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Looking at the walls of Hilltop, Clary was surprised at the memories that hit her like a brick, all colliding into her mind at once. She couldn't help it when emotions began to claw at her throat as she realized the last time she had gazed upon the walls, the people she had been with then would never walk besides her like the ones that did now.

The last time she had been to the community, Leon and Millie had been by her side, along with four other members of the Guard. Clary had still been in training with the Guard, just as Millie had been their first time to the community. Although, her reputation had started to strengthen among her people, especially after being handpicked by Leon to join him to the new community. Clary couldn't help but believe it was because of the bond that she had crafted with Jesus upon first meeting him. Just as Rick and Daryl had done, Leon didn't trust the man and had decided to put him into lockup. Clary had been one of the three chosen to guard him, the extra hands making sure he didn't escape. The two had talked when he was there, Jesus seemingly trusting the younger girl as she didn't hesitate to try to get to know him. She was grateful for it, as she became one of the ones to see that the world they lived in truly wasn't as small as they had believed it to be.

Clary's thoughts wavered as she saw figures appear from behind the walls, aiming spears down at them. Clary kept her eyes on them, stepping in front of Maggie in case they became hostile, her hand resting on her weapon. "Drop your weapons!" One called out as Daryl took a step forward. "You gonna make us?" he questioned as the man turned towards Jesus. "Jesus, what the hell is this?" As everyone raised their guns to point them at the men on watch, Jesus stood between them with his hands raised. "Open the gates, Kal. Freddie's hurt."

Making his demand, Jesus turned towards the group with an apologetic look on his face. "I'm sorry about these guys. They get antsy standing up there all day doing nothing." Jesus turned back to the people on the gates, sending a glare. "They give up the weapons. Then we'll open up the gates." The man Jesus had called Kal said, his gaze unwavering. Clary saw Daryl move forward, voicing a threat until the Doctor they had saved rush forward to go between them. "Gentlemen, look, we vouch for these people alright? They saved us out there. Lower the spears." Rick stepped forward, aiming his gun down as he walked closer to Jesus. "Look, I'm not taking any chances. Tell your guy Gregory to get out here." Jesus turned to Rick, shaking his head. "No. Don't you see what just happened? I'm letting you keep your guns." Seeing the unsure gaze on Rick's face, Jesus sighed. "Look, we ran out of ammo months ago. I like you people. Clary trusts you, so I trust you. Trust us." Jesus gave a small nod to the girl before catching Rick's gaze, which never wavered until rick threw up his hand as a signal.

Those still aiming their weapons allowed them to fall back to their side with Clary dropping her hand from the handle of her sword. Upon seeing their compliance, Jesus turned towards the men positioned along the wall once again. "Open the gates, Kal." Sooner than later, the gates slowly swung open. Clary looked back, her eyes meeting Glenn and Maggie's before they walked up to stand besides her before all three entered as well as the rest of the group. Going inside the walls, Clary realized it had grown in the long span of time since she had been there.

From the crops, to the blacksmithing area, even to the completed walls, it was so different from what she had seen. Her attention was brought back to Jesus as she heard him speaking. "How did people find out about this place?" Clary turned, seeing Jesus point to the large home in the middle.  "That's called Barington House. The family that owned it gave it to the state in the thirties. The state turned it into a living history museum. Every elementary school for fifty miles used to come here for field trips." A small smile appeared on his face. "This place was running for a long time before the modern world built up around it. I think people came here because they figured it'd keep running after the modern world broke down."

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