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"I haven't been a part of Rick's group very long, and you might think that I'm not even a part of it considering I joined while within the walls. But Rick gave me the chance to live, opening his homes to me, seeing something in me that led him to welcome me. He gave me a home when God knows I probably didn't deserve it. This family, a family I know I would fight to do anything for, is one you want to be a part of. And that all starts with Rick." Clary allowed her eyes, moving from the people of Alexandria, to stare right at Deanna. "You wouldn't listen to me because, before you see my title, you see me. You see a teenager that you believe can't possibly be a Commander. But I'm going to make you listen now."

Deanna's gaze revealed nothing as Clary took a step forward, looking at the people of Alexandria. For a quick moment, her eyes flicked over to meet Maggie's gaze, who gave her a reassuring nod before she looked back to Deanna. "You people are scared. You are stuck with the idea that you can find a way to live in the past, but that's not possible. If you don't adapt, you will die, and Rick may not be here to tell you that but I will." She looked at the people surrounding her, seeing the worry in their eyes at being told they would die. She didn't want to make them fearful, but sometimes fear was the only way to get people to act. "Being stuck in what used to be the past will lead to the fall of your community. I have seen my last community fall, and I do not want to add this one to the list." Clary looked back to Deanna, whose gaze was steady. "Rick is a good man, trying to keep this place safe for his people. For his son and daughter. For his family." With a deep breath, Clary nod. "But that family doesn't just have to be those he traveled with. If you listen to him, hear what a man that has endured so much has to say, there is no doubt you'll realize he's right. That the only way to not only survive, but thrive, is to fight."

As silence hung in the air, Clary took a step back, taking her place besides Maggie. The woman took a quick glance at the young girl, who kept her eyes on Deanna, proud of her words. Sometimes Maggie would forget about the girls past in leadership but, as she heard her speak, she knew that only a Commander could speak in such a way to make the people hear what they needed to hear. Her attention was taken from the girl was taken as Deanna stepped forward. "Before we hear from anyone else, I would like to share something in the spirit of transparency. Father Gabriel came to see me the day before yesterday and he said our new arrivals can't be trusted, that they were dangerous, that they would put themselves before this community. And not one day later, Rick seemed to demonstrate all the things Father Gabriel said. I had hoped Gabriel would be here tonight..." Deanna voice trailed off as she looked amongst the people, searching for the absent Father. "I don't see him here, Deanna."

All attention turned towards the new voice, Clary admitting surprise when she saw it was Jessie speaking out. "So you're just saying what someone said. Did you tape him?" Jessie questioned, earning no response from Deanna. "He's not here," Maggie declared, Clary looking to the woman momentarily to see she had locked eyes with the older woman. "Neither is Rick," Deanna countered, her gaze dark as the both of them held each other's gazes. After a moment, Maggie placed a hand on her shoulder before turning away. "Excuse me." Clary watched as Maggie went, wondering if she should go after her.

After a moment of thinking, Clary went against her want to check on Maggie to turn back to Deanna. She held the older woman's gaze, knowing full well Deanna would not be able to shake her. The older woman knew this as her gaze fell upon the teenager, noticeably surprised at the amount of intensity held within their dark depths. Deanna, no longer wanting to hold the stare, turned away before allowing Tobin to speak. "I just want to keep my family safe. You know? And I don't even know what the means anymore, but if it means we've got to get rid of—"

Before Tobin could continue speaking, footsteps were heard to the entrance of the area where the meeting was being held in. The fire casted a light over Rick as he entered, a body in tow. As he let it fall to the ground, Clary was surprised to see the decaying body of a walker. People around her gasped in shock and fear, not only at the body of the walker but the bloody figure of Rick as he looked to them. "There wasn't a guard on the gate. It was open." Clary's eyes widened, looking around to see Spencer moving towards his mother. "I asked Gabriel to close it." Deanna gave her son a stern look before sending him to the gate. "I didn't bring it in." All eyes moved from Deanna to Rick, who stood before them covered in blood. "It got inside on its own. They always will, the dead and the living, because we're in here. And the ones out there...they'll hunt us. They'll find us. They'll try to use us. They'll try to kill us. But we'll kill them. We'll survive. I'll show you how." Rick shook his head. "You know I was thinking. I was thinking how many of you do I have to kill to save your lives? But I'm not gonna do that. You're gonna change." Rick turned away from the crowd before landing his eyes on Deanna and Reg, who stood near the entrance. "I'm not sorry for what I said last night. I'm sorry for not saying it sooner. You're not ready, but you have to be. Right now, you have to be. Luck runs out."

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