Drunken Loner Parties.

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hola lovlies. just stopping by to say that i love you... yeah. and youre all gorgeous. annnddddd all the sudden beleibers and directioners are getting along? danng. am I the only one who remembers #HitDirectionersWithAShovelDay ? hmmmm, i see. well. enjoyy! <3


             "Hey girls. You better get ready. Or else you'll be late." My dad poked his head in to me and Sophs room. We never really put the screen down. So, it's always just one room. I just nodded at him. "Well, I'll be in the car in three minutes if youre not, I'm leaving."

                "Alright Dad." I sighed and put my brush down. I looked over at Sofia who looked upset. "Hey, what's wrong?"

                "What does he see in her anyway?" She looked at me like I would know the answer.

               "Who?" I sliped on a matching pair of Vans. 

               "Taylor. Harry could do so much better." She looked very annoyed. I just rolled my eyes. She had been talking about this all week. 

               "We better go Dad's waiting."  We grabbed our bags and bolted down stairs. When we got downstairs my dad was waiting by the door.  

               "I'm not driving you to school today." My dad looked straight at us.  "Neither is Louis."

             "What do you mean?" Next to him Lou smirked at my question. He was the only one up this early. My dad reached into his pocket and pulled out an envelope. It was adressed to Miss Fayette Cowell and Miss Sofia Arthur. We excitedly opened it up. Inside was a pair of car keys with four familiar interloping circles carved into it. 

             "Are you serious?" Sofia looked at my dad and Lou. 

            "Go look for yourselves." We both ran outside and sitting in the driveway was a sleek black Audi A8. Our mouths fell open. 

              "I sugested it." Harry walked outside in just sweats. Soph rolled her eyes at him. 

             "You girls better get to school. You're going to be late." We both ran and hugged my dad, and thanked him multiple times before jumping in the car. I have a feeling today is going to be a really good day. 



     Faye pulled our new car into the driveway after school. I still could not beleive that her dad bought us a car! That's crazy. We walked into the house and dropped our stuff. Faye streched. "I'm gonna go take a nap." 

   "Have fun. I'm gonna get some food." She laughed at my hunger while she walked upstairs. I danced into the kitchen, singing outloud. 

    "Tell me girl, if everytime we tou- u- uch . You get this kind of ru-u-ush. Baby say yeahhhh. Yeahhh. And let me kiss you." I grabbed an apple and walked into the living room. I heard Harry before I saw him. He laughed. I was about to walk in but I heard another laugh. A feminime one. I peeked my head in, and sitting next to Harry on the couch was none other than, Taylor Swift. Harry's eyes met mine for a second and I quietly ran out of the room and upstairs. Faye was alseep and I didnt want to wake her so I just climbed into bed with her, which woke her up. 

    "Soph? What's wrong?" She sat up and looked at me. 

    I was sobbing uncontrollably. "Harry and Taylor. Downstairs." She jumped up and I hid my head in the pillow. I think she might have left the room because I heard yelling from the upstairs hallway. 

    "YOU KNOW DAMN WELL SHE LIKES YOU. AND I KNOW YOU LIKE HER TOO. YOU DIDNT HAVE TO FUCKING FLAUNT THIS IN HER FACE! No offense to you Taylor. BUT SERISOULY HARRY? I CANT FUCKING BELEIVE YOU. Oh, wait. I can." There was a short pause. "NO YOU CAN'T FUCKING SEE HER." Another pause. "BECAUSE I FUCKING SAID SO." Our beedroom door slamed and I heard it lock. I then felt another body slide into the bed with me. "Soph, I'm sorry babe. Guys are douche bags. I would know." I laughed at this. "Now we can be forever alone together." I rolled my eyes. 

      "Not you." I turned around to face her. 

      "What do you mean." She raised an eyebrow. 

      "You're so oblivious. Everyone else see's the way Niall looks at you. You just don't notice. You've been so hung up over John." She winced. "That you havent noticed how much he likes you." She just waved off my comment. 

      "Nah, were just friends." Just then a knock came at the door. "GO THE FUCK AWAY HARRY FUCKING STYLES." Faye yelled at the door. 

       "Not Harry. But you might want to open the door. I have ice cream." We both laughed. Niall. Faye opened the door and he handed her the ice cream then walked right over and hugged me. He is so sweet. "If it makes you feel any better, I don't think Harry likes her."

      "Thanks Nialler. Now wheres that ice cream you mentioned?" 



      "Tweet it mate." I heard a voice then a few laughs. I heard a click like a camera then footsteps and the door closing. 

      I sat up and looked around. Me, Faye, and Niall had all been asleep on our bedroom floor. Faye was laying on Niall's chest and his arm was around her. In my head I replayed the events from last night. Niall was really good at comforting. We all cried a bit. Well, just me and Faye. Faye about John and me about Harry. We watched reruns of Awkward. and Underemployed and ate ice cream and ranted. Eventully Niall went and got a bottle of vodka and we drank the whole thing. And by the looks of my floor some tequilla and beer and wine. No wonder I had a massive headache. I looked at the time on my phone. 11:13 am. Wait, that can't be right. I looked again.  Nope it was. Another thought passed through my head. It was Wednesday. Which meant we had school today. 

    "FAYE!" I shook her awake. She just rolled into Niall chest. "Faye. We missed school." Her head shot up. It wasnt school we were worried about. It was her dad. She stood up. 

     "What should we do?" I shurgged. "Go get dressed. 

     "We have seventeen minutes to get to school before were counted abest and they call your dad." I grabbed clothes out of the closet. 

     "Just get dressed, you can do your makeup at school." She ran into the bathroom. And i got dressed. She ran back out fully dressed and I was too. At this point Niall woke up. "Niall, were leaving for school. Please pick up my room a bit, please. I will love you forever." 

     "Yeah, yeah. Just get to school." We ran out of the house as fast as we could. And I think we reached a world record for getting to school. In our heads we thought we were safe from Simon. Oh, were we wrong.

sorry if it's short. i was really tired when i read it. and i was texting my mom yesterday and this was our conversation

me: "Mama, I dont feel well. I need some "Payne Killers."

my mom: " 'Liam' down on my shoulder and i'll get you some."

this is not good, anyway love you. 5 comments or votes till next chapter sorry guys. 

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