Enigma: Part 2

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"And over here you'll find the training tower and-" Roy stopped in his description of the castle and turned around. "Wait, Lilina is he even listening to me?" The girl turned around to see the mage following them, but ignoring them completely, very absorbed in his book. "I don't know, actually." She said, crossing her arms. "Thankfully, my headache has died down, so maybe that's a good thing."

Roy sighed. "Yeah, that's fair. I guess we should stop for now." He turned to Bramimond, who stopped, still not glancing up from his tome. "Hey, uhm Bramimond sir, we're stopping for a second. We need to catch our breath."

The mage didn't reply, only nodded in the slightest movement possible, and sat down on a nearby bench. Roy and Lilina collapsed on the bench across from him, Feh fluttering down into Roy's lap. "This has been interesting, I guess. Even though we haven't learned anything yet." Lilina murmured, yawning. "Anyway, did you see the doodles on the Summoner's notes?"

Roy shook his head, as he patted the owl on the head. "No, what were they?" He asked, cleaning dust off his blade. Lilina giggled. "They were ravens reading a novel with little glasses. It was adorable." The boy rolled his eyes.

"The Summoner is very strange, even though they swear to me they're not." He sighed. "Well, might as well get this tour on. Might learn something once we get to the Aether Resort, if we can get any conversation out of Sir Bramimond."

Lilina nodded and stood up, stretching. "Sir Bramimond, we're moving on!" She called. Bramimond didn't answer or react, but he stood up. Roy yawned, and continued on. "Past the training tower, you'll see the entrance to the Arena, where Heroes go to battle against each other." He turned to Lilina and lowered his voice. "How far till the Aether Resort?"

The girl checked the wall. "The lift is only a ways away. Let's make our way over there." She whispered in response.


"This, Sir Bramimond, is the Aether Resort." Roy said, gesturing to the bright area with his hand. "It was built by the first king of Askr, and it's used as a relaxation area for the heroes!" Lilina added, leaping up beside her friend.

The mage, who frankly looked very out of place in the sunny resort, looked up from his tome for the first time in the past hour. "Frivolous." He muttered, sounding exactly like the voice of Lilina's father, Lord Hector. "Humanity has wasted everything we worked for."

Roy and Lilina stopped short and glanced at each other. Feh fluttered onto Lilina's shoulder while she slowly pulled out a piece of paper. Roy cleared his throat and tried something. "Sir Bramimond, what do you mean by that?" He asked, crossing his arms. "Do the heroes not deserve a rest? With that, they can continue to make this world and all the others a better place."

The mage laughed coldy, now mimicking Roy's father Lord Eliwood. "The world? The world can burn for all I care." He turned and walked off. "I grow weary of this insignificant conversation. Allow me to rest."

Roy stood there, his mouth agape. Lilina finished scribbling on the paper and handed it to Feh. "Well, I wrote that down." She muttered, crossing her arms. "I never realized one of the eight legends could be so cynical."

"Well he is immortal." Roy tried, but even he was at a loss for words. He glanced over at the mage, who was sitting down next to the fountain, still reading his book. "Maybe he's mad that we interrupted his book?"

A yell echoed from the front of the resort, distracting Lilina and Roy, and a soldier came rushing up to him. "Commander Roy! Lady Lilina! We just got a report from Princess Sharena! Emblian soldiers are encroaching close to the castle!"

Roy leapt up. "Understood! Lilina come on! We can finish whatever this is later!" He called. Lilina nodded, and the two of them ran out.

Hi I'm tired, have a nice day.

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