Songs, Good And Bad

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It was the first Glee rehearsal and we were doing 'Sit down your rocking to boat' and... It was not good.
"We stuck." Rachel whined.

"Ummm... It'll get there. Just need to keep rehearsing."

" Mr Schue, do you have any idea how ridiculous it is to give the solo to a boy in a wheelchair!" Rachel said.

"I think Mr Schue was using irony to enhance the performance." Artie explained.

"There is nothing ironic about show choir! " Rachel snapped, then stormed out the room.

Mr Schuester tried calling for her but she was gone.

" Ok so I guess that's it for today. Well done guys!" Mr Schuester told us and we all left the room.

"Hey." Mercedes said, coming up to me.


"I love you outfit today, you have got to show me how pull something like that off." Mercedes said, pointing at my outfit...

"Thanks Mercedes, even though we're really bad, I love your voice!"

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"Thanks Mercedes, even though we're really bad, I love your voice!"

"Thanks girl, and your totally right, we suck." I laughed at what she said.

"Well I would love to say and chat, but my brother is waiting for me. See you next Glee practice and hopefully we'll be better."

"Well it was great talking to you more, see you soon!"

"Bye." I walked away and joined Kurt who was waiting at the door.

"Who was that girl you were talking to?" Kurt asked as we started walking.

"Mercedes, she's so nice! You should definitely talk to her."

"I will, just think, we could have a real friend who isn't us!" he joked.

"The sad thing is, that's actually true." I giggled.

"What? That's so not-oh no it is." He realised sadly. We both started laughing as we got to our next class.
"Meg!" Mercedes called for me as I got to my locker the next day.

"Hi, Mercedes. What's up?"

"So you know we have Glee rehearsals in about 5 minutes?"

"Yeah, so..."

"I just saw Finn Hudson walk in, with music!"

"Wait... You don't think, he joined?" I asked.

"Well there's only one way to find out." We linked arms and started walking to the auditorium.
"I got chills, there multiplying!" well the rumours are true, Finn Hudson joined Glee club.

Mercedes started talking about how she wasn't happy in the background, and how she was Beyoncé. I completely agree, her voice is so amazing but I'm fine just being in the background, the less attention the better for me.

Today Mr Schu was taking us to see Vocal Adrenaline perform. When we walked in, I sat next to Kurt and Mercedes and waited for the show.

"Now remember guys these are meant to be our competition but I don't think they have the talent that we have but let's be a good audience aright."
There were announced on stage and started singing.

O.... M.... G. They were the best thing I've ever seen.
" We're d-d-doomed." Tina said as everyone was one there feet, except for us. We were all just sat there, mouths opened and eyes wide. Tina was right, we're doomed.
When we got back to school, me, Kurt and Mercedes walked around still shaken up the performance.
"So, um, what are gonna do?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"There's no way we can win." Mercedes replied.

"Well, you never know..." Kurt started.

"Kurt, wake up and smell the failure!" I told him.

"Oh come on, we just have to get better... Like really soon." Kurt said.

"Actually, he kinda has a point. We just can't stop believing."

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