Chapter 22

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Taliah's POV

We woke up the guards gave me a tooth brush so Carrie and I brushed our teeth and waiting anxiously. "Well my little niece how was your first night back." The beast has a niece here both Carrie and I looked around to see who his niece was poor girl. "Hahaha Josh look at this." He pointed to us and we averted our gaze. "You don't know who I am do you Taliah my fucking brother never told you about me." Wait what he's my Uncle. "I can understand why my father didn't tell me about you." He looked surprised but he didn't know were I was going with this. "He probably left it out cause he was ashamed..." "good he should have been..." "Oh I wasn't finished talking, Carrie did it look like I was finished." "No you look like you had more on your mind why don't you finish." He sneered he hated how we were acting to him at this moment I didn't care.
"Well I think my father was ashamed to call you family let alone his brother I mean what loving uncle would kidnap and abuse his own niece I think my father was probably appalled to share the same blood as you. That's what I think, oh sweet uncle."
He looked pissed but he didn't come in to beat me maybe he will later I stayed on guard. I know what I did was pretty ballsy but even if he hit me, I knew which buttons to press when the time comes.

Oddly it's been 3 days or at least I think it's been three days hard to tell when your in a dark dungeon, anyway my so-called uncle hadn't returned from his hissy fit yet we got fed yesterday that's suppose to do us a week. I have been very dizzy the past two days I don't know why, sometimes I just wish I'd pass out already but I don't. Then a door through the tunnel nearly broke off it hinges. "RIGHT WE'RE DOING THIS NOW THESE MUTS ARE GETTING TOO CLOSE BECAUSE OF HER." My uncle points to me. "But sir the machine isn't ready it's not been tested yet." A man in a lab coat I guess it's experiment time I look nervously at Carrie who whispers in my ear. "The last time I was experimented on was when you were still here, I've no idea what awaits us Taliah I do know they were making a machine to make sir stronger, that's all I know."
I guess we're the guinea pigs again.

The scientists strapped our whole bodies to a table that laid us horizontally I could see a massive scary looking machine with extremely long I'm guessing 9inch needles that must be going inside us there was some type of formula hanging from the side of the machine. My uncle approached me. "This machine will change both your lives if you are strong enough you will become something entirely different if you fail well I know not to try it myself yet." What now I'm freaking out I try and pull my arms out of the straps I feel my circulation get cut off from my tugging. He goes over to Carrie probably telling her the same thing. I'm getting frustrated as I thrash to try and get free. KYLE FIND ME ALREADY.

Kyle's POV

It's been three days I have not slept much to my family's annoyance Harper keeps asking for Taliah I leave because every time Taliah's name is mentioned I break down where is my love I know she needs me. We've been looking for three days around any water source we came across I even took Shilo he's a full canine he could track better than us. I was hopeful today I would find her something inside gave me hope we trekked up the mountain, I sniffed for her scent but couldn't smell even a trace of it she wasn't here, but Shilo looked on edge he didn't want to leave he wasn't angry he was confused maybe a little happy he's got something. "What did you find boy." He picked up jewellery. Taliah's necklace the one her friend Carrie gave to her she was close. "Good boy Shilo keep looking." He huffed and wagged his tail, I'm coming baby I'm coming.

Taliah's POV

The machine buzzed to life I was panicking as our tables slid under the machine I saw a lazer type red light hit my forehead I could hear Carrie beside me screaming for me. "Hey Carrie I'm still with you we'll make it through this whatever happens promise you will stay strong and fight with me ok I'm not losing my best friend today or any other day do you hear." She snuffled "I won't leave you Taliah but I'm scared to death."  "You and me both. It's ok to be scared we wouldn't be human if we weren't but we can either let the fear consume us and die or we can face it and live, I choose to live wanna join me over here." She gave me a brief laugh "I'll join you all the time Tay try stop me."
I shut my eyes then I felt it the needles jammed into my skin drilling my bones I couldn't hold it in I could hear Carrie screaming. For once I broke and screamed bloody murder I felt very hot the serum type stuff was probably coursing through my veins I felt like I was being poisoned "AAAHHH UNCLE STOP THIS." I could hear him laugh in the background Carrie must have blacked out I felt the same thing happening stay alive I'm not dying now, today like this no way keep breathing Taliah I chanted this believing in my words hoping it would be enough to survive.

I woke up everything was white I couldn't feel any pain only calm no shit I'm dead. I heard a dainty giggle. "My child you are not dead just being reborn." Reborn WHAT "I-I don't want to be reborn I'd like to be alive at home with my mate and sister and Carrie oh god Carrie." "Never fear you will be reunited soon enough with your loved ones I have told Carrie and I must tell you. Taliah I'm the Moon Goddess I know your Kyle has told you about me. This maybe hard to hear at first but thanks to your uncle you and Carrie will be the first ever female werewolves ever as you know only males survive transformation but you possess an extreme fight that your friend has managed to find within herself thanks to your guidance and because of you, you will both be coveted in werewolf society but be warned everything that can harm your mate can now harm you. I have also prepared a mate for your friend she doesn't know but you will soon, now go my dear, wake up and when the time is right you and Carrie must be the ones to kill your uncle, goodbye child." And then she was gone I could hear faint noises getting louder.

I was on the ground and saw I think it was Carrie. "You bet your ass it's me took you long enough." "Wait your mind-linking with me how" "we share a strong bond like sisters so according to the Moon Goddess lady we'll have a link your pack and even your mate can't connect with." "Hey Tay what's my wolf like? "She's beautiful blonde fur and blue eyes, what's mine like?" "You're pure white with brown eyes.

" "Hey Tay what's my wolf like? "She's beautiful blonde fur and blue eyes, what's mine like?" "You're pure white with brown eyes

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"It worked I'll be the strongest wolf alive." "Eeerrhh lets kill him we're strong enough now." "No wait till he tries the machine trust me Look we are pure hearts we haven't killed an innocent person plus we fight for each other like a loyal pack would. He isn't pure he kidnapped his own family killed an innocent person abused us most of our lives and turned my brother when he killed someone. Trust me my gut tells us to wait." So we do we watch him get on the table get strapped in and go through the machine.

"Hey girl woah cool I'm a wolf" Wait "who are you?" This weird voice in my head I could feel her jumping inside my head. "I'm your wolf Nearra and Carries wolf is Ophelia. Oh and don't worry thanks to Shilo Kyle will be near shortly once he figures out the maze of tunnels also while I get to speak we're pregnant. YEAH PUP PUP." I looked to my stomach in shock then I heard a growl from the table both Carrie and I snarled then we heard Oscar Carrie hid behind me as Oscar bashed the door open he looked at me confused he knew I was Taliah but last time he saw me I was human. Ok let's try this. "Babe can you hear me it's me Taliah my wolfs name is Nearra and this is Carrie her wolfs called Ophelia." He ran to me and started licking my muzzle he looked exhausted Shilo came up and jumped in excitement I wagged my tail and bowed my head.

Then all of a sudden my uncle leaped at us he was not a werewolf like he hoped Carrie and I lunged him and tore him apart paybacks a bitch we licked his blood off our mouths we're finished with that monster. I looked over and saw James staring into Carries eyes. "AAHH CARRIE HE'S YOUR MATE, HIS NAME IS JAMES HE'S THE BETA LOOKS LIKE YOUR STUCK WITH ME GO GREET HIM ALREADY." I sensed her worry and ran to her rubbed my head on her shoulder and barked at her. "Don't panic just go he's a gentle giant I promise just rub your head in his neck he'll do the same." I turned and Kyle was confused that I talked to her. "She's a pure female wolf we're the only two of our kind she feeds off my strength so because of this we share a mind-link no one else can hear. I was convincing her that James is a good guy she doesn't trust easily she's been trapped here since she was kidnapped at 7."
He nodded his head and we left this place never to see that thing ever again I'll tell Kyle tomorrow I'm pregnant this baby's a fighter putting up with the beatings and stress.

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