve, he's a big boy~ Be like George here. He's ready to learn the rules"
Use a chopper flip the baka aiming out the helicopter
Drunk as fuck you ain't about it
Betting on your dead ol' body
Cold as ice I ain't so niceLuci sat a deck of cards in her palm, shuffling them and distributing the cards between the two equally "We're gonna play a nice game on Sin~" making the two men stare at her in confusion. "Oh, I gave Steve here a select few cards, including an Ace. If George guesses the matching card three times from his hand he goes free, if not you ask?" She grabbed a knife and held it to her throat, drawing blood as George's eyes widened and turned red.
I think it's time to roll the dice
Ain't so lucky today
Gonna watch your body decay
I'm just sticking to my word
Freddie is never unheard
Birds flying in the sky all day
One step"There'll be six rounds in total..."
One step two step
Three step four step
Walking through the blood I'm getting stuck like its the mud
Yep now I got a mop then I rock out the fucking boat"Now start" she hissed as she pulled up a chair behind Steve, looking at George as he was shaking like a leaf. Luci glanced down at Steve's cards then yawned holding up four fingers then lifting her middle finger, George's eyes widened even more and he pointed to the middle card as Steve sweat-dropped and shakily flicked the card into the center of them both, George doing the same "One point... For George" she said, her tone sounding bored as she smirked a little
See me sneaking creep
I'm a freak imma kill you B
Watch your fucking mouth===========================================================================================================================================================================================================
You better watch your fucking tone
Staying all alone Freddie staying in your home
Bash your stealing dome
Crack your skull and then you're foaming from your mouth
Then you see the Freddie running to the stout
Fre-Fre-Freddie's got you next bitch
Got-Got you-Got you hanging from your neck bitch
You know-You know that Freddie never ever switch
Got it swi- Got-Got it swinging from my necklace
Fre-Fre-Freddie's got you next bitch
Got-Got you-Got you hanging from your neck bitch
You know-You know that Freddie never ever switch
Got it swi- Got-Got it swinging from my necklaceLuci eyed the two as they finished up their game "H-how did you-" Steve stuttered out as he looked at George, anxiety crawling up his spine. "Luck, I guess" he responded with a ghost of a smile on his face, Luci smirked slightly as she knew full-well how he won. "dliw og" Luci said, causing George to suddenly snarl loudly and snap the ropes he was in before lunging forward and ripping Steve apart limb from limb as he screamed until he bit out his throat, they both watched as he gargled blood until he took his last shaky breath and died. Luci hummed as she stood up from her chair and walked over to the door as George inhaled Steve's soul, Luci turned to him as she twisted the doorknob "Let's go Neka" she said, George's body morphed into Mineka's, letting out a chuckle as she followed behind Luci "That was fun!" She exclaimed innocently, earning a laugh from Luci. "Yeah, it really was" she responded as she pushed open the door and walked out, walking out into the hall the two smiled a little as they saw one of the bodyguard's body parts strewn all over the hallway "Oops" Luci muttered as she chuckled at the mess, Mineka shook her head and they walked to the exit "Mission #1 successful," they said in unison looking at all the bodies of people they killed on their way to their boss's office.
"Stupid bitches, I hate you people, filth. Even we have morals"
"At least their business is dead now, that little girl isn't gonna be in danger anymore," Mineka said as they walked out onto the sidewalk, a little girl with red hair and green eyes ran up to them and hugged them "T-thank you" she stuttered out nervously. Luci's eyes flickered and softened as she picked up the little girl "Don't worry Darlin, we'll get you back home... They won't touch you anymore" she said softly. The two walked to Luci's car and got in, setting the girl on Mineka's lap as she got into the passenger seat "Oh... Sweetie, what's your name?" Mineka asked, her tone warm and caring.
"My name is Lucille, but you can call me Luci" she replied sweetly and Mineka cracked up as she looked at Luciano "Hear that, Luci?" She teased and Luciano rolled her eyes as she focused on the road "I'm Luciano, that b- lovely woman is Mineka. You can call her Belle" Luciano muttered and Lucille nodded "Okay! What can I call you?" She questioned, her big eyes sparkling. "You can call me Luck or Lucky," she said prompting Mineka to snort "Why Belle? Because I'm the Belle of the ball?" She inquired with a satisfied smile.
"Nah, because- yeah sure" she paused, remembering a child was in the car. Clearing her throat she fished out her phone and typing something into it, soon pressing it against her ear "Scott, I need a favor"
"Yeah, why? Oh, you and Will are home now? Yeah, I'll come just give me the address" Luci shook her head and gasped "Oh he did? That's great, oh he's there too. Sure I'll meet him..."
"Yeah, of course, I did! Yesh, bye" she hung up and sighed, looking at the location he sent "huh that looks familiar," she thought with a puzzled look "it's probably close to Aria's house"

His Demoness Princess (MEGA HIATUS)
FantasyLuciano Pavoretti, a 21 year old, demon. She just wants to leave her past behind and find love, her forever mate. ================================================================ Luciano sat with her legs crossed, she watched Mineka and her friends...