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"Damn, you guys are slow."

Clary couldn't help but smile as she saw Enid leaning against a tree at their midpoint, the usual meeting spot for the three teenagers when wanting to go out to their spot when not being able to sneak away together. Enid sent a playful smirk towards the girl before joining her and Carl as they walked towards where they had been going.

As the the three walked through the tall grass and trees within the forest, Clary allowed herself to soak in the sunlight filtering through the leaves or the gaps in the trees. But as they walked, her gaze stayed forward as she saw Carl ahead of them. He usually took the spot at the front, allowing the two girls to walk together in peace. But he had been quieter than usual, which made her worry slightly.

Clary's thoughts of Carl ceased when she heard Enid speak softly. "Look." Both Clary and Carl turned towards Enid as she walked ahead of them, bending down and picking up what seemed to be a balloon. Clary noticed the other girl opening a letter that had seemingly been attached to the deflated material. "What's it say?" Carl questioned, Enid's face falling. "It got wet. It's all gone." Clary couldn't help but be surprised at the slight sadness in the girl's voice. Carl looked to Clary for a moment before continuing to walk, Clary coming up next to her friend and placing a hand on her shoulder to urge her to continue. Enid did so, never lifting her eyes as she tried to read the writing that had long disappeared on the wet paper.

It was silent for a few moments until Enid turned to her friend. "It doesn't look that old. I mean, we can't read what they wrote, but just by doing this, they're saying something." Clary looked to Enid, seeing the hopeful look in her eyes. "And that is?" Clary questioned. "That we're not alone." Clary watched as a small smile appear on Enid's face. Clary knew she had found hope finding evidence of other people, the trait being admired by her until Carl's voice interrupted them. "We knew that. We saw it. People died. People we cared about could have died." Clary looked towards Carl as she felt his gaze fall on her, but he was quick to look away before he continued on. Enid only shook her head, continuing to read the water-damaged paper.

The three continued walking in silence until they reached their small campsite, which consisted of a fallen log and a small, gray cabinet that stored comics and snacks. As they settled in, Clary assumed her usual spot on the log, Enid leaning her back against the fronts of her legs as she continued to read the writing attached to the balloon. Carl stayed silent, picking up a comic before sitting against the log and beginning to read.

As time began to pass, Clary found herself braiding Enid's hair as the girl focused on the piece of paper connected to the balloon. The braids were intricate, much like the ones Clary had worn herself during battle in Solaris. Clary had only done it on another person's hair once, being her niece Layla as she always said she wanted to be Commander like she had been. With that thought, Clary's fingers nimbly picked through the girls hair.

However, all three of them stopped what they were doing as they heard leaves rustling nearby. Enid sighed softly, folding the balloon as she stood. "Come on, " she urged the two, turning to see that both Clary and Carl stayed where they were. Enid clenched her jaw, knowing they would rather face threats than avoid them. With that in mind, she made her way to stand behind a tree, not wanting to join in the fight. Clary brandished her sword as Carl unholstered his gun, the both of them watchful as they looked through the leaves and undergrowth only to see Michonne following Spencer through the forest.

To say seeing the pair was a confusing sight was an understatement. However peculiar, Clary allowed the tension to melt out of her shoulders as she dropped her weapon to turn towards Enid. "It was just Michonne and Spencer." As Clary sheathed her sword, Enid moved from behind the tree. "What were they doing?" Clary shrugged. "I'm not sure. They looked like they were just walking around."

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