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Although we were all a bit down with the whole Quinn, Puck and Finn thing we were still happy we were on our way to sectionals!

"Hey Meg." Mike greeted me as he sat next to me on the bus for the competition.

"I swear you say that at least 2 times a day." I said bitterly, still mad at him.

"Look, I'm sorry. I should have never of said those things-"

"So do you want to tell the whole school you like me?" I asked.

"...No." He admitted. "I'm sorry it's just people will-" 

"Maybe, for once, you should stop apologizing and start doing something that you won't have to apologize for." I spat, standing up and moving to sit by Kurt.
After the ride we all got off the bus and walked into the front room for sectionals, Mike was still trying to get me to talk to him but to no success.

"Okay. So, smooth sailing so far, we're all signed in and, um, according to the program, you have drawn performance slot number three."

"We're going last? Isn't that bad?" Tina asked.

"Hardly. This is good news. My extensive auditioning for community theater has taught me that we either want to go first or last. If we're first, then everyone has to measure up to us, and if we're last, then we're freshest in the judges' minds." Rachel informed us, standing in front of the group.

"And did you ever get any of those parts?" Kurt sassed.

"I'm with Rachel on this. The glass is definitely half full of some very good things right now." Ms. Pillsbury agreed

"Yeah, Ms. Pillsbury's right. I mean, we're here now, right? No reason not to go in with a positive attitude." I smiled. Boy, was I wrong...
"Take me baby
Take me or la-la-la-la-la-leave me
Take me baby or leave me
Guess I'm leaving" The Jane Addams girls finished singing the song i was meant to sing. I just burred my face in my hands.

"It's a really popular song." Rachel whispered to me to which I gave her a glare. This song was important to me and I really wished to sing it for the competition, but now Rachel Barry is going to get the solo...Again.

Just like before, the girls started going Pound Mary. I looked over at Artie knowing this probably had the same effect on him as the other song had on me. This is a train wreck! At least we have Don't Stop Believing...

NOPE! I was wrong! Haverbrook was singing Don't Stop Believin and people were...crying?! We have nothing, no songs, no performance, no nothing.

"Meeting in the green room in five minutes." Rachel shouted over the singing as we all got up and left to the green room.
"You leaked the set list, you don't want to be here. You were just Sue Sylvester's little moles." Kurt scolded the Cheerios as he thought they did this.

"I know for a fact that's true. Sue asked us to spy for her." Quinn added, walking in.

"Look, we may still be Cheerios, but neither of us ever gave Sue the set list." Santana argued with her arms crossed.

"I support that." I agreed with Tana to which she smiled at.

"Well... I-I did, but I didn't know what she was going to do with it." Brittany admitted.

"Ok, maybe I don't support that." I said again, Santana's smile dropped quickly.

"Okay, look, believe what you want, but no one's forcing me to be here. And if you ever tell anyone this I'll deny it, but I like being in glee club. It's the best part of my day, okay? I wasn't going to go and mess it up." Santana admitted.

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