Chapter 20

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I could feel myself relaxing as we stood there, the heat from his body... I didn't feel as cold anymore, I sighed. Then I remembered what he did to me, everything he said. I started resisting again, I had to getaway. I stiffened as he put his head on my shoulder and took deep breathes through his nose, he was smelling me! I pushed even harder than before. This time he actually loosened his grip, I pushed again and stumbled backward and fell down onto the bed. He stood there shocked for a moment, then he moved, quicker than I thought he could. He held my wrists up above my head, he was leaned forward as if he wanted to kiss me. He sat down on top of me, with his legs on each side. I turned my head, I didn't want him to kiss me. He grabbed the rope which was tied around my wrists "Impressive, my beautiful flower... It's almost like you want to be here..." He whispered into my ear. "Wha- what do yo-you mea-mean." My voice was trembling, I cursed at myself for not being able to control my fear. He laughed quietly and smiled as he said: "oh... don't you see, you could have untied the ropes, but you chose not to." I was confused he had made sure that my hands couldn't even touch each other. Then I realized, he had forgotten it! "I can't reach my hands" I whispered to him.

In a smooth motion, he got off me and grabbed the rope that held my wrists "Oh yeah... I had forgotten" He said to himself and kneeled down, he grabbed me and pulled me closer to the edge of the bed. He bent my elbows down until I touched the floor, and tied another rope around my wrist, he did the same with the other. "You might want to cooperate, it'll be best for you." He whispered under his breath. He pulled the ropes down below the bed and pulled them as much as he could, it was almost hurting, but not really. I could live with it. He sat down on my legs, making sure I couldn't move them. He leaned forward and grabbed the ropes, as he mumbled something. I lifted my head, hoping I could get a glimpse of what he was doing, but his back was blocking my vision. 

My head shot up as I gasped, he had tightened a rope around my ankle, so quickly. It had taken me by surprise, but also it hurt. I clenched my fist hoping he hadn't heard me. He had told me to cooperate. He turned his head, catching my eye. "does it hurt?" His voice was full of concern. I nodded I didn't know if I could muster an answer without crying. He smiled at me, "Sorry" and he loosened the rope. He did the same with my other ankle and got up and looked at me. He smiled satisfied to himself, nodded, and left.

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