I Am Beautiful

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I decided not to tell Mike I joined the cheerios and wanted to see his face when I walked in the choir room and just explain later.

I decided not to tell Mike I joined the cheerios and wanted to see his face when I walked in the choir room and just explain later

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I would say it was worth it.

"H-hey." He smiled with wide eyes.

"Hi." I smirked.

"Hello." Tina said out of no where with hate in her eyes. Wonder what that's about.


"A roller rink?" Tina asked after Mr Schue told us his plan.

"Weren't those outlawed in like ,1981 for being totally lame?" Santana sassed beside me.

"Oh come on guys, where's your sense of adventure? The space is grate and April is giving it to us to practice in for free." Mr Schuester tried to persuade us until Kurt stood up.

( Brittany = Megan)

After Kurt's moving performance, we all clapped and left.


As I predicted, Mike came running up to me after glee club and started asking questions before I could even hear him.

"And why did you say you didn't like cheerios and now you are one? Why? Did Sue tell you to do this? Are you really sure this is what you want? I mean, you'll get a lot of boys looking at you and-"

"Mike! Stop!" I chuckled slightly at his rambling, turning to face him and stop walking. "All you need to know is Sue convinced me to join and yes, I'm sure I want to do this."

"Really?"He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, I promise. This makes me feel like a normal, high school girl and that makes me happy." I smiled.

"Well as long as it makes you happy." He smiled back, very close to my face now.

"I can think of something else that would make me happy." I smirked, looking at his lips.

"Well if it'll make you happy." He smirked and pushed his lips into mine and wrapped his arm around my waist.

As the kiss got deeper, Santana walked by and 'accidentally' kicked Mike in the leg.

"Ow!" He cried, breaking the kiss.

"You alright?" I asked.

"Yeah. Come on, we should get to class." He said disappointed.

"Ok." I mutted and looked back at Santana. 

What was that about?! What is her problem with Mike? She doesn't like us kissing and when we're kissing and I say 'What about Mike?' She just shuts me up! I have to asked her about this later.

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