'That wasn't supposed to come out.'

725 23 4

so, can we just talk for a second?


my god. those four letters. d-a-r-k. oh my fucking god. THE MOTHERLOAD OF FANFICTIONS. 

i dont know what to do with my life anymore. 

anyway. i hope you enjoy. 

oh, and awk moment when you ship Barry more than you ship Haylor, and Bo isn't even real. k. bye,


"Oooo, how about this one?" Eleanor asked while holding up a pretty peach dress. 

"Eh, it's pretty but too classy for a New Years party." Danielle commented while sipping her coffee. 

"Soph what are you wearing?" I turned to her and Perrie. 

"That little black dress of mine." I nodded. We were at Somerset Mall, doing some last minute shopping for our dresses for the New Years party, the boys are throwing at my house. Watch me as I roll my eyes. 

"So, you and Niall haven't come out yet." Perrie examined a dark blue dress. I shook my head. 

"It's so weird to think that 5/5 of One Direction are taken." Eleanor shook her head. "Weird." 

"I'm worried about how their fans will treat me." I said quietly as I looked at a pair of sparkly flats.

"Don't worry we all were." Danielle said encouraginly.

"But, you saw how all the girls treated Taylor." They all all laughed at me.

" 'Haylor'? What a joke." Perrie laughed.

"Babe, Niall says it himself, he's waited for you for so long. And the fans know that, so they're going to support you." Eleanor squeezed my hand.

"OHMYGOD!" Sofia shrieked, "I've found it!" She held up a dress. It was short and only had one sleeve. The dress was sparkly and navy blue.

"I have some silver heels that would go with that so well!" Perrie squealed.

"This one faye! please please please!" El and Dani begged.

"I'll go try it on." I mumbled and grabbed the dress and walked off to the dressing room. I had to admit, the dress fit really well, and it actually looked good on me. I slowly walked out of the dressing room and looked shyly at the girls.

"Babe, you look hot." Perrie nodded.

"Get it!" I smiled as they pushed me toward the register. I nervously looked at the ;ady as she rang up the dress.

"Your total comes to $836 dollars." She smiled sweetly at me.

"Faye, that's an eight hundred dollar dress." Sofia harshly wispered to me.

"I know." I said back. "But, my dad said I could use his credit card." I guiltly shrugged as I swiped the card and signed off for it.  I sighed as we exited the shop and got back into Perrie's car. I loved the dress. But, the fucking cramps in the lower abdomen would not leave me the fuck alone.

As soon as we got back home I kicked off my shoed and stormed up to my room. I peered at the time on my clock.It's only 5:23 PM. Great. I turned on my side and tried to find a comfortable position. I evetually got up and padded into my bathroom, with hope to find pamprin, or ibeprofin (dont judge my spelling)or something. I sighed in defeat when I found nothing. I put on some sweats and Niall's sweatshirt that he left in my room and slowly began the trek down to the kitchen. I found some Ibeprofen and took two with a glass of lime water. My dad gets it from Japan or somefucking place. I don't know, it's good ass lime water. i was about to turn away from the counter and go upstairs when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

"You smell like me." Niall's voice in my ear put shivers down my spine.

"I'm wearing your jacket." i giggled at him and turned around to lock my hands behind his neck.

"What's wrong, you seem down." He frowned a bit.

"Nothing serisous, just cramps." I shrugged.

"Want me to come upstairs with you?" I nodded, grabbing his hand and pulling him up to my room. We were laying up right on my bed, with our backs against the head board. Niall was rubbing my belly while on twitter.

"Can we do a twitcam?" I asked sweetly.

"Yeah! I havent done one in a while." He opened a new page and signed in and clicked the 'broadcast live' button. We had gotten quite a lot of viewers. Niall was just talking about updates and how he loves the fans. "And to my right is my lovely girlfriend Faye." Niall smiled and I gasped. He put his hand to his mouth."That wasn't supposed to come out. Well, now that that's out there."

"Hello everybody! Beautiful Directioners, how are you?" I quickly changed the subject. We goofed around a bit. I did Niall's makeup, which impressed the fans. I didn't really look at the comments, I already knew a lot of them were negative. We took Niall's laptop around my house and gave them a tour. We bumped into Harry and Soph on the couch. We were out on the balcony now.

"This is me and Fayes favorite spot." Niall told the twitcam proudly. "Doesn't she look gorgeous tonight guys?" I shurnched up my face and Niall kissed my nose. "Were going to go get food now!"

"Bye, guys. I would also like to thank all of you who support us. It means a lot. And thank you for sharing Niall. I pormise to take care of him." I blew a kiss at the camera and Niall ended the twitcam.

"I love you." He kissed me on the lips.

"I love you more."

"I serisouly doubt that." he shook his head.

"That's debatable."

***Random Directioners Point of View***

I clicked out of the twitcam tab, whiping away the tears at my eyes. I was a Niall Girl, and from this point I decided not to hate Faye. She was pretty. And it was obvious she made him very happy. Niall deserves to be happy. He deserves someone to hold him at night, kiss him when he is sad, make him laugh, or smile, someone to love him. As much as I want that person to be me, I know it never will. My life isn't a fanfic, as much as I wish my name was Faye Cowel and my dad was super famous and I was bestfriends with One Direction and my boyfriend was Niall Horan, it's never going to happen. But, at least Faye could make him as happy as I want to. I just hope she doesn't break his heart. Niall has waited for her for so long, his Princess.

sorry its so short. like the last POV? i do, its my feelings about niall and his future girl ehh, sad i know. anyway, vote, commet, follow me on twitter @PresleyGracee k, i love you so much. and like 3000 reads? yall are seriosuly the best. but really


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