In Case of a Dark Dragon, Go Here: Part 2

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"Well that's just great." Seliph snapped, looking up. His sword balanced precariously on the edge of the decent sized ice shaft, and there was no way he could reach it from where he was. "We're stuck down here."

The other man, Julius, fixed his cuffs. "That's not my problem. I still have my tome, and you lost your divine sword. This is just wonderful for me." He snickered, crossing his arms. "You mean that tome?" Seliph said wryly, pointing up at the non-descript book, not his usual dark draconic book, that had been dropped beside his sword. "Because you dropped it."

"By the dragons" Julius muttered, the smirk sliding off his face. "That's what you get for pulling me down here, little brother." Seliph replied, as he tried, and failed to climb up the side of the ditch. "I am NOT your little brother!" The red-haired man retorted. "I'm probably older, anyway." Seliph rolled his eyes, and questioned his life choices, before he continued on. "I doubt that. Anyway, why did you pull me down here, when we'd both get stuck in the first place?" Julius huffed. "You fell down here yourself, I had nothing to do with it."

"That's a lie, you slipped and I tried to help you up before you dragged me down with you" Seliph snapped. "Something's up with you, Julius. You're not acting like yourself at all." The other man looked up. "Oh really. Seliph? And what's my normal personality then?" He replied sarcastically.

Seliph thought about it. "Why aren't you hunting down heroes and forcing them to fight each other for your personal benefit?" He shot back, his voice tinged with a sardonic tone. "You. Take. That. Back." Julius snarled, poking a finger at Seliph's chest. "Can't take it back when it's true." The blue-haired man replied, crossing his arms..

"Well, at least I don't hide behind my father's legacy, and worship him like some deity!" Julius countered, staring Seliph down. "I made my own legacy and completely blew my father off. You should try it." Seliph looked at his nails. "Yeah, I don't 'worship' my father, and besides you deify something incredibly more screwed up. And speaking of, you can't say anything about me hiding behind my father's legacy, when you cower behind your girlfriend every time we're sent out to fight!"

Julius laughed. "At least I have a girlfriend." He snickered. "Not exactly something you can relate to, since female heroes avoid you like a plague." "That's a lie." Seliph replied. "Julia likes me."

"Please, she doesn't count, she's our sister" Julius scoffed, rolling his eyes. Seliph just stared at him. "Yeah, there's definitely something wrong with you." He muttered, drumming his fingers on his arm. "Are you sick or something? Did you ram your head when you fell down here?" The other man glared at Seliph. "What? There's nothing wrong with me! Stop filling this ditch with your lies!" He snapped.

"You didn't gripe about Julia when you mentioned her." Seliph pointed out. "You always do that, even when it ticks me off." Julius thought about it for a second. "I hate to admit it, but you're right. Guess I haven't had much to complain about her recently.. She's actually been incredibly helpful."

Seliph blinked and tried to process what he just heard. Julius looked up at him and hissed. "Stop gawking at me, Seliph. You might want to start figuring a way out of here, before we freeze to death or get killed by bandits." He growled. "Are you going to help me?" Seliph asked, tapping his foot. "Of course not. You're a peasant, I'm a prince! It's out of the question." Julius replied haughtily, shooting Seliph an arrogant look.

"Huh, Guess I was imagining things. You definitely haven't changed one bit." Seliph muttered, kicking at the ice.


"Summoner, where exactly are we going?" Ishtar muttered, as she paced next to Kiran.. "We've been walking for awhile, it's starting to snow, and all anyone can see is white!" The group had started out to Nifl, while Roy stayed behind in order to monitor the situation.

So far, it wasn't going well.

"Ishtar, we've been walking for half an hour." Kiran responded wryly. They sounded tired. Reinhardt rode his horse up beside Ishtar. "If you are cold Lady Ishtar, let me offer you my coat." He offered, as he brought his horse to a walk. "No thank you, Reinhardt. I'll be fine." Ishtar replied, as she crossed her arms. The other mage nodded, but kept his horse close to the woman.

Sharena smiled a little and she pulled Kiran a ways away. "They're kind of cute together, don't you think?" She pointed out nicely, as she pointed at Ishtar and Reinhardt while they spoke with each other. Kiran shrugged. "I'm not really one to comment on hero relationships." They muttered in response.

"Summoner." Naesala called, as he landed in raven form in front of Kiran. He transformed back, and brushed frost off of his coat. "I could not see anything, and the snow has completely clouded my sight. I apologize." Kiran just squeaked again, which caused Naesala to shoot them a weird look but Sharena jumped in immediately. "That's fine, Naesala. We'd rather you'd not freeze, so stay on the ground." The princess said, as she scooped up her lance. The raven king nodded, and walked ahead to join Ishtar and Reinhart.

Sharena turned to Kiran, who was trying and failing to hide the fact that their face was scarlet. "Hey, what's wrong?" She asked, and then she grinned and nudged them on the shoulder "Does our Summoner have a crush?" Kiran shook their head, and crossed their arms. "Nope, nope, you're clearly seeing things Sharena. You don't know anything about me! My likes, my dislikes, my gender, nothing!" They replied quickly, walking ahead.

"That doesn't matter at all!" Sharena giggled, skipping up beside Kiran. "Oooh wait till I tell Alfonse and Anna. They'll be so excited!"

Kiran groaned, and questioned what they were doing, when suddenly Reinhardt rushed out from the growing snowstorm. "Princess, Summoner. We may have found something." He said briskly.

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