Chapter 15

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Kyle's POV

I woke up to my door banging Taliah began to stir whoever it is I'll kill them. I kissed her head and told her to go back to sleep. She snuggled into my pillow taking in my scent she's so gorgeous. I opened my door roughly seeing Zach one of my warriors. "I'm sorry to disturb you Alpha but the bitten wolf you wanted us to find well strangely he found us we have him detained in the cells." Wow that was great news I shut the door gently he handed me a shirt and we walked down to the cells. "Inform the council immediately." He bowed and left I nodded to the guards and they opened the door and shut it behind me.
"Well I finally meet the fur bag that bangs my sister." He chuckled then glared. "She stopped being your sister when you took an innocent life. What I don't understand is why you were willing to just walk onto my territory, and why haven't you tried to kill my mate and her sister it's what your kind does." I watched his eyes turn yellow my men had him heavily sedated but even if he regained control he was heavily chained up to the reinforced wall. "You'd like me to answer those questions, well no I'll wait for my trail. Oh and tell Taliah my master can't wait to see her." I lost control I snarled and leaped for his throat as he tried to laugh even though I was crushing his windpipe. "ALPHA save it, the council will kill him anyway." James came grabbed me by my arms ripping me off the runt as he dragged me out of the cell. "Should I tell Taliah her brothers here." I said it more to myself but James heard me. "She deserves to know but I wouldn't let her down here Alpha, she'll see him at the trail."

I could hear my mate playing the piano so I went to the little studio, I know she heard me come in but she kept playing the theme tune to the titanic, as I collapsed on the sofa deliberating wether I should tell her or not. She finished and came over and straddled my lap jumping up and down excitedly "I missed you, where were you I went to your office you weren't there I thought you were attacked by rogues or something." Then she started to get upset so I pulled her head to my chest soothing her and saying sweet things to calm her down, I think I'll tell her I don't want to have any secrets between me and my mate. I took a deep breath tilted her head back so she could look at me. "Baby our warriors caught your brother just outside our territory he came with them willingly oddly enough, he's in our cells at the moment until the council come." I'll leave the bit out were he said his master couldn't wait to see her, I don't want to scare her further. She looked in shock, I wondered if I did the right thing by telling her.
She slowly nodded her head. "Well a part of me doesn't want to see him but on the other hand this could be my last chance to have a deep conversation before he's he.." she broke down in tears this was gonna be one of those horrible days for her. I rubbed her back and scented her neck as her cries slowly calmed down. My wolf was aching to hold her and comfort her as I did so I let him out. "MINE, BEAUTIFUL MATE" She looked up to see Oscar he kissed her and she responded willingly as their tongues fought for dominance but Oscar won, she was calmed down now and I forced myself back forcing a very angry Oscar back he wasn't happy to have his thunder stolen I pulled back from the kiss and wiped her tears away with my thumb. I placed my head on hers as she regained her breathing.
I held her hand as she bravely decided to talk with Luke I wasn't leaving her side as she leaned into me as we entered his cell.

Taliah's POV

I watched my brother or what use to be my brother hang there by his arms he didn't look up at me and his eyes were shut. Kyle stood right beside me and held firmly to my waist I didn't want him to leave me alone the last time I saw my brothers beast it clawed deep at my leg that left a long scar by the way. As he woke up I took a step back Kyle took a step forward to put me behind him. "So sister dear you found a bodyguard." Kyle growled loudly at him I trembled behind him Luke looked like my brother but he wasn't there, there was nothing there anymore I gathered my courage and stood in-front of Kyle who wasn't pleased but let me as he put his nose on my mark to calm himself.
"Ok beast why were you so willing to come for your death you know what the council will do to you?" "Oh I know, my master told me too." So he just obeys "so he says jump and you say how high huh." He started thrashing at his chains he couldn't break them but even still it was enough for Oscar to push me back as he shifted in front of me and stood between us again the guards also entered but stood at the door waiting for orders from their Alpha. "What's the matter Alpha afraid I'll hurt what's yours hahaha well I would if I could I failed my master so he sent me here ready for my execution." He looked unhappy that he failed his creator not happy that he scared me or hurt me I felt outcasted by my own little brother I use to play with and look after. I was right he wasn't there no more. "Who's your master?" He looked up and smirked. "You'll find out one day soon but I'll give you a hint you've already met him." That was all he said I asked him five more times getting more scared and angry all at once so I turned and left, I had to get out of the house I decided I'd take Grace out for a drive Oscar was behind me so I turned and stroked his head, then I wrapped my arms around his head and let it all out, he whimpered as I cried it all out. After I couldn't cry anymore I let go of his neck, brushed my tears away. "If your coming with me I'm going for a drive I suggest you let Kyle back Oscar the horses won't like you, he turned right back naked as the day he was born as he ran off to a tree he always kept spare clothes at, he came running back to me and kissed me deeply. "I'm sorry baby I know that was hard for you, let's go tack up Grace." He took my hand and we went for a drive he understood that I didn't want to talk about it anymore so he never brought it up, besides I will be facing the beast soon enough again at the trail. What I need to know is who is this person I'm supposed to know I've met a lot of people in my life could he not have narrowed it down for me.
After our drive I mucked out Graces stable I know horrible but I find it relaxing the best part new bedding as I kick the clumped up bedding around then fork it to place. When I finish I pat Grace's neck and shut her stable door then put all the mucking out equipment in the other room, and wash my hands. Kyle and I walk to the door when we see the council arrive, great just when I was beginning to relax they had a large black van all windows at the back were blacked out I'm guessing for the bitten wolf 'I could no longer call him brother' would be escorted back to headquarters in that. I didn't want to talk to anyone right now knowing my thoughts Kyle did all the talking. I excused myself to play with the girls and Kyle welcomed them and showed them down to the cells.

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