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As dusk turned to dawn, Alexandria was bathed in hues of orange as the sun became close to rising. Few were awake, them being the ones to appreciate the light of a new day. However, the peace they found was disturbed as some saw Rick rushing down the barren roads of Alexandria, his eyes wide as he seemed to scan every inch of the community. They knew not of what he was worried for, rather watching as he made his way to the home where Maggie, Glenn and Clary resided with an urgency in his steps.

As the man knocked on the door, it swung open to reveal a confused Glenn and Maggie as they were surprised to see him upon their porch in the early morning. "Rick? Is everything alright?" Glenn questioned, watching as the man's eyes looked past him into the home. "Is Carl here?" Rick asked worriedly, causing both Glenn and Maggie to look to each other in confusion. Their quick glance subsided as their eyes rested back on the man before they shook their heads. "Not that I know of? Did you check around Alexandria?" Rick nodded, the couple looking at each other before letting their friend in. They were surprised as Rick looked around as if he would find his missing son within the crooks of the home. It wasn't until he seemed sure Carl was not in his eyesight that the man turned back to face the couple once more. "Have you checked on Clary?" Rick questioned surprisingly, causing Glenn to shake his head. "Not yet. Maggie and I wanted to let her sleep as much as possible before her perimeter shift." Glenn furrowed his brows. "Why? Do you think she'd know where he is?" With Rick's clenched jaw, Glenn grew worried. "You— you think they left somewhere together?" Rick shook his head, knowing exactly where the two might be.

Without any other conversation, Rick made his way past Glenn and Maggie to go to the second floor of the home. Walking up the stairs, the silence was disturbed as both Glenn and Maggie's footsteps sounded behind him as they followed. Rick knew where Clary's room was, having seen his son communicate with her through the window a multitude of time. But, as he made his way to stand in front of the room, Glenn shot a hand out to stop him. "Rick, come on, she's asleep. She won't know—" Glenn's words faded as he saw the stern look in the man's eyes. "She does," Rick insisted, clenching his jaw upon seeing the man before him with an unsure gaze. "When I went to go wake him up, I saw that he wasn't there. His window was open slightly and I saw a couple rocks by his windowsill along with some under her window. She knows." Glenn gave a skeptical look before allowing Rick to open the door.

Pulling away, Rick gave the other man a nod before opening the door. The three adults were surprised at the scene before them as they saw the missing Grimes boy and Clary on her bed. However, unlike Rick's worst imagination as to why his son would be in a girl's room, they were fully clothed as they slept with their backs touching each other. They were in some form of contact, but Rick knew enough about their relationship to know that their assurance was found in each other's touch. He had seen it when his son first lost his eye, the girl sitting by his bedside always having her hand right by his. There had even been moments where Carl, seemingly in a nightmare, would reach out with his hand only for Clary to grasp his hand in hers. It was then that Rick would see his boy calm down enough for the worry lines on his forehead to fade for a better rest. Not wanting to admit it, Rick knew that nothing had happened. And, upon further inspection, Rick knew they had no intention of sleeping as they were on top of the bed covers and Carl hadn't even taken his boots off.

With the quick evaluation, Rick closed the door, clenching his jaw as he realized what such a scene could mean for his son and for the girl in the care of the Rhee family. He would be a fool to not see how much Carl cared for her. Even when she seemingly wanted nothing to do with him in the beginning, he always watched out for her. It was surprising to Rick as he had never expected his son to care so much for someone in such a hell-ridden world, at least not someone other than his own flesh and blood or within the circle of those they had traveled with.

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