Shopping Fiasco: Part 1

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The sun beat down on the Aether Resort, glancing off the amphorae and the silver fountain containing the Aether. A girl sat on a bench next to the fountain, scanning a book.

Or at least, she was trying to.

"I don't get it." Ishtar muttered, as she placed the book down and scanned the cover. "The Summoner said this was a classic in their world? What a joke. The Grannvale propaganda is more interesting than this." She leaned back against the bench and sighed, glancing at the other heroes milling around the resort. "Reinhardt would probably enjoy a book like this. When he gets back from training with his sister, I'll give it to him."

A yell echoed suddenly, causing Ishtar to jump. The goddess of thunder squinted and looked through the sunlight to see someone rushing toward her and yelling her name.

"Yes?" Ishtar called, hoping that the running hero would slow down. "What do you need?" The hero screeched to a stop, revealing themselves to be Lady Julia of Grannvale, a beloved princess, and the sister of Ishtar's boyfriend.

Julia collapsed on the bench. "Wow. I ran ALL the way here." She breathed, putting her tome down. Ishtar blinked and chewed her lip. "Did you need something, Lady Julia?" She started but then Julia held up a hand quickly. "Hold on. I'm really tired." The girl panted, gasping for breath.

Ishtar gave her a strange look but waited patiently. She had never really talked to Julia before, since her brother rarely spoke her name, but she certainly hadn't expected THIS. Julia took a breath and sat up. "Okay. I'm good." She quipped, turning toward Ishtar. "Lady Ishtar, I need your help."

The thunder mage tilted her head. "What do you need, Lady Julia?" She asked, picking up her thunder tome and the classic book. Julia heaved in another breath and started borderline rambling.

"Uhm, well" She started, pulling out a list. "For one thing, my dear Seliph became a legendary hero, like me, a couple of days ago, and I wanted to get something for his celebration tonight." Ishtar thought about it and nodded. "Ah yes, I heard about that. Tell him congratulations for me." She said quickly. "But why would you need me to go shopping with you for your half-brother? I'm probably not the best person for that."

Julia shook her head, and fiddled with her jewelry. "I'm not done yet." She added. "You see, as you most likely know, it was Julius and I's birthday a month ago, and my father got me this." She pulled the necklace she'd been playing with and showed it to Ishtar, who gasped. "That's absolutely gorgeous." The mage said. "Is that solid gold?" Julia nodded. "Solid gold and lavender diamonds. There's also a message on the back-" She flipped the pendant over. "It says, ''To my precious daughter. You are the light of my life and of this world. May Naga and your dear mother bless you."

"Aww, that's incredibly sweet, especially coming from someone as stoic as Lord Arvis." Ishtar tried, as Julia clipped the necklace back on. The princess sighed and crossed her arms. "That's the problem. See he only got me a present. He didn't get Julius anything." She flipped through her tome. "Even after I talked to him about it, he still refuses to acknowledge Julius. I think he's reminded of his terrible mistakes with Manfory every time he sees my brother."

Ishtar stayed silent, and listened on as Julia continued. "Of course, my brother noticed what my father did on the spot but he kept his mouth shut to everyone, even you. I swear I heard him crying later on and that the dark energy surrounding him grew afterward. Not only that, Father does the same thing with Saias, even though I talked to him about that as well."

Julia leapt up suddenly, causing Ishtar to jump a little. "You see I want you to help me shop for my brothers! All three of them!" She asked. "Please, Lady Ishtar?" The thunder mage thought about it and nodded. "Okay then, Princess. I'll go shopping with you." She said, wondering if she'd regret it. The girl jumped up and down excitedly. "Yay! Let's go!"

She pulled Ishtar out of the resort.


While Julia was begging Ishtar to go store-browsing with her, her ginger town brother was loitering around in the resort as well. In fact he was hanging around behind the accessory shop, killing the occasional ant and watching people go by.

"This certainly is boring." He muttered, kicking at the dirt. "I don't understand what the Summoner wants from me, I don't like socializing."

That's when he noticed Julia chatting with Ishtar. Julius hissed as his mind flashed with the horror stories he thought his sister was telling his girlfriend. He went to run over to them, when suddenly Seliph, with his new fluffy cloak and fancy accessories, walked out.

They slammed into each other, and Julius nearly blew his stack. "What in the name of Naga, watch where you're going, you nitwit!" He yelled, before noticing who he walked into. "Oh wait never mind. Seliph, get over here now"

Seliph blinked. "Julius? What were you doing behind the accessory shop-" He thought about it and stopped, as Julius hauled him behind a bush. "You know what, I've just decided I don't want to know."

The mage rolled his eyes, and rammed his elbow roughly into Seliph's arm. "Shut up, your Majesty, and get a load of THAT." He hissed sarcastically , pointing at Julia and Ishtar chatting with each other. Seliph looked at them, and then back at Julius. "It's Julia talking with Ishtar. What's wrong with that?" He said wryly, crossing his arms. "You should really stop being clingy."

"I am NOT being clingy!" Julius snapped. "I just don't want my dear Ishtar to be listening to the lies my sister's probably spouting right now." Seliph stared at him, and rolled his eyes. "Oh for the love of-Julia is not 'spouting' lies about you, Julius!" He muttered, looking back at the girls. "Frankly, she's just showing Ishtar her necklace. Nothing wrong with that."

Julius grumbled. "Of course she's flaunting that pendant. My good for nothing father just LOVES to spoil her." He muttered under his breath. Seliph glanced over at him, but didn't follow through with the conversation. "Oh they're leaving now."

"WHAT? We need to follow them!" Julius yelled, causing Seliph to jump. "What? No! I have to plan for tonight, Julius. This is your irrational issue." He said quickly The mage shrugged. "Fine then. Have fun when your party gets strangely destroyed by a giant dragon."

Seliph rolled his eyes once more. "If I humor you, will you not ruin my celebration?" He asked, crossing his arms. Julius nodded, and the swordsman sighed. "Okay fine. Meet me by the castle gate. I have to go get something."


The dark mage leaned against the wall near the castle gate and glanced at the clocktower. Seliph was late, which wasn't surprising.

"Idiotic fool." Julius muttered, just as he heard someone running toward him. He glanced up to see Seliph rushing toward him.

Behind him was the tactician, and Juliu's even older half-brother, the bishop Saias, who looked like he did not want to be there. "Okay, we can go. But you're not allowed to kill anyone." Seliph snapped, stopping short.

Julius pointed at Saias. "Why are you here?" He hissed. Saias crossed his arms. "Lord Seliph wanted me here to make sure you don't do anything completely absurd, Prince Julius." He muttered, sounding like he wanted to leave.

"Thanks, that's great for my self-esteem." Julius hissed to Seliph, who rolled his eyes. "Let's just get on with it."

Have a nice day everyone. I've got nothing else to say here.

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