Clarissa shot up, the pain from her wound and a clanking at her wrist causing her to groan. Looking at her stomach, she pulled up her shirt to reveal new bandages, reminding her of the events of last night. Her eyes then turned towards her left wrist, which she found was handcuffed to the frame of the bed. "Deanna didn't want to risk you leaving again." Clarissa's head snapped towards her bedside, surprised she hadn't noticed that Rick was sitting in a chair to her right. He had his chin in his hand, looking deep in thought as he looked to the girl. She clenched her jaw as her tone became sharp. "I won't leave, so you can take them off—" Rick shook his head. "Deanna has the key. Trust me, they would have been off a long time ago if there was a choice. Glenn hated when she came in to put those on you last night." Rick was surprised to see her face soften at the mention of Glenn. "I had to send him home. He spent the night here to make sure you were okay and that Nicholas didn't try anything. Although, I think you knocked him out for long enough, he's still out cold." Clary bit her tongue, not wanting to reveal that she was pleased he had gotten just a taste of what he deserved.

Even being awake she was in pain, her nose and lips throbbing, her imagination leading her to believe she was most likely purple all over her face. She stopped thinking about the bruising when Rick spoke up again. "I get it, Clarissa. You feel trapped here, and you're not alone in that. I feel it, you know Daryl does too. But there are people trying to help you here, give you some kind of life—" Her head snapped towards him, causing him to falter. "The last time I had a life was with Solaris, and look how that turned out." She shook her head. "I'm not letting another community fall because of me, not when the people look as if they can't even take down a walker." Rick let out a sigh, standing up before resting his hands on his belt. He looked to the girl, wishing to understand how she had become the way she had. "Trust me, I know. I see how they are, just as you do. But all I can say is you better get used to being here quick, Deanna's not sure about letting you roam free until she believes you're not a flight risk." Clary rolled her eyes slightly. "And how is she going to determine that?" Clary questioned the man. "She's going to come tape you again, question you on why you were trying to leave, why Nicholas said you were dangerous. If you can prove your innocence, she'll be more lenient." Clary nodded as a knock sounded at the door. Both Clary and Rick's head turned towards it as it opened, revealing Glenn. His eyes scanned over Clary, checking to make sure she was okay, before looking to Rick. "Deanna wants to talk to you before she comes in. She's on the porch." Rick nodded, giving a nod towards Clary in departure before heading out past Glenn.

As Glenn shut the door, he made his way to where her wrist was cuffed, pulling out the thin silver key before unlocking her hand out of it. Bringing it to her other hand, she rubbed at the soreness produced by the metal against skin. "How you feeling?" Clary watched as he made his way around to sit in the chair Rick had been, his eyes steady on her. She let out a puff of air, similar to a laugh. "Like some asshole jabbed his fingers in my wound and rammed me into a wall?" Glenn's mouth quirked up a bit, as did hers, glad that she was able to crack the joke. He moved the chair closer, keeping his eyes on her as his voice sounded softly.  "I know you just woke up, but I need to know what's going on before Deanna comes here. She's questioning me after, about the paper." As Clary's eyes widened, he held up a hand to ease her. "I already told Rick it was your goodbye letter, and that's what I'll tell her." Clary allowed herself to relax before she shook her head. "Why are you trying to protect me? You know what I am, you know how dangerous that makes me, so why? Why risk everything?" Glenn sighed, leaning back in the chair before bringing a hand to cup his chin. He looked at her momentarily before shrugging. "Because I don't believe you're just that person. I believe that it's a persona you had to take on in order to keep fighting, to protect yourself and others." He nodded softly. "I know you're dangerous, but who isn't?" Clary sighed before nodding her head, sitting up and facing the man. "What do you want to know?"

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