In the village of Rozafel, everything was calm.
It was the afternoon, and the small town was filled with more life than before. Children and adults alike flooded the streets with joyful conversations and laughter. Rozafel was always a happy place, with streets so safe you could send your children out alone.
Three young girls ran down the streets, squealing and talking so fast that you couldn't make sense of a single word they said. An elderly woman smiled as the girls made their way to the front of her store with wide grins.
"Well, well, well..." she hummed. "What sins must I have committed to be visited by the cutest troublemakers in all of Wall Rose?"
The girls giggled. "We're not that bad!" The littlest one said in between giggles.
"Yeah! We may be a little hyper, but it's just apart of our charm," said the one with black hair. She placed her hands on her hips in a mock attempt of looking stern.
The third one held a sack up to the elderly lady. "My Papa told me to bring this to you!" She beamed.
The lady accepted the bag, smiling at the smell of baked goods that wafted from the pack.
"Thank you, Blue," the lady ruffled the girl's auburn locks, resulting in another eruption of giggles.
The lady handed the auburn-haired girl her money and sent the girls on their way.
"Do you really do this every day, Azure?" The ravenette asked, swinging her arms back and forth.
"Well, not every day, but most days. Sometimes Papa gets backed up at the bakery and can't deliver things himself," Azure -- the auburn-haired girl -- replied.
"It must be so cool to have parents with such cool careers!" The littlest one chimed, kicking small rocks along the path.
"Well, I guess their careers are pretty cool, but at least your mom isn't always busy, Mina," Azure huffed. The littlest one, now known as Mina, shrugged.
"Speaking of moms, isn't that your mom over there, Azure?" the black-haired girl asked, looking past the two. The girls turned to see what their friend was staring at, seeing a woman with short, brown hair speed-walking through town, nervously turning her head from side to side.
"Mama!" Azure squealed, running towards her mother. The woman stopped, making her way over to the girls. The bags under her eyes becoming more apparent the closer Azure got to her.
"My love, what are you doing out here?" Her mother asked, frantically waving the trio over to her line of sight.
"It's barely three, Mama. And I had to make another delivery for Papa," Azure huffed. "Besides, we're big girls; we can take care of ourselves!"
Azure's mother crouched down to reach her daughter's height and sighed, placing her hands on her daughter's shoulders.
"Honey, I'm going to come home a little later than usual tonight," she said, her eyes brimming with tears. "Just remember that I love you a lot, okay?"
Azure's mouth curved into a smile. She leaned into her mother, wrapping her arms around her.
"I love you too, Mommy," she whispered. "And so does Papa, and Nisha, and Mina, and Cherise, and--" her mother cut her off with a laugh.
"I know what you mean, Azure. I'll see you later tonight, okay?" Azure nodded, letting her mother go. "Stay out of trouble, you three," her mother let out a dainty laugh before waving to the girls and hurrying away, blowing a kiss over her shoulder.

To Us, 2,000 Years From Now... (Eren Jaeger x OC)
FanfictionAzure Sonia Violez is a Wall Rose-born girl who has her whole life perfectly laid out for her. She has the perfect 4-person family and two of the greatest friends in the world...until tragedy hits and she is forced to move to keep her family safe. D...