Movie Magic: Part 2

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"Okay then." Itsuki said, looking at his list. "Kiria's getting our main character and villains and Eleonora and Mamori are fixing up our sets, which means we're looking for our sheriff." He glanced up at Tsubasa. "Should we wait for the Summoner and Prince Alfonse?"

The girl shrugged in response. "Well they did say to go on ahead, so I guess it's okay." She turned around and started walking forward only to ram into another hero's wings on the spot.

"Hey, watch where you're going!" The man snapped, whipping around. Tsubasa jumped back, saw who she just walked into and her face turned red. "Oh my gosh! I, Reyson right? Really sorry, your Majesty!"

The heron prince rolled his eyes and huffed. "Don't get worked up, it's fine. Just make sure to be aware of your surroundings, so you don't mow down anyone else." He replied, transforming back into his beast form and he took off into the rafters.

"AAAH, Itsuki! I'm so embarrassed!" Tsubasa groaned, burying her head into her hands. "I just rammed into royalty. Caeda would be so disappointed in me." Itsuki patted her on the back. "It's okay Tsubasa." He stopped and thought for a second. "Wait, that gave me an idea."

Tsubasa stared at him. "You better not be thinking about asking Tibarn about being in our movie." She said, tapping her foot. "Nope." Itsuki replied. "I'm thinking about asking all of them." He pointed up and Tsubasa glanced up to see the bird speaking with a raven, and another heron.

"Itsuki! Tsubasa" Alfonse's voice rang out, as the prince caught up with the two idols. "Sorry I'm late, the Summoner and I had to finish some business. Do you have anyone for the casting of your movie yet?" Itsuki shrugged. "Well Tsubasa rammed into a hero, and that's it." Tsubasa shot him a look.

"Uh, do they count?" She added, pointing up at the flock of birds, who had clearly caught on to the conversation beneath them, and were now listening in. Alfonse bit his lip, and waved the birds down, who descended in a flurry of feathers

"This is probably something I should've asked earlier, but do you need anything?"  Reyson asked, his voice tinged with sarcasm as he transformed back. Itsuki pulled out a paper. "Do, you guys want to be in our movie?" The avian trio glanced at each other, clearly confused, until Naesala spoke up. "What exactly is a movie?". He asked, fluffing his wings.

Tsubasa jumped in front of the other two boys before they could respond. "It's like a play, but it's being recorded!" She said quickly, hiding her hands behind her back. "SO what do you say?"

"Beroc and their strange ideas." Reyson muttered, shaking his head. "Thanks, but I think we'll pass." He added before the second heron, his sister Leanne, tapped him on the shoulder. "Leanne, do you need something?" Naesala asked, turning around to face her.

"I want to like fun." She said, glancing at the two idols and Alfonse. "Wait, what?" Reyson questioned.

"Oh thank goodness, this was getting so awkward!" Tsubasa gasped, pulling out a paper. "Did you have a part in mind?" Itsuki added, handing the paper to Leanne, who ignored her brother and friend staring at her.

"" The heron replied, pointing at one of the parts. "You want the part of the sheriff?" Itsuki noted, scribbling something down. "'Sheriff?' What the heck is this plot?" Reyson asked, confused. Leanne shot her brother a look, which shut him up.

"Okie dokie, Leanne. You're all set!" Tsubasa said excitedly. "Just go with Alfonse to the library, and we'll move on from there." The two headed off, and Tsubasa turned to the other two birds. "And if you guys want to come with, but don't' want to be in the movie, we could all use backstage help!'

"And what is that?" Naesala questioned, crossing his arms. "Moving props, sets and keeping everything on track. Along those lines." Itsuki threw in, sounding hopeful.

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