Movie Magic: Part 1

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It was a rainy day at the Order of Heroes, and Kiran definitely did not want to exit their study. A couple of other tacticians, namely Robin, Saias, and Soren, had been there earlier to write battle plans, but they had left and Kiran was now alone, save for Feh napping on their desk. It would be her lunchtime soon.

The summoner yawned, and pulled out a note Princess Sharena had dropped on their desk earlier. It simply read, "Sorry about the rain, but soon it'll be sunny! It'll be perfect for a picnic with you-know-who!" There was a little doodle of a raven on the corner of the paper, meant to represent Kiran's crush on the king of Kilvas, Naesala.

"She clearly underestimates my capacity to ask someone out." Kiran muttered, pocketing the note alongside their raven quill. "You catch my drift?" Feh opened one eye and fluffed out her feathers, then she went back to sleep. "Wait, I'm talking to an owl, why did I think she was going to respond?"

Suddenly someone knocked on the door, causing the summoner to jump "Hey, Summoner? Are you in there?" A male voice asked. Kiran glanced up. "Yeah, come on in."

Itsuki Aoi, Tsubasa Oribe, and Kiria Kurono all tumbled into the room, waking Feh up permanently. "Do you three need something?" Kiran asked, still a little shocked. Kiria jumped up first. "Hey, we came up with an idea which would be perfect for a rainy day and we were wondering-" She stopped herself and glanced over at Feh. "Is it Feh's lunch time?"

Kiran blinked. "Yes, actually it is. You can feed her if you wish." Kiria nodded stoically, and scooped up Feh. "Tsubasa, Itsuki tell the summoner the idea, okay!" She rushed out of the room, clearly excited to feed the cute owl.

"What's your idea?" Kiran asked, still half-asleep. "We want to film a movie!" Tsubasa shouted excitedly. "WHAT?" The summoner gasped. "I would be great for other Heroes to learn about the magic of entertainment. And besides, we came to you because we know you know about the modern world!" Itsuki threw in, smiling hopefully.

"But how would you make costumes and cast characters? For that matter, how would you FILM anything?" Kiran asked, still confused. "Forrest and Cherche already agreed to do costumes and makeup and Edelgard promised she'd direct!" Tsubasa replied, jumping up and down. "Plus, we got some magic spells from the mages to help us record scenes! They're not cameras but they'll do." She added.

Another knock sounded at the door and Prince Alfonse looked in. "Oh are they telling you about their idea?" He asked, hanging out by the doorframe. "Alfonse, do you know what a movie is?" Kiran asked, trying to keep calm. He shrugged. "No, but I presume it would be interesting. Plus, it would be nice to learn about where you came from, Summoner."

"You do have a point I guess it couldn't hurt." They said, turning back to Tsubasa and Itsuki. "Do you guys have a script?"

Itsuki slammed down a huge stack of papers, and Kiran just stared at it. "By Naga's wings." They whispered in shock, and then they picked up the first sheet. "It's called Space Emblem?"

"It's a story about a space lone wolf cowboy teaming up with an astral sheriff and her animal companion in order to defeat two evil outlaws bent on ruling the entire universe!" Tsubasa quipped, clapping her hands together. "We decided to take a familiar concept to everyone here and revolutionize it!"

"That sounds very...eccentric." Kiran tried, putting down the script.

"You might want to keep this a secret from the Commander." Alfonse threw in, lifting his sword. "She'll go crazy trying to make money off of this." Kiran nodded and laughed a little. "She will go nuts. Do you guys have any ideas for casting?"

Kiria suddenly ran back through the door, holding Feh who looked full and content. "We do have a couple, but we needed your permission to ask around." She panted, placing Feh down on a pillow. "Okay." Kiran said, standing up. "Let's go ask around then!" They suddenly noticed Alfonse shooting them a look and quickly added something. "You three go ahead. We'll catch up."

The trio nodded excitedly and rushed off, leaving Alfonse and Kiran alone. "Sorry about that, but I have something to give you." The prince said, pulling a wrapped item out of his pocket. "A gift? That's so sweet! Thanks, Alfonse." The summoner replied, giving him a hug. They unwrapped it to reveal a shimmering silver necklace, with a gold charm in the shape of the Askran emblem. "It's gorgeous. Where did you get this?"

"Thanks, but I have no clue. It's not from me." Alfonse said, smiling sheepishly. "I bumped into Naesala a little bit earlier on the way here and he told me to give this to you. He said it was a thank you for summoning him, along those lines." He laughed a little. "Reyson and Leanne were with him and Reyson called him a sap, which nearly kickstarted an argument. I left before they really started going at each other.."

He didn't notice Kiran's face turning a deep shade of crimson, and the summoner quickly placed the necklace around their neck and hid it behind their shirt. "We should probably catch up with Itsuki and the others!" They said quickly, and Alfonse nodded. "Let's go!"

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