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"You need to leave. What are you doing here?"

Surgery had just two days ago, but Jasmyn didn't stop herself from going to visit her best friend. Things had been weird - no, awkward - was the better phrase. She didn't get a child to meet the baby that she was carrying. A baby that she was psyched to meet, a child of her own. It was even determined that she was unsure she would even have a kid. Jasmyn didn't know how to cope, but she knew she had bigger fish to fry. Her parents would be in town tonight to take her home and spend a few days without her, but there had been so much pain. So many things she wasn't ready to address.

She looked to Sajaír, who somehow managed to pull his weight and get into the hospital. He wasn't supposed to be here, not at all. When Jasmyn was being carried away in the separate ambulance, she made sure to communicate her wishes of him being banished to the EMTs. Sajaír turned around, tears covering his face as his head rested at the stomach of Le'Maya. She looked so beautiful resting, even though machines had been hooked up to her all around her body.

Sajaír didn't respond, he just rested his head at her stomach with pleas at his lips. Surgery hadn't made her less beautiful, but it didn't bring her back either. It wasn't enough.

"Come back to me, Le'Maya," Sajaír said, pleading. It was all that he could say. Jasmyn came to him, holding the the IV stand in her hand as she walked over. She placed her hand on Sajaír's shoulder, shaking her head.

"There was nothing they could do."

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