Chapter 26

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pic is Nearra and laying dow surrounded by her four pups.

Taliah's POV

I have a fiancé boy does it feel amazing to say that. I wake up with the urge to puke, I roughly remove Kyle's arm and run to the bathroom I lift the lid and my hair is pulled back Kyle is up rubbing my back but what I threw up wasn't normal it was blood. "What's happening to me Kyle I cant loose the pup." I start balling my eyes out he cleans my face and picks me up and sets me on the bed. "Nothing is going to happen to you or the pup I promise I'll find out.. "You have to shift for the remainder of your pregnancy it will only take four months, but your human form can't cope with carrying pure werewolf pups." Nearra told me, I guess I'll be having this pup in wolf form. I told Kyle he looked shocked, but then again we were in uncharted water here there has never been a she-wolf werewolf until Carrie and I. "I'll call the pack doc baby but you should shift if your wolf if Nearra is telling you it's safer then trust her."
He left to call the doctor I thought of my wolf her pure white fur and chocolate brown eyes and then I watched in the mirror as I felt my bones break and shift it hurt more than I thought it would but after an agonising twenty minute shift I was finally in Nearra's body.

Doctor Gablehouser came and was in amazement "Kyle tell her to quit staring or I'll scratch her face." I mind-linked him he swallowed and told the doc to check if our pup was ok. "My god your a true beauty" as Kyle stroked me I purred loving his touch on my soft fur. "Well as far as I can tell your pregnancy is going smoothly so far, although I'm not entirely sure, but you'll most likely remain in your wolf form throughout the pregnancy and birth, in the last month of your pregnancy going by normal wolves you'll probably make a nest in a dark place somewhere you'll feel comfortable to deliver in. Your wolf will know more. This has never happened before female humans were always giving birth to werewolf pups so the fact that you're a She-wolf I don't know Luna." Kyle sighed and walked her out. "I want meat not cooked meat I need a lot of raw meat right now." "Eww Nearra really." "Hey don't judge I'm a wolf it's what I'm suppose to eat."
"Ok baby I'll go hunting, Harper will keep you company whilst I'm gone." Kyle left with James to go for a hunt.
Harper and Kiara were more than happy to let me watch their princess battle to see who can become the next queen it was actually pretty funny to watch. Then Mark came in one of the packs pups he loved hanging out with them, he had a crush on Harper but she was blind and couldn't see it. So he often lowered himself to playing with the girls even though he was nine years old and I quote "I'm too grown up for baby girly games." Eat your words now little dude. Harper won queen queen whilst running with Mark on hot on her heals. Meanwhile Kiara was screaming "MUMMY, MUMMY HARPER CHEATS." They all just busted up laughing at the girls shenanigans.
"Baby come outside I have some meat for you." I bolted outside naturally everyone in the pack was curious about my pregnancy after all until Carrie and I only humans ever gave birth to werewolf pups. Oscar was waiting with a mountain lion carcass I licked his muzzle and he purred I didn't let him return the favour I was starving, I didn't think I could finish but by the time I was done Shilo was happily chewing on a femur bone. Everyone was shocked and amazed I polished the mountain lion off. "WHAT'S EVERYONE STARING AT I WAS HUNGRY AND I'M HORMONAL SO QUIT STARING." Wow I was a little mean Jesse I hate these wolf hormone things. "I'm sorry everyone I didn't mean to be rude." They all bowed some smiled in a forgiving and some women smiled knowing it was my hormones. This is going to be a challenge to stay in my wolf form for the duration of my pregnancy.
I was in my last month of pregnancy I was huge Dr.Gablehouser came to the house I stayed mostly downstairs in the living room I was finding it too difficult to go up and down the stairs Oscar stayed with me most of the time or Kyle until he had to work. My sisters often came down and watched Disney movies with me. I started building a nest with blankets and pillows on the floor making it nice for my labour.
The doc came in with a portable ultrasound scanner. "Ok Alpha, Luna, let's see this big pup." The jelly was cold I sat up in response "I'm sorry Luna I should have warned you, it won't hurt you or the pup I understand it's cold but the sensation quickly leaves I assure you." Nearra wasn't too sure she was an overprotective mum-to-be but I knew the jelly wasn't dangerous so she lay back down trusting me.
"Ok let's see there's the foetus, wait hang on," he zoomed out and back in on the picture I was worried what's wrong. Sensing my turmoil Kyle quickly spoke. "DOC WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG, YOUR FREAKING US OUT HERE." He looked dazed then shook his head. "Wha.. oh sorry I don't just see one pup as far as I can tell there appears to be three pups I think there may be a fourth but if so it keeps hiding." For the tough so-called Alpha Kyle collapsed on the floor I was shocked and a little scared don't get me wrong "but seriously Kyle you don't have to push three maybe four pups out SO WAKE UP" he snapped his eyes open and looked at me oh good he heard me then. "Sorry baby I know your doing all the work I was just you know what I-I need a second." Shit did he not want the pups, he should have thought about that before knocking me up. As if he read my mind "N-N-No Baby I still want this with you I'm just in shock I didn't expect three or four at once that's all I love you and the pups." He kissed my head "Hey I'm scared too Kyle but we're werewolves we can do this." I was trying to bolster my courage and it was working at least on him. We forgot the doc was still there. "Umm I can't tell you the sex's there's too many to get a clear view so it will be a surprise congratulations Alpha, and Luna are pack is in safe paws and hands. I'll leave you two alone." She stood up from her creaky old knees and bowed and left. Kyle shifted and Oscar and I fell asleep together.

It's been two weeks since my scan Kyle was working up in his office, I woke up to pain in my stomach I stood and paced around my nest I scrapped at the blankets to get them more comfortable, "pups on the way" Nearra screamed both in pain and joy me I just panicked shit what do I do, "James if your not busy keep the kids busy and away from me." I could feel his confusion but he didn't respond I took that as he did what I told him to do. "Kyle Get your MOTHER FUCKING ARSE DOWN HERE, NOW!" I screamed as a contraction hit I was about to mind-link the doc but the pain got me, just then the door opened "I'm sorry baby what did I do wro... oh shit is this... I-I I'll call doctor." Yeah you do that idiot. I know I'm grouchy so what I'm in labour. I whined as another one hit, I snarled at Kyle when he came close, no offence but I want him to watch the door I'm more wolf than human right now and wolves, the males guard and watch for danger whilst the Alpha female delivers.
Jesus is this never going to end Kyle was upset that the doctor was able to be with me but he couldn't I understand Nearra doesn't she barely tolerates the doctor invading her delivery. I lay down and started to push I whimpered as I lay flat on my side panting heavily with a little help from the doctor the first pup was born, a male and future Alpha, I mind-linked Kyle even though I didn't want him in with me he still needed to know. "Yes I need to see, move dad I need to see my pup." "Listen to me son I know you do but right now Nearra's in charge she knows your, the father and is keen but she doesn't like it you'll only stress her out at an already stressful time for her be patient, you will see your pups when they are all safely brought into this world." He barged in not listening and saw me the doc was trying to get the pup to suckle I stood up and Nearra growled at Kyle "WAIT OUTSIDE LIKE I TOLD YOU I'M IN ENOUGH PAIN, YOU'LL SEE THEM WHEN THEY'RE BORN." He whined and closed the door I took a few calming breaths and lay back down as my other water broke the pup just started to suckle but a contraction hit and I stood up carefully walking over my pup to get comfy and started pushing again. "This pup is breached Luna you will need to push hard." I nodded and tucked my head to my chest huffing I stood up from the pain and circled the nest before lying down again. Once the doc was able he pulled as I pushed oh my god this hurts so much I whimpered and then the doc pulled her out after clearing her airways I immediately started cleaning her before he set her down I need her to breath, to start moving after a good minute of me stimulating her she yapped, I licked both my pups and rested. I allowed Kyle in whilst my contractions subsided so he could see his pup's, after another two hours of nothing I snapped at Kyle he took it as his time to leave, I continued to push then another cry was heard "another girl Luna congratulations." I licked her clean and the doc helped them back on to feed, we wondered if I would have another one only 15 minutes past and I was having another contraction looks like we're having quads after more encouragement from the doc she was born I licked her clean and the doc checked me over "both you and the pups will be fine Luna I'll leave you alone now." She left and I allowed Kyle in for good. He gazed in wonder at our four pups.
"You did beautifully Taliah I'm so proud of you, you've given me everything I love you baby, sleep now sweetie we'll name them tomorrow." I was out quicker than he could finish that sentence.

Kyle's POV

I have a son and three daughters my fiancé has given me the world, I was upset to say the least I couldn't be in here with her when she delivered but it was her choice I will have to respect that. My parents keep wanting to come in I growl "NOOO YOU AREN'T ALLOWED IN YET." Both Oscar and I were on patrol whilst our young family slept, even if they were just my parents, it's not happening. I just watched my pups they either slept of fed one of the girls was wandering around of course they're born blind so I smiled fondly picked up her small body and kissed her head "I love you babies, daddy's here." I set her back onto Nearra and she started to feed.

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