The orange haired woman shut the door, making her way towards the chair both Maggie and Glenn had sat at. As she made a movement to sit down, she noticed Clarissa move away. It was that movement that signified her distrust of the older lady, feeling more trust and respect towards the younger couple it seemed. Unfazed by the lack of trust, Deanna looked to the girl. "Clarissa Dean, it is good to finally speak to you without you bleeding out. I can see that you're healing nicely." The girl simply nodded. "I'm glad I get to speak to you in a clearer state of mind. You and your people have been a great help, and I am grateful for it." Deanna nodded, noting the way the young girl spoke. She spoke with a certain respect and authority that was no doubt from her title of Commander. It surprised the older woman how mature she sounded. Deanna gave a warm smile before continuing. "Should I be calling you Commander? I find it hard to believe that anyone at your age could be such in a high standing. You seem far too young to rule a community and—" Deanna fell silent upon seeing the girl's stature change, her jaw clenching and her eyes seemingly boring into hers. "Have you come here to speak to me or to dismiss my position?"

As Deanna met her eyes, she clenched her jaw upon seeing the darkening look in the young girl's eyes. Deanna had thought with her still healing, perhaps she'd be more compliant, but she was as head strong as she had portrayed herself to be at the gate. Letting out a soft sigh, Deanna shook her head. "Not at all, I simply am trying to understand." Clarissa held her head high, further trying to establish her dominance. "Solaris was a community of warriors, it didn't matter what age. And I was the apprentice to the previous Commander, leading me to become the best choice to him as he appointed me." Deanna nodded softly, seeing no wavering of the story, therefore demon it true. "Then, forgive me for thinking different, Commander." As Deanna stood up, she clasped her hands together in front of her. "But just know your title means nothing here. You are under our roof, taking our supplies. Once you get better, I assure you there will be ways to earn your keep." Clarissa kept her gaze steady, knowing full well the woman was trying to make her waver. "But for now, get some rest. Later I will send someone to bring you some clothing and you will have an official interview." Deanna gave a short smile before heading out.

Clary watched as the door closed, the loud latch sounding. She quickly opened her backpack, rummaging through its contents more in depth to clear away obstructions in front of a small pocket she had packed within the bag. As she looked inside, she cursed when she saw that it had been emptied of the small steel blade she had held in there. Letting the bag fall back to its place by her side, she hung her head back, wondering how she'd be able to leave before these people and their own community were harmed just as hers had been.


Clary awoke the next morning to the blinding sun shining into the room she was in. She cursed at herself for falling asleep, having been prepared to look for a way out last night yet succumbing to her tiredness. She was quick to sit up, wincing at the pain in her abdomen but happy as she realized it was not as piercing of a pain as it had been before. Throwing the covers off of her, she realized she was in an oversized shirt and shorts a size too big. She brushed off the thoughts of her clothing before she stood up for the first time in what seemed like forever. She averted her eyes towards the nightstand by the bed, bending down to open the drawers before she scoffed at what she saw. A black leather book with the words Holy Bible stared back at her, the gold embossing faded. She looked through the drawer and found nothing to help her, causing her to shut the drawer in annoyance before standing up.

Clary was surprised as she heard noises coming from outside of her room, piquing her curiosity. She walked slowly towards the window, pushing away the thin curtains that obstructed her view and was surprised at what she saw. It was bittersweet as she looked out into the streets of the community, seeing something similar to that of Solaris. There were people walking around, even a dog running as a child chased after it with a smile on her small face. The only difference was, in her community, everyone walked around with some sort of weapon visibly on them.

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