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Driving through the harsh rain at night, I think about how Cade has become. Seeing him like that. He is so broken. So scarred. He knows what he did. And he regrets every bit of it.

Everything is a blur. Besides the tears blocking my view of the road the cold air is making my window fog and the rain will not stop. There is no traffic. So therefore there are no cars. I momentarily look at the picture peeking out of my backpack thinking of how close we all were. Then I look back up.

I drive down a hill to get to my house which is a couple blocks away from there. The hill is slippery and hard to control. The sky is turning black now. And there is no light except for the light poles on the sidewalk. Even then it is dim. My car loses control as I am carefully going down. Its wheels pivot at a high speed as I speed through the street. My breaks are not working at all.

Suddenly the power of the light poles goes out and I can't see a thing. I swirl the wheel to different directions trying not to hit anything. A loud creak occurs and I am scared for my life. With a tremendous crash a light pole comes tumbling down and hits the hood of my car. The car jerks violently forward and I am hurtled through the glass window onto the freezing street.

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