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"You think you can leave me? You are mine, mine to love, mine to punish, and don't you forget it. Ever."

Clary shot up, breathing heavily as Ashton's voice echoed in her mind. Her eyes looked towards the window, seeing the sky was still dark. She shut her eyes momentarily, blinking away the bad memories that had come to her in dreams before taking deep breaths. To help ease her racing mind, she got up from the bed and headed out of the room and down the stairs, surprised when she saw Glenn sitting at the counter. His eyes met hers and he smiled in greeting before speaking. "Nightmares?" As she moved closer, she nodded. "Yeah, you too?" Glenn nodded, patting the seat besides him to which she joined him. She noticed he was still in his pajamas, just as she was, causing her to wonder how long he had been awake. As if reading her mind, he answered. "I've been up for about an hour, kept tossing and turning. I've been having trouble sleeping ever since—" Glenn didn't have to finish his sentence because the young girl understood. She found herself placing a hand on his arm, trying to give him any bit of comfort she could. He looked to her appreciatively, placing his hand on hers to say so before he turned to her. "Did you get a little sleep at least? From what I hear, you have a long day today." Glenn questioned, chasing her to furrow her eyebrows. "What are you talking about?" Glenn smiled at her confusion. "Deanna may have told me about a certain teenage boy asking for her permission to go on a run with a certain teenage girl."

Clary found herself sighing, cursing at Carl that he had actually asked Deanna. But as she heard Glenn laugh, she raised an eyebrow. "She said yes, just so you know. Got the car arranged and everything, said she believed the two of you were more than capable of getting some supplies." Glenn let out a soft chuckle. "As hard as she has been on you, I think she likes you." Clary nodded sarcastically. "That'll be the day." Glenn shrugged. "I'm serious, I think she was just scared that a girl younger than her can do a job as good as her in her own community, probably better." Clary rolled her eyes playfully as Glenn smiled, happy as he saw the girl more comfortable with him. Maggie had told him of her findings in the young girls journal, losing a father at such a young age only to lose her mothers attention and affection almost right after. When Maggie had told him about it, he had vowed that he would become that male figure in her life and wouldn't ever leave her, a strong promise to make to an unknown girl but he had yet to regret it and knew he never would.

"But back to you and Carl—" Clary shook her head, hearing his teasing tone. "That kid doesn't stop. I— I don't know why he's trying so hard. I barely give him the time of day and yet he wouldn't give up trying to earn my trust." Glenn only shrugged, knowing first hand just how determined Carl was to get on her good side. "He's a good kid, and he knows that you've seen the world just as he has." Turning his body towards her, she met his gaze. "I know you're afraid of him being like Ashton but from what you told me, Carl would never do anything like that. He would never even attempt to get close if you weren't comfortable in the slightest. And I think you can see that considering he's been waiting for you to agree to give him a chance." Clary cocked her head to the side, raising her eyebrow to which he only smiled as if he knew something she didn't. She let out a sigh as she saw the sun begin to rise, signaling to her she should get ready for the run.

With Glenn urging her to get ready, she quickly went upstairs to change. She wasted no time changing into jeans and a tank top, throwing a flannel over before tugging on her boots. As she clipped her belt and holsters, she made the mental note to go by the armory for her weapons. With one last slip of her switchblade into her boot and throwing her hair into a braid, she grabbed her pack and made her way downstairs.

Making it to the last step, her gaze was set on the door. "Wait, Clary, I've got something for you." Clary turned towards the kitchen, seeing Glenn still seated where she had left him. However he held something wrapped in a bandana, one similar to that of Daryl's that he had let her keep after cutting into her palm. She knew it was resting on her nightstand, so as she took it in her hands she knew it was another. "Consider this a gift from Daryl and I." Clary raised her eyebrow at him before unfolding the bandana and revealing a leather cuff. However, it wasn't just any cuff. Clary let out a soft gasp as she saw the embossed sun on the strip of leather, an S under it. She was surprised when she saw two different types of material that made it, the darker leather a little more rugged against the lighter leather as it replaced the material that had been there before, being stitched with the original piece. She looked up to Glenn in disbelief. "How did you—" Clary couldn't even finish her question, wondering how Daryl and Glenn were even able to find it. "After that first night you stayed in Alexandria, in the infirmary, I volunteered to follow your trail to see if we could find out anything about you. Daryl joined me since he was our best tracker, but I think he was curious too. We ended up at some side of the road store, that was where your trail ended. We found the guy that we're guessing stabbed you near the rebar he used on you. A bit away from him was this, so I took it in case it was yours and Daryl fixed it up as much as he could."

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