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As Clary made her way to Deanna's home, she walked up the porch steps to see Maggie already there. As their eyes met hers, Deanna shook her head. "No, I will not have the both of you trying to sway my decisions." Clary took a step forward. "Deanna, if you'll just listen—" Clary fell silent as Deanna looked to her with slitted eyes. "Clarissa, I thank you for keeping watch, and I am happy that you have a... newfound loyalty for Rick and his group by advocating for him," the woman shook her head. "...but you are not in a position of power to question my authority at this moment." Clary clenched her jaw as the woman took another step forward. "You are a child that was given a title and knew nothing of what to do with it. A title you still don't know what to do with."

Clarissa moved forward, a cold anger on her face and many words at the tip of her tongue that she wanted to let free. However, Maggie's own fury at the disrespect came first. "No, Deanna I can take what you say about me, what you say about Rick, but I will not have you disrespect Clary," Maggie took a step forward, her eyes dark. "Her authority was well fought for in her community and her words should hold just as much weight as mine do. She was Commander for a reason, and I will not allow you to put her down just because of her age." With a clenched jaw, Maggie looked to Alexandria's leader, not noticing Clary's look of shock to her. Clary had been surprised, not realizing she meant enough to the woman to defend her in such a way. Deanna noticed this as well, realizing Clary had become a lot closer to the group than she had previously thought.

As Clary turned back to Deanna, the ginger haired woman pursed her lips before looking between the two. "I will decide just as I always have, just as I did letting you in." With no words from them, Deanna gave them a single nod. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have things to attend to." Maggie, in her anger and frustration, stormed towards the stairs. Reg, Deanna's husband, followed closely behind the woman, calling for her.

As she watched Maggie go, Clary stayed where she stood on the porch, her gaze moving away from the long gone woman to the woman standing before her. As their eyes met, Deanna let out a sigh. She knew the girl would not go quietly. She had grown to admire that about the teenager, but it also brought up challenges. "Say your piece, Clarissa," was all Deanna said as she leaned against the table, her eyes resting upon the dark haired girl. Clary stood unwavering, her jaw clenched as she took a step forward. "I know you see me as young and I know you see that as a reason to not listen to what I have to say, but... Maggie is right." The older woman clenched her jaw but Clary didn't stop. "There was a reason I was Commander, Deanna. And, as Commander, I dealt with people that led like you—" Clary's words were cut off as Deanna scoffed. "How? Like Rick, threatening us? Is that how you'll deal with me? Are you threatening me?" Clary clenched her jaw before she shook her head, suppressing her frustration with the woman. "No, Deanna, I'm not. No threats, just civil conversation, leader to leader."

Deanna's eyebrow quirked slightly as the girl approached, leaning over the table that the older woman leaned against. "My age has made many underestimate me, just like you do. But that allows me to get a read on you, see why you underestimate rather than prepare." The girl leaned forward. "Since I stepped foot in Alexandria, I calculated what you're scared of. You're scared of losing your people, losing your purpose... but you're also scared of losing your power." Clary took a step forward, her stance strong as Deanna seemed to waver. "And Rick, hell maybe even me, are threatening that power you have. You should be afraid of Rick, because I have only heard of what he has endured and I know he is strong enough to show you how it is out there. How loss can make a man go mad... but he isn't. None of us are." Clary took a pause, watching as the woman clenched her jaw. "We're experienced, and if you want this place to stand any chance of survival? You'll keep us close." The teenager backed away, her gaze still upon the woman before giving a single nod. "Think about that when you do as you always do. Think about how you'll need us to survive." Deanna could only clench her jaw as the young girl turned on her heel and walked down the porch steps.

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