In Case of a Dark Dragon, Go Here: Part 3 and Epilogue

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Sharena and Kiran looked up, processing Reinhardt's message and they rushed over to the rest of the group. Kiran skidded short before they rammed into Naesala, and  stopped by the side of a huge ditch, layered full with snow. "Hello? Anyone down there?" Sharena shouted, brushing frost away with her lance.

"Wow, it sure took you people long enough!" Julius shouted back, from where Seliph and he were standing. The two of them were shivering. "Where on this dragon-forsaken earth have you been?"

"Please shut up." Seliph replied, his teeth chattering. "I want to be rescued now, not when I'm a popsicle." Ishtar ran over to the edge of the ditch and peered down. "Lord Julius! Lord Julius! Are you alright?"

"Hey look Seliph. My girlfriend's here to rescue us. Can't relate to that now, can you?" Julius sneered, and he rammed Seliph on the arm. "Lord Seliph, Prince Julius. Are you two alright?" Reinhardt called down to them. "Hey she brought her actual boyfriend as well." Seliph snickered back.

"Can you all shut up and get us OUT OF HERE?" Julius screeched, done with this conversation. "Okay, hold your pegasi!" Sharena yelled. "Naesala, could you please ferry them up?" He nodded and changed back into a bird, diving into the hole. "Good luck!" Kiran tried to yell but he was already gone. "Oh, never mind."

"Don't worry, you'll get another chance." Sharena tried, as she patted them on the back.

The raven flew out of the hole, and dropped Julius on the ground first, before diving back in. "Lord Julius, are you alright?" Ishtar gasped, as she rushed over to him. "Here, take my cloak."

"Listen, Julius, we need to ask you some questions." Kiran started, but Ishtar shot them a death glare. "Can this WAIT until after we get to somewhere warm? I don't want my Lord Julius to catch something awful, again!"

"But Julia's in trouble." Kiran yelled, just as Naesala dropped Seliph on the ground and transformed back. "Wait, what happened to Julia?" Seliph asked as he walked over to the group.

"I'll explain on the way back!" Kiran shouted. "Let's get out of here before we freeze!"


"So, basically that's the gist of it. Julia was in real trouble and we don't know if she's doing better." Kiran finished, shifting Breidablik to another arm. The group had made it back to a safe house, and were now waiting for the snowstorm to calm down.

Sharena and Kiran had filled Julius and Seliph on the situation, while Naesala had changed back into a raven and was now dozing on a windowsill behind them, as he didn't want to be involved. "I knew nothing about this." Seliph muttered, and he buried his head in his hands. Julius crossed his arms. "Neither did I, But i was BLAMED FOR IT?" He snapped loudly in response, causing the napping raven king in the back of the room to squeak in his sleep.

Kiran threw their hands up. "Your actions back in your own world were our only lead!" They yelled. "Lord Julius has been getting better ever since we left that place!" Ishtar broke in, as she was beginning to get angry. "You clearly haven't noticed, even though you took his tome."

"You took my tome?" Julius yelled, glaring at Kiran. "Hey, I took Lyon's tome as well, so you're not alone on this one."

"Lady Ishtar, calm down. I'd rather you'd not get involved." Reinhardt broke in, but Ishtar ignored him and she continued to rant. "Without that horrid Manfroy here, we can actually be happy!"

That got Seliph and Kiran's attention. "Manfroy? You mean that terrible archbishop of the Loptous cult?" Kiran started, but then Seliph jumped up. "That's who is possessing Julia! We have to help her!" He yelled. "Yeah, sure let's go help her or whatever." Julius muttered, as he looked away.

"Summoner." Reinhardt called, waving Kiran over. "The snow has let up, We can travel now." Kiran nodded. "Reinhardt, can you get Ishtar, Julius and Seliph back to the castle? We'll follow behind." The man nodded, and waved to the other heroes who followed him out, albeit some , mostly Julius, did it unwillingly.

Kiran hung by the door as Sharena shook Naesala awake. The raven king transformed back and yawned. "Did the weather let up already?" He asked, stretching out his wings. "Yep!" Sharean replied, smiling brightly. "And we're heading back, right Summoner?"

"Uh yeah the rest of the group went ahead already." Kiran squeaked out, trying to hide the fact they were blushing under their hood again. "We should probably catch up with them."

Sharena nodded. "Let's get going and help Julia!" She said excitedly.


A day or so later, Kiran was studying the dark tomes again when someone knocked on their door again. "Hey Summoner. Can I come in?" Sharena asked.

"Is Roy going to bust down my door again?" Kiran replied back, cracking a smile. "Come in." Sharena, Commander Anna, and Alfonse walked in, the both of them looking in high spirits. "How's Julia doing?" The summoner asked, pushing their tomes away.

Sharena smiled, and nudged Anna on the arm. "She's doing much better!" She replied, walking over to the window. "Turns out, all she needed to see were her beloved brothers. Julius acted like he didn't want to be there, but anyone could tell he was glad to see his sister."

"That's good." Kiran sighed in relief. "What about her parents?" An awkward silence descended on the room. "Arvis did visit her, but Julius and he got into an argument and it wasn't pretty." Anna threw in. "Oh. Forget I asked." Kiran muttered. "Anyway, did you three need something?"

Anna grinned, and pulled out something from behind her back. "I got you one of Naesala's feathers." She giggled, handing the  jet-black feather to Kiran, who nearly fell out of their chair. "Wait, what? Did Sharena tell you?" They gasped, hiding the feather in their pocket.

"She told us quite a bit." Alfonse added wryly, rubbing his head with his hand. "I didn't know you had a crush, Summoner." Kiran sighed. "Aye yai yai." They stood up. "I'm going to go take a walk. Do you guys want to come?"

"Can you tell us more about your love life?" Anna added cheekily, pulling on Kiran's arm. "NO!" Kiran shouted, and the rest of the group dissolved into laughter.

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