The First Performance...Gone Wrong

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"Megan Elizabeth Hummel! Where is my hairspray?!"

"Well good morning to you to Kurt Hummel. And I don't have your hairspray."

As I said that, Kurt frantically searched for his hair product in our room.

"Meg I'm not kidding! Please just tell me."

"No of course your not kidding because hairspray is one of the most important things in life." I said sarcastically.


"Fine... It's in bathroom." I caved.

"Thank you!" With that, he ran off and I decided to get dressed...

After I got dressed, Kurt came out with a head full of hairspray

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After I got dressed, Kurt came out with a head full of hairspray.

"Kurt, are you taking the spray to school?" I asked.

"Yeah-wait what are you wearing?!" he shouted.

"... Clothes" I said in a confused tone.

"That outfit is not OK."


"Well for starters those shorts are way to... Well short."

"Yeah, that's the point of shorts." I said in a obvious voice.

"Can you please just change them?" Kurt asked sweetly.

"KIDS COME ON! YOUR GOING TO BE LATE!" Dad shouted from upstairs.

"Well I would love to but don't want to be late." I said with false sadness and started to walk up the stairs.

"Ug, fine." Kurt huffed, defeated. "But if any boy-"

"I know, ok. Come on!" I cut him off and dragged him to the car. Believe me I would have left without him but he can drive and I can't, it's sad.
As soon as Kurt stepped out the car, the football players came and threw him in a dumpster, I was so close to running over there and giving them a piece of my mind, but Kurt must have know I would because he sent me a glare telling me not to. So I just when to my locker.

"Hey Meg." Mercedes greeted me.

"Hi Cedes."

"Why do you sound so sad?"

"Kurt just got throw into a dumpster again. I just really, really want to help but I know the players will kill me then Kurt will kill me!" I explained as we began to walk to Glee club.

"I know honey, but those footballers are crazy!"

"I just wish something would change. And I'm not saying I never get bullied but I just wish Kurt would stop getting bullied." I told her.

"Who bullys you?" Just as she asked that, a ice cold, freezing, grape slushy hit me straight in the face by Puckerman, who just so happens to be the guy who throws Kurt in a dumpster nearly everyday.

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