♥Chapter 25♥

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I untied the rope and she collapsed on the floor, her face writhed in pain, even when she was passed out. I carefully took a new cloth and dumped it in some hot soapy water and started cleaning her wounds. She would move around and mumble, but she didn't wake. I had decided to let her sleep, she would need it. I lifted her and laid her down on her bed, and tied her, so she wouldn't be able to move around. I found a needle and thread and stitched the deepest wounds together. When I was done I started cleaning the room, starting with the whip, I did it slowly and carefully so I wouldn't be cut by the hooks with barbs on the end of each strand. I threw a bucket of soapy water out on the floor and started mopping, I cleaned up afterward with a bucket of ice-cold water, making sure the blood was gone. I looked as the last bloody water disappeared down into the sewer. She mumbled and screamed. I looked at her startled, she looked back,  but it was like there was something over her eyes, like she didn't see me. "Hey my love, it's okay, nothing can hurt you..." I whispered, hoping to calm her down. Her eyes widened in fear and panic, as I walked closer. She started pulling in the ropes, throwing herself around on the bed. I ran over and held her down, she was ripping her wounds open again. "Calm down! You're only gonna make it worse!" I gritted through my teeth, she was surprisingly strong and I had a hard time holding her down. I shouted, taken by surprise as I fell forward,  down on her back. She screamed in pain and the tears started falling from her eyes. I quickly jumped up and knocked her out, it was the only way I could calm her down.

I sighed, I threw the bloody t-shirt into the laundry, I would wash it later. I found another one and went to the kitchen and made some quick lunch. I walked down the stairs as she screamed again, but it quickly faded into sobbing. She had moved around since last. I sat down in the corner, keeping a close eye on her. I had to make sure she wouldn't harm herself.

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