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"You good kid?" Clarissa looked up to see Daryl had stopped his walking, his eyes on her. She nodded softly before seeing that his eyes squinted, his gaze telling he could see past her lies. Daryl let out a sigh, shaking his head. "It's alright if you ain't, god knows you been through some shit. Ain't nothin' wrong with needing a break." Clarissa let out a sharp exhale that could have been mistaken for a laugh. "I'm used to not having one. Being Commander, it was one thing after another." She paused for a moment before speaking once more. "Guess that's what a modern day Joan of Arc must go through, right?" Daryl let out a soft chuckle before looking to the girl. He nodded his head softly before she caught up to him, the two of them continuing to walk. "So you heard us." Clarissa cocked her head to the side, nodding slightly. "A bit, although I guess I should thank you. You defended me against your people, even if it was just about a title." Daryl shook his head, surprising her. "It ain't just a title, it shows that you're stronger than a lotta people. I think Rick and Deanna are too scared to see anyone do what they can do." Clary raised an eyebrow, looking to the man. "And you're not?"

Daryl shook his head once again, the two walking down the asphalt before he took a turn in the opposite direction towards the infirmary. Clary didn't question it, finding herself intrigued by the man when she saw the scars peeking from behind his vest. It was at that moment that she realized why he defended her. Why he didn't seem to believe she was dangerous. "You know." Daryl nodded. "Yeah, I know." His head turned to face her. "But I ain't Deanna, that shit she pulled wasn't right. You ain't gotta talk about your life to anyone, specially not some people you just met."
Clary found herself smiling softly, her mind racing before she spoke. "I got caught a couple times, usually by smaller groups. They wanted what Solaris could offer, goods, weapons, people, and they were willing to do anything to take it. One group had been stalking Solaris when they saw me head out on my own, whipped me with a leather strip to get some information out of me." Even just rembembering it, Clary could hear the cries of pain she had let out. She had been weak back then, unable to hold the sounds of pain but just strong enough to keep the information to herself.

"The second time I was on a run, we had sent them out of Solaris because they had been stealing. I was Commander at the time, so I was the root of their anger. They used a thin branch and hit me with it. It was only two people so I had to kill them to get away." She could remember seeing the life fading from their eyes, feel the whips against her skin. She had been able to control her pained noises better, but it had still been a lot to endure. But what she didn't mention was the smaller scars dotting her back, or the larger cuts, both reminders of what she had faced that night in the home. That night with him.

Daryl looked at the girl, intrigued. "Well, they were stupid thinking they could take you on. Badass like you, I'd hate to be your enemy, Jo." Clary raised an eyebrow. "Jo?" Clary questioned, causing the man to nod. "Mhm, modern day Joan of Arc, ya know? And your middle name, it's fitting." Daryl looked to the girl, the ghost of a smile playing on both their faces. Silence ensued before he started naming off different places, most notably the armory and where they stored supplies.

They ended up in a small open area of Alexandria, Clary confused until she heard the neigh of a horse. As she turned the corner, she saw Montu in a fenced in area, which she assumed they had kept horses in yet it was empty except for her own. She couldn't help but rush towards him, his eyes on her as she placed a hand on his head. "Hey, buddy. God, I missed you." He made a small grunt in response, Clary hearing Daryl as he neared. She faced towards him, so confused as to why he'd been so kind. Clary didn't know how to respond, surprised at the kindness. "Thank you." Daryl only shrugged. "Thought you'd need some kinda comfort. Although, you might wanna watch getting blood on him." Clary looked at Daryl confusedly before she saw his eyes on her hands. She brought them to her view and saw that her right palm was still bleeding slightly from where she had dug her nails into her skin. She was surprised when he held out a dirty bandana, allowing her to take it before she wrapped it around her hand. With a silent understanding, Clary said goodbye to her horse, happy to know she knew where he was in order to escape. But as she walked back towards the infirmary with Daryl, she almost wanted to stay. Although the people of Alexandria were scared, people like Daryl, Maggie and Glenn didn't seem to be afraid to get closer to her to understand her.

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