♥Chapter 1♥

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I looked around, I wasn't listening to what the boys were talking about. it didn't interest me.

I sighed, why were the breaks always this long. I heard someone, laughing followed by a shriek "Stop it! it hurts!" a girl said, "sorry," a boy said back. I looked up, and that's when I spotted her, she was pretty, no she was beautiful. 

She was smiling, looking at a boy. I stood still watching her as she walked by, hoping I would catch her eye, but she didn't even look my way. Then the moment was over, the bell rang and everyone seeped into their classes. I couldn't see her because of the many people around.

I walked out, tired. I bumped into someone "oh... sorry, I didn't see you there" I blinked and looked down at the girl from earlier "Nah... it's okay, I couldn't see you" I said, she furrowed her eyebrows at me, sighed and walked past me. "Hey! Leah, wait for me!" she shouted towards someone.

I grabbed my jacket and got ready to head home when I saw the girl once more. She waved towards her friend, smiling. I thought nothing of it until I realized that we were heading in the same direction. I vaguely smiled. happy that I would get the chance to see where she lives.

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