The Story of the Dining Hall: Part 3 and Epilogue

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"Ugggh." Kiran groaned a half hour later "Where is Anna? She should be back by now! How am I gonna be able to prove my theory?"

Not like it mattered anyway. Kiran wasn't even sure their idea was correct. The summoner sighed and buried their head in a ton of papers. "Wait a minute." They gasped quickly, glancing up. "Are these origami cranes?"

They shot a look over at Naesala who was turning what remained of their ruined notes into folded birds. The raven glanced back at them. "What? I'm bored." He replied nonchalantly, messing around with another crane. Kiran picked one of the birds up. "I didn't know you could do this." They said, inspecting the little crane. "Is this a hobby or something?"

Naesala laughed out loud. "Please. Mercenary work isn't the only way I bring money to Kilvas." He handed the newest folded crane to them. "Here, you can keep this one. I guess you could consider it part of an apology for accidentally ruining every one of your papers."

"Thanks, I guess." Kiran replied, pocketing the little bird. As they did, thunder boomed outside, causing them to jump and knock over a book. Naesala looked over at them, somewhat confused. "Are you afraid of thunderstorms?" He asked, sounding interested. Kiran shook their head, and crossed their arms. "No, that just scared me a little. Why'd you ask?" They responded.

He shrugged. "Just a question." Kiran wanted to ask why, but at that moment someone knocked on their door. "Summoner? I'm back!" Anna called. "Can I come in?" Kiran nearly fainted in relief.

"YES!" They yelled in response. Anna walked in, holding the tome and Feh, who was napping. "Well, I got the tome cleaned." She said, handing the book to Kiran and Feh to Naesala, who clearly didn't want to hold the owl. "I can't tell whose it is though." Kiran studied the tome with interest. "I recognize this design. It's from the world of Holy War." They noted. "Makes sense with the notes, but I can't tell whose it is either."

"Then get someone else to recognize it. I want to leave." Naesala muttered, trying to get Feh off his lap. Kiran and Anna looked at each other. "That's not a bad idea." Kiran said. "Anna, if you could-?" The commander nodded. "Give me a second."

She rushed out of the room, and a few minutes later ran back in, dragging a ginger mage behind her. "Here, I found someone." Kiran looked up, and sighed,, recognizing who it was immediately.

"What do you two want? I was busy with something." Julius snapped, brushing dust off his robe. "And why is the raven here?" Naesala looked like he wanted to comment on that "raven" note, but Kiran was ahead of him. "Do you know whose tome this is? It was found in the ruins of the dining hall." They asked, handing the book to the mage.

He glanced at it and handed it back to them. "It's Valflame." He replied immediately.


"Can you elaborate.?" Naesala muttered, crossing his arms. Julius yawned. "It's my dad's, Emperor Arvis, tome, Valflame." He suddenly perked up. "He probably burned down the dining hall! Oooh this is good, I knew he did it!"

Kiran waved a hand, hushing him. "Well, I'm not going to jump to conclusions yet. Anna, could you get Arvis for me? This is the last person I promise?" Anna sighed and nodded, while Julius started getting more excited. "How are you going to punish him? Banish him back to Grannvale? Make him my servant for a day-"

Anna pulled him out of the room before he could continue. "Well, he's annoying." Naesala snapped, stretching his arms. Kiran sighed and shrugged. "What can you do? Now we just have to wait for Arvis, and maybe then we can get some answers!"


A knock sounded at the door, and Kiran glanced up. "Come in." They called.

Emperor Arvis entered the room and sat down awkwardly in the chair. The moment he saw Valflame, the look on his face changed to one of automatic shame.

"He's guilty." Naesala muttered, scribbling something down. "Hush." Kiran replied. They handed the tome to the mage. "Is this yours?"

He nodded, looking like he was trying to avoid the question. "Uhm yes. Where did you find it?" He added. Kiran sighed. "Guess we can't beat around the bush anymore. Why'd you do it? We needed that dining hall!" They said bluntly, throwing their hands in the air.

Arvis crossed his arms. "I can promise you I didn't mean to burn down the hall. It was an accident for my true job" He said simply. Kiran looked confused. "I'm sorry, what?" They asked, confused.

"He was trying to kill that one knight." Naesala replied, handing some of their notes to Kiran who scanned them. "See, you wrote down about the fellow's burns, and that he's hospitalized." That's when it hit Kiran.

"You tried to KILL Eldigan, Quan and Sigurd?" They gasped, backing away. Arvis hissed and flipped through Valflame. "I didn't try to kill the other two. Sigurd was my only target." He snapped.

"Julius was right. That's a new one." Kiran muttered, still in shock. "Well, how are you going to punish him?" Naesala asked, handing his notes to them. "Banishment does make sense."

Arvis looked horrified at the word "banishment", and Kiran didn't exactly want to do that. "I have a better idea." They said, straightening their hood. "Arvis, you're going to help rebuild the dining hall, without magic." They started.

"Well, that's not that bad." Arvis muttered. Kiran cleared their throat. "I'm not done. You also have to go apologize to SIgurd in the infirmary. In person. And you have to do it now."

The man hissed and stood up. "And I'm the evil one?" He snarled, before storming out. "Is everyone in that family a drama queen?" Naesala muttered. Kiran laughed and leaned back. "Presumably so,. But at least we can finally put this matter to rest." They sighed.

"Yes. Yes we can" The raven added, crossing his arms.


Kiran paused in their story and glanced over at Alfonse and Sharena, who looked very confused. "That's it?" Sharena asked, sounding disappointed. The summoner nodded. "Yep. Commander made sure Arvis did apologize to Sigurd, and didn't try to attack him again." They added, stretching.

"What about the raven king?" Alfonse asked. Kiran laughed a little. "Oh he left, but came back to take my notes the next day. I didn't even ask him. How nice is that?"

They stood up. "I haven't moved from that chair all day. You two want to go for a walk?" They asked. The duo nodded, and they all walked out of the room..

Well, that's done. So long, I'm leaving for now. Have a nice day everyone.

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