Your hand in mine

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- And how come you found this door, so far from the abandoned farm? Thorin looked you straight in the eyes.
- Well, I saw the footprintes.
Thorin looked at his nephews.
- Thats right uncle, y/n called for us. Kili said a little to fast.
- Is that so... Thorin muttered. The trolls are most likely in the cave, sleeping. We make a trap, lure them out and take a look at their treasures.
Thorin looked at you all and the dwarves nodded and smiled. (Dwarves just love treasures.)
- It can be dangerous. Gandalf said but if we have a well thought out could work.
"Could" you thought...Gandalf is just as reckless as the dwarves. "Men" you mumbled for yourself but then...all this was your idea.
- Cant we lure them out now! You said and everyone started laughing.
- Have you ever seen a troll y/n? Dwalin shouted...
- No, but I know they turn to stone in sunlight. You said.
- And who would lure them out? You?!
- Well I don't see why not? You said with confidence and crossed your arms.

Nori had pick up the lock. Dawn was about an hour away. Fili, Kili and Ori was hiding near by for your protection if you needed help after you stepped inside the cave. The others guarding the trap near the farm.
And you were at the doorstep to a troll cave...

"And how will I lure out three trolls...I guess there is three? Bert, Tom and Vilgot. Thats how it was in the book...but what if they had like a family gathering and Tolkien did not think to write about that! And now all these trolls is just lying in there waiting for dessert! And I will end my life being the starter!"
You turned around and looked at the bush you knew Fili was hiding in and then you took a deep breath and stepped in the cave.

The smell was could hear breathing...and snoring.
"What if I just found the swords took them and then got out again"...No...Thorin was already looking at you with pensiveness and so did Gandalf.

You took out your lighter and was glad you didn't leave that in your saddlebag.

You looked around. The floor was full of bones, you even saw a human skull! Turned around with nausea...the walls had shelves and they were full of food, coins, gemstones and alot of other treasures.
There were clothes..."from the people they've been eaten!" The nausea came back.
Then you realized that the snoring had stopped.
You got so scared that you turned of the lighter and started backing out of the cave.

You ran out the cave knowing the trolls were behind you.
Fili, Kili and Ori were already waiting for you.
- Come on y/n. Fili said ran to you took your hand and all four of you ran back to the abandoned farm were the rest of the company waited with the trap.

You jumped over the tripwire and ran around the trap (a deep deep hole with branches over).
And then you heard a loud smash behind you...and every bird in the nearest tree flew away croaking.

- Three trolls in a said gasping for air.
- I hope you all digged it deep enough?
Fili smiled at you
- Dont you worry y/n us dwarves can dig...and you realized you were still holding his hand.
You did not wanted to let it go, You could feel Filis thumb losing the grip and start making circle movements in your palm. Your heart was pounding.
Thank god it was still dark.
You did not know what to do so you just did the same...let your thumb move in circles in Filis palm.
You were interrupted by the trolls they were yelling in anger in some troll language down the pit.
- Hurry now, to the cave. Thorin said. Dawn will be here soon so lets hope the trolls stay in the pit. Then he said a little bit louder so the trolls would here him.
- If they dont wanna turn into stone...they stay were they are!

So you gathered your ponies and things and all headed back to the cave. Fili and you let go of eachothers hands.
When you looked at him he smiled and you felt your cheeks blush and smiled back.

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