Movie Magic: Part 3 and Epilogue

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"Okay people, let's shoot that scene one more time. I didn't like that last take!" Edelgard shouted into her megaphone. "Edelgard, we've done this scene multiple times. We need to move on. The actors still need to move one with their normal hero duties." Kiran muttered, hoisting their weapon.

"I strive for perfection, Summoner." Edelgard replied, crossing her arms. "And no matter how long it takes, that's exactly what this movie will be." She glanced up and sipped her tea. "Now where's my script boy?" "Right. Here." Dimitri grumbled, holding the very large script. "We have four scenes left and it's the companion's line."

Edelgard nodded and held up her megaphone. "Kaden, you're up!" She shouted. Kiran sighed. "I'm going to go check backstage to see if they need any help." They said, turning away.

The summoner walked backstage, and sighed, rubbing their forehead. "This was a terrible, stupid, awful idea. I will never let someone convince me into doing this again." They muttered to themself, walking forward. "I need a vacation."

Suddenly, they rammed into someone, causing both Kiran and the other person to jump. "Excuse me, do you mind?" The other hero snapped, whipping around, but then stopped when they saw Kiran. "Oh, it's just you, Summoner."

Kiran recognized this voice immediately and stumbled back. "Ah, sorry Naesala, I didn't see you there!" They apologized, trying to hide the fact they were blushing. "I really need to adjust this stupid hood."

The raven king shrugged. "Don't worry, it happens all the time. Quite literally in fact." He crossed his arms. "What brings you back here? I thought you were helping that white-haired woman micromanage everyone."

Kiran giggled. "Actually I went back here to check on you and Reyson. Speaking of him, where exactly is Reyson?" They looked around, but there was no sign of the grouchy, ill-tempered heron.

"Right behind you, Summoner!" The heron prince shouted, causing Kiran to turn around to reveal Reyson trying his absolute hardest to lift a box that looked like it weighed as much as he did. "Speaking of, Naesala, stop flirting with them and HELP ME HERE!"

Kiran just about fainted from that comment, while Naesala just laughed. "Oh Reyson, you're such an idiot." He lifted up the box as well, and placed it down a ways away. Reyson brushed dirt off his tunic. "You are a terrible person, Naesala." He muttered, fluffing out his wings.

"I know." The raven king replied, nudging Reyson with his elbow, and the heron just grumbled something. "I'm going to check on my sister. Have fun leading the Summoner on."

He walked off, and Naesala rolled his eyes and smirked. "He acts exactly like a hawk. Tibarn would be proud." He turned back to Kiran, who was still trying to process the entire conversation. "Anyhow, I should probably go check on Leanne as well. See you around, Summoner. Hope you enjoyed the pendant."

"Wait I had something to ask you!" Kiran yelled, catching the raven off guard. The thought quickly and remembered something Anna had asked them about a few months ago. "There's an abandoned fortress to the north of Askr, and the Commander asked me to check if anything is salvageable there when the weather clears up. Could you come with? I'm going to need a bodyguard."

Naesala thought about it for a second. "I'll go for you, but will I get part of the profit?" He asked. "I do need the money." Kiran nodded. "Of course.!" They said quickly. The raven nodded. "I'll accompany you, but I need to go. See you then."

The bird vanished after Reyson and Kiran just about collapsed. "That could've gone better. I really do need a vacation." The muttered, before they heard Edelgard calling for them. "Coming, Edelgard!"


About two weeks later, Kiran was back in their study, scanning war notes and playing with their necklace with Feh napping in their lap, when someone knocked on their door. "Howdy, Summoner1" Commander Anna's cheery voice echoed from behind the door. "I've got great news!"

Kiran sighed, and scratched Feh on their head. "Come on in Commander." They called, and the red haired girl busted the door down a moment later. "We got a KILLING at the premiere!" She said excitedly, pushing down a bunch of scrolls. "Heroes really seemed to like it, albeit I had to pay quite a few people. We still made decent money though."

"That's great, Anna." Kiran said tiredly, stroking Feh's silvery feathers. But the Commander wasn't done. "Buuut we do have bad news. Some of the movie scrolls got lost during a patrol and we can't find them." Anna crossed her arms. "I wonder where they went?"

"Who knows." Kiran mumurued. Anna glanced at them. "Summoner, you should go take a nap. You sound like a ghost!" She said worriedly, clapping them on the back. "Don't worry, we'll be good. I can even get Peony in here if you don't want nightmares." Kiran shook their head and yawned. "It's fine, Commander, See you in a bit."

Before they retired to their quarters, they stopped. "I wonder who got those scrolls though?"

Across Zenith, deep in the capital fortress of the empire of Embla, was Princess Veronica, as she sat having a tea party with dolls of different heroes and one living hero, Lucina.

"Something wrong, Princess?" Lucina asked, sipping her tea. It was slightly bitter, as Veronica was not the most adept at making tea. The girl shook her head. "My brother and Xabder should be returning soon." She said quietly, hugging a doll of Alm. "I cannot believe I'm saying this, but I do miss Loki."

"Princess Veronica!" A soldier shouted, running into the room and kneeling down in front of Veronica. "We got this from the Askran patrol we battled." He handed a scroll to her and rushed out of the room.

"What is this?" Veronica muttered, opening the scroll and staring at the contents. The room stayed silent once more, with Lucina awkwardly drinking her tea, when suddenly the quiet was broken.

By Veronica giggling.

"Princess, what's so funny?" Lucina asked. Veronica continued to laugh and put the scroll down. "This is terrible. What is wrong with those Askrans?" She snickered, pushing to scroll over to Lucina. "Here, watch it."

The other princess picked the scroll up and glanced at the contents, then giggled a little herself. "You're right. It is pretty."

Suddenly, trumpets blared. "The imperial prince of Embla, Brunoce and the crown prince of Nohr, Xander have returned!" A voice shouted, and Veronica leapt up. "Oh I've got to show this to my brother and Xander!" She said eagerly, looking actually happy for the first time in awhile. Lucina nodded, and the princesses rushed out of the room.

"Bruno, Bruno, you've got to see this!" Veronica called, rushing up to her brother and tackling him a hug. "You too, Xander. It's' absolutely terrible!"

"Veronica, slow down." Bruno said, sounding confused for a myriad of reasons. "What exactly do you want us to see?" Veronica held up the scroll. "These moving pictures that the Askrans made. It's awful!"

She opened the scroll and showed the movie to the two men, who stared at it, Xadner looking slightly disturbed, and Bruno looking absolutely horrified. "This is appalling." The Emblian prince said, and Xander nodded in agreement.

"I know, right?" Veronica giggled, still sounding excited. "Those Askrans are good at something I guess. Being failures!"

Bruno sighed, and wrapped an arm around his sister, not saying anything. "Well at least you enjoy it, Princess." Xander tried, breaking the silence.

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