The Story of the Dining Hall: Part 2

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"Sooo, Summoner." Naesala said, fluffing out his wings. "What are we doing here exactly?" Kiran muttered something, and wrung their hands. "I'm asking questions to the last heroes in the dining hall if they know anything about what happened." They replied. "And you're taking notes for me. Please stop doodling on the notepad, that's the only one I have right now that isn't soaked."

The raven king rolled his eyes and yawned. "I'm not doodling, I'm just bored." He replied, crossing his arms. He looked like he wanted to say something else, but a knock at the door of the study cut him off. "Summoner?" Eikira's soft voice called from behind the door. "Can I come in?"

"Yes!" Kiran yelled back. Eirika opened the door, and walked in, stopping as soon as she saw Naesala. "Oh I didn't realize someone else was here first!" She said, wringing her hands. "I'm sorry if I'm interrupting." The summoner quickly cleared their throat. "Oh don't worry, he's just my secretary for the day" They responded, standing up and pulling out a chair. Naesala shot them a look. "I'm your what?" He snapped but Kiran ignored him. "Here, sit down. I need to ask you some questions."

Eirika nodded, and lightly sat down onto the chair. "Is this about the hall?" She asked, picking up her sword. Kiran nodded. "I had just one question." They said briskly, moving some soaked books off to the side. "What did you see last night?"

The hero thought about it for a second. "Well, I headed to the dining hall last night to grab some tea for Lyon. He's been feeling jittery lately and Ephiram and I wanted to calm him down." Kiran nudged Naesala on the arm, and the raven sighed, scribbling what she said down. "I saw three heroes entering the building, but I didn't see who it was. After I got the tea, I left, and then the building caught on fire." She sighed. " I'm sorry I couldn't be of much help."

Kiran patted her on the arm. "That's not true at all, Eirika! You were really helpful." They said nicely. "Thanks for your help, you're free to go. Tell Lyon and Ephiram I said hi!" Eirika smiled and nodded,, exiting the study.

"I'm your SECRETARY?" Naesala muttered, putting the notepad down. "Are you kidding me?" Kiran shrugged awkwardly. "Sorry, I had to come up with something!" They replied. "Anyway, the next hero should be arriving any minute now. Anna said she'd send him over-"

A dragon's roar echoed outside the study, and Kiran sighed. "He's here." They groaned, slamming their head into their desk. "Who's here?" Naesala asked, crossing his arms. The summoner sighed. "Michalis."

Someone started banging on the door. "SUMMONER!" The man shouted. Kiran rolled their eyes. "Come in, Michalis! And leave your dragon outside please!" They yelled. "This is going to be interesting." Naesala muttered, picking up the notepad.

Michalis breezed into the room, and sat down, crossing his arms. "What?" He snapped, crossing his arms. "I didn't burn down your hall." Kiran rolled their eyes. "I know. I just wanted to ask what you saw last night at the hall." They responded.

The hero crossed his arms. "Why should I tell you that?" He snarled. "Answer the stupid question so we can get this over with." Naesala muttered, writing something on the notepad. He showed it to Kiran, who giggled a little. "What are you laughing about?" Michalis hissed. "Just answer the question." Kiran responded, stopping mid laugh.

"Fine." The hero hissed in response. "I went to the stupid hall last night in order ot get something for my dragon when I saw three knights stop near a table. Soon, an nasty argument broke out between them and someone else. I don't know who they were." He stood up. "I'm leaving. Goodbye."

Kiran watched the man stormed out and sighed. "That went exactly as I thought it would go." They muttered, leaning back in their show. "One more hero to go, thought and then we're done here."

"Thank goodness." Naesala replied, yawning. "Who's the last hero exactly?"

A knock at the door answered his question. "Summoner?" Lethe called. "You called?" The raven king groaned and slammed his head into his hands, while Kiran went to yell back. "Come on in, Lethe."

The cat walked inside, and stopped short the moment she saw Naesala. "Wait, why is he here?" She asked, crossing her arms. "He ruined my notes, and now he's retaking them for me." Kiran replied, wringing their hands. Lethe laughed out loud. "Oh man, wait till I tell the herons. They're gonna laugh their wings off."

Naesala grumbled something to himself, but didn't say anything out loud. Kiran continued on. "So, what did you see at the dining hall last night?" They asked.

Lethe waved her tail. "Well, I went to the dining hall to get some fish late last night and saw three knight heroes arguing with someone in the shadows." She started, and stopped. "I think the knights were the three heroes, Eldigan, Quan and Sigurd, since I recognized their weapons."

Kiran nodded. "That's all?" They asked, interested. Lethe shook her head. "I think the man in the shadows was a mage." She mewed, "That;s it." The summoner nodded, and rubbed their hands together. "Thank you, Lethe." They said.

The cat waved, and leapt out, giggling about the raven king being Kiran's secretary. "I'm gonna destroy that cat." Naseala muttered, while Kiran thought about the things they had learned.

"I think I might've figured out who did this. I just need confirmation from Anna." they said out loud.  

Lost Lore was fun

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Lost Lore was fun.

Anyway, I hope you have a nice day everyone. 

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