For The Love Of A Daughter (Niall Horan FanFiction)

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really hope you enjoy! follow me on twitter! @PresleyGracee

 "Faye Cowel, stay after the bell." My Algebra teacher Coach Flews nodded at me. I rolled my eyes and went back to my notes. My school, Oakland High School was one of those kinds of schools where your math teacher was also the basketball coach. Basicly a small town school, in a small California town. Everybody knew everybody, which meant ruomors traveled fast. Pretty soon the whole town knew that I, Faye Cowel, daughter of Simon Cowel was failing almost every class. Besides Choir. I love singing. Maybe I got it from my father.

     Simon Cowel? Perhaps youve heard of him? Yeah well, he was a major alcholoic, one night him and my mom got in a huge fight and he skipped out on us. Moved back to England, now he is super rich and famous, and he can't even send my mother one dime to pay for grocires. Some dad right?  I thought about him quite a bit, mostly in this class. Coach Flews, is my godfather, also my dads bestfriend. The sound of the bell ringing pulled me from my thoughts. 

     I silently walked to Coach Flews desk. "Listen, Chad. As much as i'd love to stay i have things. So thanks for the chat!" I said with a sarcastic tone and turned on my heel to leave. 

     "Faye, don't be a bitch. Now sit down." He pointed to the chair in front of him, I sighed and sat down.

     "Could we really try to make this one fast? I have plans." This time being serious, refering to my boyfriend, John. My mother hated him, so did everybody else in this town. He was one of those kids, moved here last year, wears tight jeans and skateboards. He was immeditaly pegged as a 'trouble maker' after accidnelty crashing one car. Psshh. 

    "As you know, you are failing. The last test we took, you answered 42 for every problem. Explain this."

    "The answer to life, the universe, and everything. Duh." I examined my nails. I wasnt a bitch on purpose, people just got on my nerves really easily. 

    "You need to get this on your head Fayette." I winced as he used my full name. "You are not passing, you are not going to graduate from highschool." 

                  I slammed the school door, I could definatly feel tears stinging in my eyes. They all stopped when I spotted John, I smiled and walked over. Him and his friends were behind a large oak, playing hackysack with a flaming tennis ball, something they usaully did. 

          "Hey babe, you alright?" John kissed my forehead and took another swig of the beer that was in his hands. 

         "Yeah, fine. Just these people gettng on my nerves." I sighed and sat down by Johns friend Ian. 

     "Socioty is fucked up, here." John said handing me a small rolled up joint. I took a puff then stood. 

   "I need to go home, my mom will be home from work soon. Bye babes." I kissed John on the mouth then left. I walked back onto school propety and got into my car, it was a fairly new BMW, the only thing my dad left behind, I claimed it as mine. I sprayed on some purfume before getting out of my car. I unlocked the front door with my monkey key and walked in. I was greeted by the smell of cookies, in my kitchen was my moms bestfriend Kelly.

    "Hey hun, whats wrong?" She handed me a cookie.

    'Just the normal stuff. School suck, my friends don't like me anymore." I sighed and bit into the cookie, it tasted fablous as always.

     "But you have a sexy boyfriend." She winked at me, Kelly liked John. Just then my mother walked into the house, I could tell she was mad, but she also looked upset. "Dammmnnn girl, yo mama needa talk to you." Kelly laughed and so did I, this is why I love her. 

     My mom looked at me and pointed. "Your room. Now." I walked ahead and slumped my bag onto the floor and sat on my bed. My mom sat too. She tok my hands in hers and looked at me. "Honey, you know I love you right?"

    "Ofcourse mama."


"Well, I love you and what i'm doing is for the best. I am fed up with your grades, your additude, and frankly eveything lately. I just can't handle it anymore. And I know you will probably hate me for this, but it has to happen. You are going to live with your father."

like  it? love it? yeah. 

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