Chapter 1

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„Rise and Shine."
Arthur stirred in his sleep. The voice was familiar. Like it had woken him for years. So familiar in fact, for a second he thought someone was actually here to wake him up.
Only for a second though. Because this has happened every morning for at least a year.
Arthur wasn't sure why. Or who this voice belonged to. But it was there.
Burned into his memory.
He sighed - as indeed - the sun shone through the window directly at him. How nice would it be, if he could just keep on sleeping.

But Arthur had work to do. He couldn't just lay low until the day had passed half way. He needed to get up. The fields didn't plow themselves.

Slowly, and frustrated for having to leave his poor excuse of a bed, he stood up.
He washed his face with the water of the bowl he had filled up the previous evening and made himself some quick breakfast.

Arthur's room was small. Wooden furniture. A bed made of straw and hey that he had to renew whenever he had the chance, so it wouldn't start reeking foul and musk and attract too many bugs.
A window, about the size of a big painting illuminated the dust that flew freely through the air. So Arthur opened it and welcomed the cold fresh morning breeze.

He wore peasant clothes. Some of the few possessions he had. He had some other, more finer wear. Or rather, he used to have them. Moth's had bitten right through them. It also was no use on the fields, where he helped his landlady and friend, Guineviere.
Her and her husband Lancelot, by the way.

Arthur hadn't lived here for long. Neither had his landlord and lady. They had all moved here about a year ago.
Before that they had been -
Arthur shook his head. He still didn't remember.

He filled up his flask with some water and went downstairs. Gwen and Lancelot were discussing something urgent. As they usually where.
Arthur frowned. Hadn't that been the wedding planning, usually? Those talks should be over now. They had gotten married two weeks ago.
It had been a wonderful feast. Arthur wasn't sure he had ever attended a wedding before. But he was certain none of them had ever felt this inviting. This happy and grand and beautiful.

"Arthur - you're awake!", Gwen smiled at him.
She immediately stood up. Sometimes she forgot that Arthur made his breakfast in his room. Or rather, his small apartment. He liked the solemnity of his room. He liked to be alone. Not that he knew why. Maybe he was just used to it.
Maybe that was a sad thought.

"Yes, of course.", Arthur smiled back and ruffled his own hair so it looked even messier than before. Just to make perfectly sure that they knew he was tired. Arthur didn't enjoy talking to people when he was tired. It made him agitated. And tended to ruin his day.

"Oh good. That's good.", she said and went to grab him a cup of tea.
Alright, maybe he could endure the torture of morning talks for that. Arthur loved tea. It was such a simple drink, and yet - it calmed him down.
He was glad he had his little garden, where he grew leafs they could use for this.

Arthur had a surprisingly green thumb. He had been surprised himself. But apparently, gardening was his fortune.

"What were you talking about?", Arthur asked and winced at himself. He felt like a child, invading their conversation like this. Asking, without knowing anything.
Then again - they had taken care of him since the day they found him. He didn't know why they did it. He was pretty sure, they didn't either.
Which is why he was eternally grateful.

Gwen's smile turned upside down.
"Nothing - just.", she sighed as she filled his cup with the steaming liquid. Still tired, Arthur sat down next to Lancelot. Whom he would consider his best friend. If it didn't feel so - out of context.

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