Dramatic Vacation: Part 2

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"Morning, Summoner!" Yelled a rough voice, causing Kiran to leap up in fear. "If you don't open the door, I'm gonna kick it down!" The summoner blinked, and glanced at their small pocket watch, but they couldn't see it. "Lethe, is that you?" They called, pushing their blankets off their chest. Lethe was a cat warrior from Gallia and had recently become Kiran's personal escort and security guard. "You're not allowed to kick down doors anymore, you know that."

The cat warrior grumbled. "It's nine in the morning! You should be awake!" She shouted. "Since you've been sleeping since noon yesterday, and all!" Kiran moaned, still feeling a little sick. Lethe went silent, and then piped up again. "Okay here's this. If you're not out of there in the next minute, I'll tell every hero here about your infatuation with the raven king!"

Kiran leapt up. "Okay I'm up, I'm up!" They yelled, flinging their hood and pendant on, grabbing their weapon, and pocketing the lottery letter. "Talk about a wake up call!"

They flung the door open to reveal Lethe tapping her foot and her tail lashing. "The beroc prince and princess want to talk to you." She snapped, grabbing Kiran by the arm. "Um, how did you know about my, well" Kiran started, as the cat dragged them down the hall.

"About Naesala?" Lethe finished. "Leanne told Nailah, Panne, Velouria, Selkie, and I at our last lunch together. She was so excited to spill to us after that movie of yours. I don't like gossip myself, but this was too good to pass up." She clicked her tongue and shook her head.. "I'm mostly surprised the raven king seems to be humoring you, Summoner!"

Kiran groaned, and then stopped. "Oh Leanne. I can't even be mad at her." They started, and then stopped short. "Wait, what do you mean by humoring?"

Lethe stopped short near Prince Alfonse and Princess Sharena's door and faced Kiran head on. "Listen, Summoner, Naesala isn't trustworthy. Take it from someone from what you call the world of Radiance, he's led enough saps on who trusted him in order to get what he wants. He sold his best friend into slavery all for the glory of profit and there is a good chance he may be tricking you in order to swindle the Order." The cat warrior clapped a hand onto the summoner's back. "As one of your bodyguards, I want to keep you safe from all unsavories. Don't get sentimental, and be careful, got it?"

Kiran slowly nodded, and Lethe waved. "I gotta go beat up Ranulf! See ya!" She yowled, transforming into a cat and running off. The summoner sighed. "She's probably right." They murmured, opening the door.

Then they were tackled by Sharena. "AAAAH, Summoner!" She shouted, shaking Kiran so hard that their hood nearly fell off. "Are you alright? Alfonse and I were SO worried!" She shouted. "Sharena, stop shaking them!" Alfonse yelled, grabbing his sister's arm.

"I'm fine you two." Kiran replied, feeling a little dizzy from Sharena's shaking. "It was just fatigue. Anyway, what did you need me for?" Alfonse wrung his hands. "We just wanted to check on you." He admitted. "Ah." Kiran blinked, then they remembered the letter. "Oh, this came in the mail from that lottery I entered. I didn't read it yesterday because I wanted to check with you two."

They handed the letter to Alfonse, who opened it and scanned it with Sharena glancing over his shoulder. "It says you won the grand prize of a four day resort trip to the world of Awakening in one week." He said calmly, handing the letter back to Kiran. "Good for you."

"Wait, what?" Kiran gasped, looking at the letter themself. "I WON?" Sharena nodded excitedly. "You totally deserved to win, Summoner! After yesterday, you definitely need a vacation." She patted the summoner on the back, who put the letter away. "But I can't go on a trip right now, not with the Commander out on a mission. She'd lose it if we went on vacation and she lost out on profit."

Alfonse coughed a little. "No offense to the commander, but frankly, going to another world without a money-making scheme in tow would be quite nice." He muttered. "And besides, it would be a good training excursion." Kiran clapped their hands together. "Alright then. What heroes should come with us on this training excursion'?" They replied, crossing their arms.

The prince and princess thought about it. "I guess we could ask around to see who wants to go." Sharena said, lifting up her lance. Kiran sighed, nodded. "Okay then. I'll go do just that. Got nothing better to do today." They turned toward the door, before Sharena grabbed their arm. "Hey, Summoner, I need to talk with you about...things." She said quickly. "Alfonse, do you mind?" The prince shook his head. "No go ahead you two. I was going to head to the library anyway."

Sharena nodded, and hauled Kiran out of the room. "So, Summoner, how's it going with His Majesty?" She snickered, nudging Kiran on the shoulder. The summoner muttered something and shook their head. "Well, terrible." They said simply. "I'd rather not talk about it." Sharena shot them a strange look. "Oh, alright then. I"m gonna go catch up with my brother. See you around, Summoner!" She rushed off.

"Summoner!!" Someone called, catching  Kiran's attention. They turned around to see Julia waving them down, standing near her two older brothers, Julius and Seliph, who looked like they couldn't stand to be near to each other. "Are you feeling better?"

Kiran walked over to the trio, and nodded. "Like I said, Julia, all I needed was some sleep. I'm not dead yet." They said nicely, crossing their arms. "Too bad." Julius muttered, stroking his Fenrir tome. "Shut it." Seliph hissed, nudging him roughly on the arm.

Julia shook her head, sideways glancing at her brothers.. "Summoner, can I talk to you privately?" She asked. Kiran nodded quickly. "Seliph, Julius, please don't kill each other." The girl added.

The two of them walked off a ways away. "What do you need, Julia?" Kiran asked. The girl sighed, and crossed her arms. "It's my brothers. Both of them." She started. "Ever since we came to this wonderful world, away from our horrid reality, the Loptous tome and that monster of a man Manfroy, I've been hoping my brothers and I can finally have the beloved siblings I've always wanted." The girl shook her head. "Now I'm beginning to realize that was just a hopeful delusion. Saias wants nothing to do with us, Seliph can't relax around my twin, and Julius almost refused to help me when I was under dark control. It's hopeless."

Kiran stayed silent, thought about it for a second, and then a lightbulb went off in their head. "I think I may have a way for you to bond with those two." They said, crossing their arms. Julia glanced up. "Really?" She asked, sounding hopeful. Kiran nodded. "Do tell."

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