Chapter 21

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Pic above abandoned old shack, bellow shack underground tunnels with old style cells vertical bars so prisoners can see out poorly lit. Song Madilyn Bailey Titanium.

⚠️ Warning contains torture and contains forms of violence.

Taliah's POV

I am carried on the beasts shoulders my hands and feet are tied with rope I'm rubbing my wrists trying to break free how did it find me am I going to die I quickly calm myself I know Kyle will be looking for me. "You kidnapped the wrong girl your a bitten wolf no match for a werewolf I'm mated to an Alpha he'll find you." Oh mind-link I mind link it works but it's fuzzy "Kyle Kyle HELP BITTEN WOLF, BEING C-CARIED BY B- WOLF." It keeps cutting out then the wolf shifts back naked great I got to look at an old mans ass the whole way now. "Don't bother mind-linking he won't be able to make it out I'm a a little hurt you didn't recognise me Taliah." "Why would I recognise you, I haven't seen your face I saw you in the forest during my ride but I don't fucking know you, you asshole." "Ahh I see your tongue hasn't improved much in 13 years." Oh my god it hit me this beast kidnapped me when I was young it was him. "I'm guessing by the beautiful silence you just remembered, I missed your potty mouth child. I have someone you'll want to meet she wasn't keen on you coming back." He put me down I quickly turned around I didn't want to see his you know what. It was a run down shack with the waterfall, hang on this looks familiar some how... oh god I'm back he dragged me through the house and down stairs to the underground cells it hasn't changed he throws me into a cell and locks it "the fun begins tomorrow." I sniffle and let the tears I've been keeping in fall."H-hey is that you Taliah." I turn quickly I see her opposite my cell is hers I grab the bars. "Carrie did he get you too." I was both ecstatic and angered because of him she's here. She didn't look good even in the terrible lighting, her hair was almost matted her dress must have been cream at one point but it's black colour now. "No I never left Tay I was hoping I'd never see you here again. Every night I close my eyes I get to live outside through you I see you playing with your little brother and you look up as if to see me staring back. Sounds stupid I know. Now at least I know he's a bitten wolf remember before we thought he was the Beasts brother you know from Beauty and the Beast." "Yeah crazy right I never forgot you, I dreamt about you outside playing with me. I have a little sister now too you'll meet her one day when my mate gets us out, my brother is well he's dead." I started to cry. "Did your mate's pack kill him or the council." She knew him how when why didn't my worthless brother tell me. "Oh the council you know about werewolves?" "You betcha Oh when the beast comes back you have to call him sir we get fed once a week, we can wash in our sinks as often as we want and three times a day a guard brings us water." Wow I forgot how to be a prisoner.
"Hey Tay what's your mate like." I'm glad she asked about him rather than this place I spent years forgetting. "Fairy tale type Tall, smouldering and handsome." "Wow you really narrowed him down." We we're both in stitches that's the thing I missed and always loved about Carrie she could turn anything into a joke I was the strong one she was the funny one I'm glad she hasn't changed. "Well he has brown hair and green eyes his wolf form is silver that shines in the sun." "Wow dreamy huh I wander if I'll ever get a boyfriend imagine if I got a mate too that would be something."

"Ah good you ladies have caught up." Carrie shrank to the back of her cell she's been in here for 13years I can't imagine what that's like. "Well both you girls are now caught up time for fun." In other words time for torture. He took me and a guard took Carrie as we walked together to the arena. "Well Taliah I know it's been a while do you remember what we do here?" I nodded remembering only to speak when spoken too. Save my energy to fight the pain when it comes it worked as a child.

We were gaged and strapped high our legs dangling in the air oh god not the whipping first. Carrie started to scream before the whip hit her god she must have been petrified I muffled into my gag concentrating on her as I was whipped she watched me in horror but I didn't scream it burnt and stung like hell but I focussed on my friend and muffled calmly into my gag hoping it would help her. I panted out the pain, I wasn't giving this fucker the satisfaction of my pain. After the 9th strike I closed my eyes and focused on staying alive putting my strength into breathing blocking out the pain. He finished and started on Carrie she watched me doing exactly what I was doing but she did cry and I heard her muffled cries so brave my friend is brave to endure this everyday for 13 years and she didn't even realise how strong she was. It broke my heart to see her being beat I wanted to hold her hand and hug her. He finished. "Well that's the quietest you've ever been Carrie." She woke up fast thrashing in her rope. "Looks like your friend gives you her strength huh, well good more suffering then."
The fucking Jerk put us in a pool with a grill above us so we couldn't escape we had to swim till our legs would go numb then we had to drown for 2 minutes before all the air would leave our lungs he'd pull us out. His methods never changed our backs were on fire when we hit the water we could see blood trickle around us from our wounds. After the first minute we didn't feel pain our hands were freed to help swim I hugged my friend for the first time in 13 years careful of her back as she did with me. "You know other than my little sister Harper you have been my only other friend after I never saw you again I didn't feel like I fitted in, with anyone else like my sister was gone a part of me stayed with you. Every night before I close my eyes I would talk to you as if you could hear me. I missed you so much Carrie." She started to cry and hugged me. About 20 minutes later my legs started to get numb  from the freezing water it felt like shards of glass coursing through my body and Carrie was going under and coming up for air she was passed it, I kept trying to keep her afloat but I couldn't take it and we watched each other as we sank letting the air escape us. Eventually we're we're yanked out and thrown on the ground as Carrie and I spluttered and coughed out the water from our mouths. We were tied again we weren't offered a towel to dry ourselves. We were placed on a table and strapped down we then had a rag get placed over our mouths and nose and we were forced to drink more water chocking they didn't stop until they heard chocking we'd cough up the water and they'd begin again.
Once that was over we were told to kneel then we were kicked and kicked our stomachs on fire. Carrie screamed "sssh C-C-Carrie I know it h-urts just block it out remember how I told you." She nodded tears in her eyes and then she blocked it out making the shooting pain numb. He must have broke one of my ribs but today's torture was over. "Put them together they've been apart long enough, and I want them compliant like they are now." And the guards picked us up and carried us back to Carries I mean our cell. Please find us soon Kyle I don't know how long we can last in here.
"You know in 13 years of being by myself that was the worst torture ever but at the same time it was good to have you coaching me through it again just like old times huh?" "Haha right just like old times you always were positive weren't you girl." She shrugged and smiled and we carefully lay down falling asleep together.

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