Chapter 13

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Pic above Taliah, Kyle and Harper with Kiara riding the three horses on the beach. Mid-way down chapter pic of their bathing suits.

Taliah's POV

Today I convinced Kyle for a day off from the office and I wanted to go riding on the beach Kyle and I put Harper's saddle and bridle into the horse lorry Kyle and I were going bare back but we packed our bridles and hung them on their hooks. Kiara was coming with us she would be riding with Harper. We groomed the horses before putting on their travel boots I hung up their hay nets and Kyle filled a 5litre drum of water and put in a water bucket for when the horses get thirsty later Harper and I tied up the horses who happily chewed on their haynets. Kyle pushed the door shut and I made sure the girls were all buckled up and Kyle drove us to the beach.

 Kyle pushed the door shut and I made sure the girls were all buckled up and Kyle drove us to the beach

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Once we arrived at the beach, we got the horses out and tethered them to side of the lorry. Whilst I put Merry-legs's saddle and bridle on Kyle took off the horses travel boots. The girls were putting on their helmets. Kyle and I put our own bridles on and we helped both girls mount Merry-legs. Kyle helped me up as he then hopped onto Duke. "Love the outfit babe, what I don't like are all the other fucking guys staring at what's mine." "Kyle hunny language" as I point my head to the girls. "Your right sorry." I kissed him. "Kiara you hold on tight to Harper ok." "Sure sissy" I may have lost a brother but I gained a little sister.
We started off just walking down the beach people taking pictures of us. I got my selfie stick out of the saddle bag around Merry-legs. We made are horses stop next to each other me in the middle and everyone leaned in Kyle planted a kiss to my cheek for a selfie 🤳 perfect. I put the phone and selfie stick in the waterproof saddlebag. "Who wants to swim with the horses." Everyone "ME, ME, ME, ME!" Everyone screamed including me. So we galloped our horses into the water till they were submerged, Kyle and I then dismounted holding onto our horses reins as we swam around, the girls stayed closer to the shallow end they didn't want to swim off Merry-legs plus my precious phone was in the saddle bag. Kyle wrapped me around his waist with his remaining hand holding me in place as we make out until Grace decided it was a good time to shove her face into me, boy that hurt Kyle patted her nose to tell her off, it was a light tap but she got the picture. After we swam a bit we gathered our reins back over their heads and pushed ourselves out of the water and mounted again as the horses swam back to the awaiting Merry-legs who was braying for her friends.

We all galloped around the beach until our horses started to tire then we walked back to the lorry and dismounted. Taking off their bridles and putting on their head collars (halters). We sweat scrapped them and brushed their manes and tails. We then placed the bucket of water underneath them but only Grace took water. We hung their haynets in front of them. I washed my hands then put more sunscreen on the girls and Kyle and I put some sunscreen on each other, sunglasses on as we lay on our towels and enjoyed the sun I kept lifting my head back I felt I was being watched it creeped me out. "Baby are you ok?" "I think someone's watching us I'm getting a creepy feeling." "Do you want to leave?"  "No it's not fair on the girls I'm just being paranoid." The girls checked the horses again for water they all took a drink, then the girls made sandcastles. We should make happy memories I wander if our parents are watching over us right now I hope so.

After about 2hours of Kyle and I sunbathing, kissing and getting everyone ice-cream we put the horses travel boots back on cleaned up the mess they left of the beach we hooked up what was left of their hay nets inside their stalls in the lorry and loaded them. Once we were all buckled in we were off back home. "That was so much fun we should all do it again." "Sure thing Har we'll definitely doing this again right babe." "Of course Taliah if you all had fun we'll do it more often." Kyle said. "I like this off duty mate" he held my hand until we arrived back at the stables. Kyle and Harper took the horses out to their field  I mucked out the lorry then washed the floor out I like a clean lorry sew me. We took the horses tack out to the tack room table as Harper started to clean hers Kyle and I cleaned up our bridles, then hanging them up on their hooks Kiara ran into the house. Today was so relaxing and fun, but I can't shake that feeling but if Kyle didn't pick up on it maybe I'm just being paranoid Shilo came running up to us rubbing his head on my knee as I stroked his ears. "I'm sorry Shilo maybe next time you can join us." He excitedly jumped up, barked and walked in front of Kyle and I we held hands as we walked back to the house, today was perfect. "Thank you Baby I needed this I know you probably have work to do I'll just go to the music studio" as I called it it was just a room with a grand piano, and a microphone. "Hey I took the entire day off to be with my girl your stuck with me but why don't we go to the music studio you can play something or sing something for me." His bright smile did it I kissed his cheek and we walked to the studio.

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