Just You and Me.

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hey guys, i wanted to applogize for swearing so much in the story. ehh. and i would also like to applogize for sucky spelling and grammar. i would ALSO like to applogize for the story being terrible. yeah. yeah. anyway. hope you enjoy and as always. stay classy. 

remember, just pretendddd that they're going to an award show. and sorry about the after party type thing. i just love the whole fairy tale thing. 

omg! I'm gonna write a fanfic about niall being a prince and a whole fairy tale thing. ermygawddd. think i should? commmennnttt. 



"Faye, we need to talk." I looked up from my book and saw Harry was standing in my doorway,

"Okay, what is it?" I dog eared my book, then patted the space next to me on my bed. 

"I know this might be hard for you to hear, but I don't want you to be lied to."

"Spit it out Haz." I rolled my eyes. 

"Okay, well." He paused. "There's not an easy way to put this. John's cheating on you."

"I know." I smiled. 

"And I am- wait, you know?" His eyes bugged out of his head. 

"Yeah, I've known for a while." I shrugged. 

"And you're okay with this?" He stood up. I could tell he was getting angry. 

"It's nothing. I mean, you wouldn't understand." My hand repulsivly went up to my cheek. 

I think he put two and two together. "Wait..." He jumped up and walked to the door. 

"Harry! It's not a big deal!" I shouted and he walked straight at me. 

"it's not a big deal? He fucking touched you! That's a big deal Faye!" He ran out the door. And I ran after him. He walked straight up to John in the living room and punched him in the face. 

"Harry! Stop!" I yelled.

John grabbed his jaw and gaped at me. Harry took incitive. "If you fucking touch her ever again-"

"YOU~" John pointed at me. "You told them?" I just stood there shocked. He laughed at me. "You're such a bitch." He walked towards me with his hand raised. Harry punched him in the jaw again, this time John hit back. 

"PLEASE! Stop, you guys please!" I said through tears, but they didn't listen to me. John was on top of Harry hitting him. I tried to pull John off him but got hit in the face. That's when Liam, Zayn, Soph, and my dad walked in the front door. 

"What the fuck?" The boys pulled John off Harry and took him outside. 

"Faye?" Sofia kneeled beside me. 'What happened?"

I was still crying. "I was just, then Harry knew John beat me. T-t-then he, he hit him. Then the started fighting. And, and." I burst into more tears and cried into Sophs arms. "Everytime, i come here somthing bad happens." It was then that I noticed Harry laying on the floor. "Harry" I ran over to him. "Sofia, can you get me the first aid kit and a towel?"

"Harry, I am so sorry. I d-"  He held up a hand. 

"Faye, it's nobodys fault but Johns." He shook his head. "Your face is starting to swell. Get some ice." Sofia walked back in the room. "Take care of yourself. I have nurse Sofia for me." He winked at Soph then winced. 

I walked outside and got a handfull of snow. When I walked back inside Lou and Niall just walked in. With bags of wraped presents. They were looking at Harry. "Haz, what happened?" Lou looked at him. 

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