The Story of the Dining Hall: Part 1

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Kiran neatened the papers on their desk and leaned back, sighing. "Well, I finally redid all my notes and papers." They said in relief, patting Feh the owl, who was sitting next to them on their desk.

A knock sounded on their study door, and the summoner looked up. "Can we come in?" Prince Alfonse asked. "Yeah, come in!" Kiran called, sitting up. The prince and his sister entered the room and sat down in front of the summoner.

"I was just fixing my messed up notes. What do you two need?" Kiran said aimlessly, placing the papers in a drawer. Sharena glanced at them, before Alfonse could answer. "Oh nothing much. Anyway, messed up notes?" She asked, confused ."What do you mean?"

Kiran laughed. "Oh, all of my notes got messed up months ago, during the whole fiasco of the dining hall." They murmured, scratching Feh on the head again. Alfonse looked at his sister and back at the summoner. "You know, we never heard the full story about that." He said, crossing his arms. "Could you tell us?" Sharena nodded excitedly, and Kiran sighed.

They laughed a little, and fixed their hood. "Man the Commander would flip if she knew I was telling this without her. Ah well, what can you do." Kiran leaned back, and cracked their knuckles. "It was a dark night, about six months ago..."


Thunder boomed outside Kiran's window as the summoner glanced up from their pillow. Gosh I can't sleep. I feel like it's gonna rain." They muttered. "You okay, Feh?"

The owl hooted in response, when suddenly someone began to bang on the door. "Summoner! SUMMONER!" Roy yelled, scaring Feh. He sounded completely frazzled. "Wake up! The dining hall is on fire!" Kiran's head shot up and they fell out of bed in surprise. "WHAT?" They shouted, throwing their hood on. "How?"

"We don't know!" Roy called back, as the summoner kicked their door open. "Commander Anna told me to get you, since Prince Alfonse and Princess Sharena aren't here!" Kiran rushed down the hall, Roy running right behind them. "Was there anyone in there?" They asked, as the swordsman caught up. He nodded slowly. "Three heroes, I didn't catch who, as they were rushed off immediately to the infirmary. Two got out with minor burns."

Kiran skidded to a stop as the two of them got to the door near the Aether Resort. "And what about the other one?" They asked worriedly, pushing the door open, as thunder boomed far away. Roy chewed his lip. "They got terrible third degree burns, almost like they got slammed by a magic blast. I don't know if they're okay." He confessed, as the two of them walked inside the resort.

The Summoner saw the building immediately. It was still burning as multiple mages tried their best to put it out. Anna saw the two of them and rushed over, panting. "Summoner! Glad you're here! We have a bit of a situation!" She said, pointing at the building.

Kiran shook their head. "FIrst things first. What about the hero with the third degree burns?" They asked immediately. Anna nodded. " They're stable. I don't know who it was, no one will tell, but one of the nurses just informed me that they got treated immediately and fell asleep soon after. They'll be okay." The summoner sighed in relief. "Thank goodness." They whispered, rubbing their forehead.

As they said that, thunder boomed again and rain began to come down onto the resort. Soon it became a downpour, and many heroes rushed for cover. Kiran, Anna, and Roy took shelter near the armory, as the rain doused the burning building.

"Well that was convenient." Roy muttered, wiping water off his forehead. Kiran nodded in silent agreement, while Anna took a more louder approach. "What are we going to do?" She shouted, waving her hands in the air. "It tooks so much to build that dining hall and it's gone! Who did this?"

Kiran patted her on the shoulder. "Don't worry, we'll figure this out." They said. "Come on, let's get back to the castle. Roy, can you get people away from the hall? I don't want anyone to get hurt." The swordsman nodded, and rushed off into the rain, while Anna and Kiran ran back toward the castle.


"Well," Anna sighed, sitting down next to Kiran's messy desk covered in tons of notes while in their study. "We haven't found the perpetrator, or the identity of the heroes who got caught in the blaze, but we do have a list of the identified heroes who were in the hall last night." She handed a paper to the summoner, who scanned through it.

A low tapping started at the study's window, but neither person heard it, as it was drowned out by the rain. "Hmm let's see here. Only three?." Kiran muttered, trying to clean up their desk, as they read through the list. "Eirika, Lethe, and." They groaned out loud. "Michalis. Goody."

The tapping got louder, but both heroes still didn't hear it, as thunder rumbled. Feh woke up from her nap, and fluttered over to the window, about to peek through the curtains. "What's wrong with Michalis?" Anna asked, confused. Kiran sighed and put the list aside. "He's generally a rude person to talk to-" They started.

Feh suddenly screeched and flew away from the window, as the tapping got incredibly loud. Kiran and Anna finally whipped around, as Feh crashed into Kiran's arms. The owl was shaking, and the summoner glanced up at Anna in surprise. "What's that at the window?" They asked worriedly.

Anna walked over to the curtain. "Let me check." She said removing the curtain, and opening the window. The moment she did, heavy wind blew rain and hail into the room, causing Kiran to cover their face, and Anna to slam the window shut.

Before she did, however, a piece of the stormy sky flew in and crash landed against a bookcase, completely running the books inside. "What the-?" Kiran yelled, as the dark shape squawked.

It revealed itself to be a huge raven carrying a ruined tome in its claws, and as the heroes watched in confusion, the raven transformed back into its human form.

"Could've stuck that landing better." Naesal muttered, rubbing his forehead. "Why did it take you two so long to open the window? I was tapping on it for probably twenty minutes!"

Anna and Kiran just stared at him. "You ruined my notes." Kiran said, dumbfounded. "And my books as well." Anna was a bit more vocal. "Why were you even at the window, Naesala?" She asked, crossing her arms. The raven king sat up and yawned, fluffing out his wings. "I couldn't get to a door in time." He replied, throwing the book to them. "Anyway, I found this at the burn site."

"Wait a minute!" Anna said, catching the ruined tome. "What were you doing there? We banned all heroes from that site!" He shrugged. "So? That doesn't stop me."

Kiran cleared their throat, causing the two of them to glance over. "I have an idea." They said, folding their hands. "Commander, could you go get the people on the list, and clean the tome off?" Anna nodded, but didn't leave quite yet. "What about him?" She muttered, pointing at Naesala, who was trying to fix his hair. "I can hear you." He muttered, but Kiran ignored him. "He can help me retake my notes." They said, holding up the ruined papers.

"WHAT?" The raven yelled, in surprise. Anna nodded in agreement. "Works for me! I'll be back!" She called. "I'll go get Eirika first!" She rushed out of the room, while Kiran tried to salvage what remained of their notes.

Naesala cleared his throat, and Kiran glanced up., placing Feh back on her stand "You what me to do what?" He asked, again crossing his arms. The summoner handed him a notepad and quill. "Take notes on the heroes I'm questioning." They replied. "Since you ruined my bookcase and entire room and all."

The man glared at them and sighed, snatching the pad from them. "FIne. Let's get this over with." He muttered, sitting down on their desk.

Well here we go. I'm gonna finally explain that one dumb joke.

And now i'm taking my leave. Have a good day, everyone!

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