Chapter 14

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This chapter will show a sexual scene if you don't want to read move on to next chapter.
Taliah's POV

Tonight was Harper's play she was in the musical Annie she played one of the orphan girls. I was going over her lines when Olivia(Kyles mum) walked in. "Harper you'll break a leg I wish we could watch you but Kyle is under strict instructions to record the whole play so George, Kiara and I can watch it tomorrow." She kissed Harper on the head and left in all the time we've been here George and Olivia have become like parents to us both, they can never replace our parents but at least we've found a family to love us again.

"Hey baby how longs this play gonna be." Kyle hated these things. "Why you got somewhere else you'd rather be." I was getting so irritated with him. "Of course not Baby I just wanted to have a little alone time with you during the play or is it a play that has no breaks." I knew what he wanted "yes there's a break half way through for snacks." "I'm not talking about snacks" I elbowed him in the stomach as a werewolf it wouldn't hurt but he faked pain. "OW babe you want to play rough do you." I was about to start a fight with him when Harper ran in. "Sissy you don't look ready hurry up, you do know I have to be at school early." And she ran back downstairs. "Get the camera would you, I will change" he pouted and left me to change.

Once we arrived at the school a teacher escorted the children to a different room and we were escorted in the assembly hall. Many of the parents came up to me with their condolences I didn't want this I wanted to have a good time and watch my little sister without being reminded that my parents were brutally killed. "I'm sure Taliah appreciates your support but if you don't mind my girlfriend and I just came to watch Harper in the show." I was thankful for Kyle as he took me away from the gossiping parents and we picked out seats. Kyle held my hand and then the curtain lifted he started to record the play, we cheered when Harper came on. She was great not a foot wrong she sang every note in key I was so proud of her and I knew our parents were proud of their little girl too.
As the play hit the half way mark the kids were back in their classroom and the parents started to clear out. I started to follow them when I was tugged back to my mate. "We're going somewhere else" and he literally dragged me down the hall. "What are you doing, what's gotten into you." He chuckled when we reached an empty classroom, "Oscar's gotten into me babe." Oh right that time of the evening I almost forgot. "Well we can't be late for the pl..." I was cut off when he gave me a smouldering, intense kiss as he slammed me into the door and locked it behind me "uummpphhh" I watched his eyes turn black with lust. "I know how badly you want this don't fight me." So I didn't before I knew it he had my dress rolled up to my waist my thong a heap on the floor I already could feel him against my aching core. He wrapped my legs around his waist his trousers and boxers a heap at his feet his extremely large erect member strained pointing straight at my soaking core, but then a strange feeling happened between my thighs, was he shifting. "Don't worry" was all he said and then I felt him shift, what. "Baby, Oscar wants to be with us, so we can both be there when we claim you." I don't get it. "I'm only partially shifted." Then I look down to see silver paws and Oscars very large member jutting out ready and waiting. I grab the back of his hair tight as he sucks my mark, I moan loudly not caring if anyone comes in and sees us.
He's still holding me up against the door I need him so I lean down and stroke Oscar's extremely large erection he snarls fiercely I don't even care if people heard it. And he started to finger my wet folds as I grind onto his fingers moaning he growled in pleasure knowing what he was doing to me and just like I thought he removed his fingers and instantly shoved his member all the way to his base as he buried himself as far as he could go, I couldn't hold in the scream, besides I haven't had Oscar from this angle. After he let me adjust to his utter incredible length he pulled his now soaked cock out till only his tip was still inside me, as he smashed his lips to mine in a hungry, bruising kiss I grabbed his hair pulling his face closer as he drove right back in hard Kyle's fingers worked my clit, I moaned into his mouth. He was grunting as he started to thrust deep inside I could feel his penis inside hitting my uterus wow incredible, I arched my back against him to be as deep as possible and he lifted my legs higher up his waist to take himself deeper. "Faster Baby I need more Oscar, mmhh Kyle more." They both started to drive in and out a little faster, I was thrilled at them both claiming me at the same time the thought sent more desire straight to my core it was so hot. He could smell my arousal and thrusted deeper pounding my uterus with his large member the whole time I couldn't tell were he ended I love every second of this, as they began to fuck me widely I was screaming my head off who cares that I'm in a school, I hold onto his shoulders and dig my nails as deep into his jacket as they'll go and anytime my legs lowered he easily lifted them past his hips, Oscar was growling and Kyle was grunting as they thrusted with all their strength inside me. It felt like we were at it for hours I was so close to my climax, after four more harsh thrusts he slipped his finger out and I was there, "GGOODD BABY" I came screaming after a few more thrusts they both finished loudly growling as their juices spilled inside me, claiming me once again and leaving there mark, after the last of his cum entered me we both began to breath heavily he was still buried deep inside me but he started shifting back I heard cracking of bones below me as fur was replaced with skin. He held me tight for a moment not wanting to be separated from me I kissed his head "it's time babe we gotta go" Kyle then slowly removed himself from me and steadied me on my feet before I bent down to get dressed I was flushed and very weak on my legs not to mention incredibly sore which I loved knowing he didn't hold anything back that was a huge turn on for me oh god calm down Taliah no more time for that so we both dressed and Kyle grabbed the camera he would have picked me up but I refused.
Once we made it back to our chairs the curtains came back up so Kyle started recording again as we watched the rest of the play at the end the cast all took a bow and everyone waved at their parents. Once Harper saw us she jumped up and down waving like crazy we smiled back and waved. Kyle whistled at her and she along with the rest of the cast left to probably change. I excused myself I needed the toilet.
Once I came back I noticed Oscar was coming out he was angry and this other parent I assume was getting all up in Kyles face as I got closer I could smell the stench of alcohol the guy was drunk. I took Kyles hand he relaxed but not fully. "HEY WHY ARE YOU SHOUTING HERE AND AT MY BOYFRIEND JERK this is a school show a bit of respect." He then turned his glare on me and he was about to punch me when Kyle no Oscar grabbed his balled up fist I could hear it break and the man scream bloody murder at Kyle "Don't you EVER THINK OF TOUCHING MY GIRL AGAIN GOT IT OR YOU'LL LOOSE MORE THAN YOUR HAND!" The mans scared wife appeared but she wasn't scared of Kyle she was afraid of her husband. She tried to apologise on his behalf but he slapped her oh no now Kyle lost it. He hated it when men thought they were above woman and he especially hated woman beaters so naturally Kyle launched his full body weight on the smaller man and started punching him hard when I heard the mans bones break I yanked at Kyle. "ENOUGH hunny he's had enough the kids will be out soon." I saw Oscar retract back and Kyle took over he got off the man, and fixed his clothes. "If you ever think of hurting any woman again forget the police I'll finish you off and when I'm done there will be nothing left of you, your a drunk bully with a family it's time you grew the fuck up and be a man." Kyle just turned to me and I gladly welcomed his hug as he put his face in my neck so my scent would calm both him and Oscar. "You're everyone's hero tonight." "No I only wanna be your hero." Don't cry, don't cry.

Once Harper came out we got buckled up and Kyle drove us home as we gushed at how brilliant she was. It was later than Harper thought it would be so I took her up to her room she changed I took off her makeup from the play she brushed her teeth in the bathroom and got into bed after I finished singing she was asleep and Shilo came in I guess he'd stay with her for a bit first.
I went into our room whilst Kyle was already changed he was just wearing pyjama bottoms and his gorgeous bare chest on display. He watched me intently as I change into my tank top and short, shorts brushed my teeth and climbed in next to him. "Well tonight was interesting." I said this and he lent over me making out with me. After I took a gulp of air he started to speak. "I'm sorry I almost lost control and let Oscar out in front of the humans. I couldn't stand the bastard he called me a paedophile cause I was standing on my own until I heard you coming I was about to kill him. Then he went to hit you and actually hit his wife I lost it baby I'm sorry, I hope you don't think less of me for hurting him." Kyle looked so upset I think he was about to cry I gathered him in for a hug. "I will never think any less of you, what you did was very heroic of you and you didn't just protect me but you protected his poor wife from any injury. Other than that tonight was perfect especially at half time." He looked up smug and pleased with himself no longer sad and guilty, he kissed me with as much passion as he could put into the kiss once we pulled apart I laid down on my side pulling his hand around my waist he spooned me and kissed my exposed shoulder as I started to fall asleep I heard clearly. "I love you Taliah your mine forever."

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