Shopping Fiasco: Part 3 and Epilogue

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"I think that salesperson was a fraud." Julia said, shifting a package to her other arm. "She might've overcharged me for these. books" Ishtar glanced at her, and heaved the other bag, the one containing the sword hilts, over her bag. "Oh she definitely ripped you off." The mage replied wryly. "This is a learning experience, Princess. Trust me, I had to learn the hard way."

Julia sighed and looked around. "I keep having the feeling that we're being followed." She murmured, glancing behind her. The girl could've sworn she saw someone with blue hair diving behind a stack of crates, but she blinked and they were gone. "How odd."

Ishtar yawned, not hearing what the other woman had said, and leaned against the wall of another shop. "So let's see here. You got Seliph and Corrin sword hilts, Saias a set of encyclopedias, and Corrin a bunch of history books." She counted off on her fingers and looked up. "What are you getting Julius?"

The other girl groaned. "That's my problem. I don't know what he likes!" Ishtar thought about it and giggled. "Don't worry, Julia. I know what you can get him. Follow me." She walked off and Julia followed her, still trying to shake the feeling of someone following them. "Where are we going, Lady Ishtar?" She asked. Ishtar smiled and stopped, Julia right behind her. "Wait a minute." She gasped. "This is a store of plushies! Why on earth would my brother like stuffed animals?"

Ishtar nodded. "Yes, yes it is." She bent down and laughed a little. "Let me tell you a story. I went to the Aether Resort inn a couple of months ago because I left my hair pin there and found Julius reading a book and hugging the dragon plush on the bed. He was talking to it, telling it the history of Grannvale. It was the cutest thing I've ever seen, but I didn't make myself known. " She coughed. "Mostly because I'm pretty sure he would kill anyone who saw him doing that."

Julia giggled. "That's adorable! I can't believe he would do something like that nowadays!" She said, as the two girls walked into the store. Ishtar looked at her, confused. "Nowadays?" SHe asked. Julia nodded. "When we were young he loved to talk with our stuffed animals all the time and my mother loved to get them for him! I didn't know he still did it now."

The girl stopped short suddenly, nearly causing Ishtar to ram into her.. "That's it! This is perfect." She gushed, picking up an enormous gold, purple, and black dragon plush, that was nearly half the size of her. Ishtar stared at it. "That thing is nearly as big as you are, Julia!" She said, as Julia dragged the huge stuffed animal to the cashier desk. Julia nodded excitedly. "I know!"

She paid for it and turned around, only to see her three brothers all loitering around the store across the street. Upon them seeing her, the trio dove into the nearest ally. "What the-? Ishtar, did you see that?" She asked, tugging on the woman's dress. Ishtar shook her head. "No, what is it?"

"I think I just saw my brothers." Julia said, confused. Ishtar stayed silent, then slowly pulled out her tome, Mjolnir. "Where?" She snapped in a low voice. Julia just pointed across the street. " That alleyway, I think."


"I think she saw us!" Seliph muttered, peeking out from behind the alleyway. "We're done for!" Saias looked up at him. "Actually, you two are done for. I'm not a part of this." He replied, sitting a ways away and going back to his book. Julis rolled his eyes, and crossed his arms. "Well, if you weren't so terrible at hiding, we wouldn't be here!" He snapped back, tapping his foot.

A bolt of lightning zapped between the two boys and caused them to jump. "Good luck." Saias muttered, scanning through his book. Ishtar stormed into the alleyway, looking absolutely livid, while Julia followed her, looking slightly less mad.

The mage grabbed Julius by his tunic and shook him a little "You better have a great explanation for following my friend and I, Julius." She snapped. "Wait, we're friends?" Julia gasped excitedly. Ishtar waved a hand to hush Julia for the moment and stared her boyfriend down.

"Uhm well, I wanted to make sure Julia didn't badmouth me to you." Julius tried, rubbing his arm. Ishtar rolled her eyes. "Are you kidding me?" The woman snapped. "Did you seriously rope Seliph and Saias along for that stupid reason? Nice outfit by the way, Seliph, Congratulations on your lordship." She added quickly.

Selliph just awkwardly waved in response. "He dragged me along." He threw in, while Saias still didn't look up from his book. "I came to make sure they didn't kill themselves." The bishop said calmly.

Julia cleared her throat, causing everyone to glance at her. "Uh, can we take this to a cafe table or something?" She asked. "I don't really like standing in dark alleyways." Ishtar nodded. "Yes, that does sound like a good idea, Princess." She said, grabbing Julius by the arm, causing him to squeak indignantly, and hauling him out of the alleyway.


"Oh, you were buying us gifts?" Seliph said awkwardly, sitting down at the outdoor table. "That makes this even worse." Saias said nothing, and Julius just grumbled to himself.

Ishtar nodded. "Exactly. Frankly, O feel like you don't even deserve these, but it's up to Princess Julia to make that decision." She muttered, crossing her arms. Julia nodded. "I do want to give you three your gifts now." She added quickly, pulling out a couple of packages. "Saias, you're first."

The bishop looked up as she pushed the books toward him. "They're encyclopedias about this world, since I know how much you like to learn about new places." Julia said, smiling. Saias blinked. "You didn't have to do that." He muttered, picking the books up. "But thank you, Princess and Lady Ishtar." Julia smiled. "Seliph, you're next."

She handed him the sword hilt. "It's for your weapon, the Tyrfing. Ishtar helped me pick it out. I was going to give it to you at your celebration tonight, but I decided now is a better time." Seliph smiled. "This is really pretty. Thank you, Julia and Ishtar." He said, placing his sword in the hilt. "I'm sorry about following you the entire day."

Julia laughed a little. "It's fine." She turned to Julius, who looked even more angry than before. "Last but not least-" The prince rolled his eyes. "I don't need your charity." He hissed, getting up. "I'm leaving."

"Sit down!" Ishtar snapped, her hands sparking. Julus sat down immediately , as Julia pushed the enormous package over to him. He opened it and just stared at this. "Is this a giant plush dragon?" He asked, sounding confused.

Julia nodded excitedly. "Yep! Ishtar told me-" She slapped a hand over her mouth. "Oh, I wasn't supposed to talk about that!" Julius glanced at Ishtar angrily. "You saw that?" He snapped. Ishtar shrugged. "Don't get snappy with me. I left my hairpin." She replied.

"Wait, what are we talking about?" Seliph asked, confused. "NOTHING." Julius growled, patting the dragon plush on the head. "This is very nice, thank you, Julia. You too, Ishtar." Julia smiled, and sat back, pleased with herself. "I'm glad you like it." She giggled.

"I didn't say that." Julius muttered, half to himself.

A chime suddenly rang out, seliph glanced at it and stood up. "Ohno! I need to get back to the castle for preparations!" He gasped. "You coming?" Julia nodded, and the two rushed off. Saias sighed, picked up his books, and followed them, leaving Julius and Ishtar by themselves.

Julius awkwardly picked up the plush. "So, are we good?" He asked, glazing up at her. Ishtar rolled his eyes. "You're so adorable when you're apologizing." She muttered. "Yes, we're good. But if you ever try to pull something like that again, I'm going to electrocute you." He nodded. "Noted."

Ishtar yawned. "Now then, let's get back to the castle. I need to finish this book."

Have a nice day.

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