Chapter 20: Look At What You've Done

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Ever since that faithful day;

More Creepypasta attacks have been reported.

More houses have been devoured by flames, with mere ashes remaining.

More Operator symbols found everywhere.

More people missing.

More bodies.

More deaths.

More blood in the water.

But there's even more blood on your hands, hahaha.

Xiomar jolted awake and sat right up in a cold sweat, panting as if he had just saw a ghost- worse, maybe, seeing as he has quite the experience with the undead. He sighed and folded his legs slightly, allowing him to rest his elbows on his kneecaps as he held his head and calmed himself down.

He breathed, looking up at the ceiling and taking a moment to himself before he swung his legs over the edge of the bed and took a sip of the water he had left on his nightstand.

Within the past few months, his body has visibly gone through many different changes.

No, not puberty you dumbfucks-

No. He grew more muscular from all the training, but not so much to make it be visible from miles away. He had also grown much, paler, thinner. Dark bags would always show even through the thickest of concealer. He had to go out most nights as that's when they can be most active.

He'd leave after class and come back during the early morning; just after the infamous witching hour.

Of course the man amongst the trees would always love sticking to the classics, the old tool.

The nightmares had only been getting worse since the day he made his choice. At first it started with just a heavy feeling in his stomach that'd cause him to toss and turn through insomnia at night, but now he keeps having the same, vivid dream of the same, vivid girl. Though at the same time, fuzzy.

He'd remember the hallway; It'd be turning dizzyingly but slowly as the door would swing open, later revealing a girl with a wicked smile, and a leather jacket over a purple hoodie. But he'd never see her full face.

As time passed, she'd get closer and closer to him; currently she was in the middle of the hall. He'd get goosebumps whenever he wondered what would happen when she finally reaches him. He hated- no, loathed how she'd smile in his dreams.

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, he wasn't going to allow some weird dreams to cause him tardiness!


For the 3rd time.

He looked at the time displayed on his clock above his bed.

"8:02?! Aizawa's going to kill me!" He didn't even have time for his usual fancy talk; he just had to get to class now.


"Why are you in your pajamas?" Uraraka finally spoke up after a moment of the entire class staring at him.

Alex burst into laughter and Charlotte followed, letting out a snort too and making the two laugh even harder.

"S H I T-"

"Take your-"


"..Seats. Wolf, why are you in your pajamas?"

Kagami wore a smirk at the back, snickering. Alex was already coughing smoke and ash over her table, and Charlotte was literally weeping from laughter, tears running down her face.

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