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Clary watched as Michonne took over driving the RV, Rick moving away from the seat to approach the girl as she sat. Although wanting to travel with Glenn and Maggie, Rick kept the girl with him to not only keep an eye on her but to fill her in on the plan of attack. "So that's who they fear? The Angel of Death?" Clary raised an eyebrow, watching as he motioned to her, causing her to nod. "Surprisingly, yes." Rick was surprised when she laughed. "I don't know, maybe you were right. Maybe it is a costume." Her eyes met his, a certain fire that both surprised and scared him. "But they don't see it as that. They see it as a symbol of death, and that's what I've become."

Rick clenched his jaw upon seeing how serious she was. He knew her... alias was important to her, a side of her very few saw, but seeing it in person was frightening. Without further thought, he nodded his head before pulling out sheets of paper with handwritten maps of some sorts. Clary looked over the rough sketches of floor plans which she could only assume were informed by Andy, who looked warily at her through the mirror from the passenger seat. "This is what we know about how the compound is set up. As for preparing, we're going to stop soon and find some walkers that look similar to Gregory. We're going to use whatever head looks like his and that's gonna be our way in. We'll do it at night, a couple hours before dawn so that they're asleep." Clary let out a deep breath, not liking the fact that they would be doing it while they slept.

Killing them when they couldn't fight back, she knew it was how they limited their own losses but she felt a slight loss of honor. Rick noticed her shift before looking questioningly at her. "What?" he questioned, leading the girl to shake her head. "Nothing, I'm just not used to it being when they don't see me. I didn't realize that—" Rick clenched his jaw. "Killing them in their sleep means we have the element of surprise. That we survive and they die. Don't tell me the Angel of Death is scared of killing now." Clary let out a humorless laugh before looking up at Rick, shaking her head with a steady gaze. "Killing? No, I've never feared that. But I'm used to seeing them die before me, their eyes staring into mine because they know I found them." Her intense look only transitioned towards the map. "But if this is how we protect our family, then I don't care." The two looked to each other for a moment, Rick making sure she was being truthful until the RV came to a stop. "We're here."

Both Clary and Rick looked towards the drivers seat to see Michonne parking. Car horns filled the air as they created noise for all nearby walkers to make their way towards them. Clary stood up, making her way to the door before exiting. As people gathered into groups, Rick looked to her. "You're staying here with Maggie. Can't have you in the forest—" Clary let out a laugh. "You think I'll run?" Clary questioned, causing Rick to look at her for a moment. "I don't know what to think." As he turned away, the girl shook her head. "Well, I won't, just so you know." Rick turned back to look at her, clenching his jaw. "If you can't believe I'd stay for you, then believe I'd stay to at least carry out what I need to finish." Rick sent her a single nod before she turned away and made her way towards where Maggie had stationed herself.

As Clary approached, Maggie's eyes fell upon her, a small smile fell upon her features. Although she didn't look as she usually did, now looking more like the warrior she had been before finding Alexandria, she could only see her. "Rick put you on babysitting duty?" Maggie questioned, chasing the girl to scoff. "More like he put you on it. He thinks I'll run." Maggie shook her head, rolling her eyes at Rick's ignorance. "He's just confused, and maybe angry that you were able to keep that kind of a secret for so long. He was definitely angry at Glenn and I, but it's mostly been put on you, as much as we tried to fight it." Maggie placed her hand on the girl's shoulder reassuringly. "But once he sees you fight for us, he'll know that you need to stay." Clary nodded softly, hoping that Maggie was right before she leaned against the car, her hand on the handle of her blade.

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