Chapter 19

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Above Taliah's outfit

Taliah's POV

Alpha Dorren brought along his Omega's mate's which I don't care that their bottom ranks all count to make a pack I don't think this Dorren feels the same though. They seemed a bit young to already be mated but as they informed me they were only marked and weren't ready for that, understandable. There names were Chloe and Zatana awesome name I thought.
"Ok baby, Dorren and I will be not far away and we'll be able to hear if anything happens be careful please." I kissed him then Dorren interrupted "just find out everything you can and you lot will listen to this Luna got it." The girls frantically nodded in agreement saying 'yes Alpha' this guy is such an ass and it's like he's already forgotten my name and who's plan this was in the first place. Kyle and I were fully bonded he read how pissed off I was at Dorren. "Hey back off Jerk we don't have to help you, this is my mate's plan and her name is Luna Taliah you'd do well to remember who your talking to." Alpha Dorren looked appalled that someone would talk to him like that Alphas to proud but Kyles an alpha like him and he's on our territory right now so he bit his tongue.
As my Beta James and Dorren's Beta Brandon and the two girls from Dorren's pack loaded into the car for the short drive to town. "Luna stay by me please" I nodded "don't look so worried James your with humans they won't figure it out unless you shift but I promise to be careful knowing my brothers next to me right." I winked and he laughed our simple cover was that myself and the girls were all sisters, James was our brother and Brandon our cousin who's visiting with us and we just moved into town.

'Hunters Life' was the shop that was suspected to have weapons and people who'd harm werewolves really what an original name to call your shop both James and Brandon were on edge but hid it well, I entered first and saw three men turn and stare at me checking me out I shivered in disgust creepy I could hear Kyle growl through my mind-link. Ok I didn't look like a hunter good I don't want to. I went up to the desk and smiled brightly almost hurting my face. "Hi we're new in town these are my siblings and that's my cousin we heard terrible gossip that wolves roam around here is it true." I acted all terrified and concerned. "Well dear yes they are massive beast like wolves" another growl in my mind-link I could feel James start shaking like he was losing control. I put my arm on his shoulder pretending to relax. "It's ok though I'm sure you guys have this under control would my family need any protection. Like how do you catch them don't they hunt in packs is it safe for you." I hate pretending to care about hunters in fact I was scared shitless Kyle and James felt it but didn't say anything Thank god.
"Well dear if you don't mind me asking what's your name?" The shop owner said I slapped my head and he chuckled. "Oh god I'm sorry were our my manners, I'm Kristen, this is Sophie and Jewels my brother here is Mike and Riki is our cousin." He nodded to everyone and shook my hand god his hand is sweaty.
"Well we have a hunting team so the towns pretty safe if you wanna join I'd be sure we'd welcome more recruits." As he eyed James and Brandon both looking nervous now. "Sir what's your name if I may ask." "Thomas" "Well Thomas like I said Brandon is our cousin he's only visiting and if I'm honest between you and me my brother's aim is pretty awful." James glared at me I shrugged then Thomas laughed I wanted to punch him.
"If you every see a wolf give me a call" as he handed me card with his number on it. "For your family's safety take this It was a list of names and numbers. "What's this." "That is a list of our members and there numbers should you ever come into bother. Oh and please follow me," I nodded looked at 'my family' and we all walked behind the counter then Brandon and James froze in fear. James mind-linked me. "There's weapons that can kill us in there I think Brandon and I will stay here." I nodded subtly and made an excuse "ah my brother and cousin want to take a closer look at something in your shop my sisters and I are intrigued as to what you want to show us Thomas." He smiled widely, "I hope you girls aren't busy I feel you need first hand insight as to what you could see in this town." "We trust you completely Thomas." As he took us past a warehouse filled with gross weapons, traps and poison to kill werewolves the place had a pretty foul smell to it but we weren't stopping the girls subtly took pics on their phones for evidence part of the plan they collect evidence I distract.
He took us in his truck, I knew Kyle would follow, I left mind-link open for Kyle and the pack. "You will be very safe dears there are silver traps that surround this old jail house." Thats when Kyle stopped following. "Is silver special or something." "Hahaha yes Kristen silver is like a paralyser for a wolf makes them weak, so I assure you, you and your sisters will be safe when I show you this" we stopped got out of the truck Chloe discreetly recorded on her phone claiming she was playing candy crush, he believed easily. "As you can see the bars are made from silver" they were Barbaric looking cages with silver spikes jutting out of them. "Sometimes we kill them and some with really nice coats are sold to other hunters for sport." I nodded inwardly wanting to claw him to death. As we walked past we saw some men in the cages bruised and gashed badly I wanted to help them. "You said wolves these are men why are they injured and in here" I demanded.
"You see Kristen we have werewolves in this town and in others so those men are weak from the silver and wolfsbane we restrain and feed them with." My heart broke for them one looked at me and saw I was marked he looked away thank god. I could here Kyle say that was one of Dorren's pack members that was stolen. "Well thank you for showing us how dangerous this town can be you've been most helpful" and Thomas escorted us out. "So is this place always heavily guarded." "Yes but of course we gotta eat and sleep but there's alway at least 3 guards around." Well that doesn't seem a lot I heard Kyle nodding and smiling.
He drove us back to the store where James and Brandon were instantly at our side. "Thank you so much Thomas I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I'm sorry if my sisters and I took you away from your business for too long." "Not at all dear you guys keep safe and remember give us a call if you see one." I nodded and we left and piled into the car I let out a huge breath and James drove back home.

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