Don't Stop Believing

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The next day, Mr schue called a emergency Glee meeting in the auditorium.

"You're Leaving us?" Artie asked Mr Schue when he told us he was leaving the school, therefore also Glee club.

"When?" I asked.

"Well, I've given my two weeks notice,but I promise I'm going to find you guys a great replacement before I go."

"Is it cos those Carmel kids was so good? Because we can work harder" Mercedes said.

"This isn't fair Mr Schuester. We can't do this without you." Rachel said.

"So does that mean I don't have to be in the club anymore or...?" Finn asked, we all just looked at him with the mixture of anger and disappointment.

"This isn't about you guys, being an adult is having to make difficult choices. It's not like high school. Sometimes you have to... Give up the things you love. One days you guys are going to grow up and understand that. I have loved being your teacher." Mr Schuester said to us, then walked away.

"Well, I guess that's it. "I started.

"Glee club is over. " Kurt finished for me.
The next day, we found out Rachel has taken over Glee club but Finn didn't show up. After the meeting, Rachel decided to go see why Finn wasn't at the club. When she came back, she said it was because of his reputation. Just our luck, the star male lead quits for a dumb reputation at a high school.

The next glee rehearsal was a absolute disaster! Rachel was trying to teach us a dance but was failing, not because we were bad, it was because she was a really bad teacher. But I mean, she's still a great person!

"Look, you guys, these steps are not hard. I've been doing them since preschool!

"I'm sorry, did I miss the election for Queen? Because I didn't vote for you." Kurt sassed to Rachel making me cover my mouth from laughing.

"I know what I'm talking about! I want my first dance competition when I was 3 months old. " Rachel told us.

"Is that even possible?" I asked, seeing as most kids can't even walk by then.

"This is a closed rehearsal" Kurt told Finn as he wheeled Artie in.

" I owe you guys an apology. I never should have quit. I don't want to be that guy, around throwing eggs at people!"

"That was you?" Rachel asked him.

"You and you friends threw pee balloons at me." Kurt said.

" I know."

"You nailed my lawn furniture to my roof." I added.

" I wasn't actually there for that but I'm really sorry. Look, that isn't who I am and I'm tired of it. I want to do this with, you guys. I used to think like this was the lamest thing on Earth, and maybe it is,but... We're all here for the same reason, cos we want to be good at something." Well that was true.
"Artie, you pay guitar right? " Finn asked, he nodded.
"Think you could get the band back together? "

"I do have pull there. "Artie answered.

"Mercedes we need new costumes a-and they have got to be cool, can you do that?"

"Damn, don't you see what I got on? " She said, pointing to her outfit.

" Rachel you can do choreography."Finn told her, she smiled.

"Tina, what are you good at? "


"We'll figure something out."Finn said smiling at her.

"Megan, can you get equipment like microphones and stuff? "

"Yeah, I guess." I gave him a smile.

"And what are you bringing to the table Justin Timberlake?" Mercedes asked.

"I got the music."

We all got to our jobs and everyone did what they needed to do, although I did need some help from Kurt with carrying everything.

Finally, everything was ready and we started singing.

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(Megie's outfit for the song)

After we finished, Mr Schuester told us he was staying and would help us improve our number.

"From the top!"

So sorry this is short. Please don't hate comment and enjoy the rest of the story!

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