♥Chapter 23♥

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I shook my hand, it had hurt surprisingly much when I had knocked her out. I sighed, I didn't want to do it, but I had to punish her for hurting me. I carefully untied the ropes that held her down, her wrists and ankles were blue and had several bruises where the rope had cut through her skin. I would take care of that later, I lifted her over to the other end of the room and tied her to a metal bar, placed in the wall. It just exactly lifted her knees from the ground so she was hanging in her arms. I found the cloth from before and stuffed it into her mouth, and tied a strip of fabric tightly around her neck, making sure she wouldn't be able to spit it out. I brushed her hair and put it up in a bun. I found a bucket and filled it with ice-cold water and dumped it over her to wake her up. Her head flew up, and she breathed heavily from the shock. She looked around completely flustered, as she tried to figure out where she was. I walked over and gently pulled her head over to look at me, I smiled to her "Now for your punishment, you hurt me and we can't have that. Can we now?" At first, she looked confused then something deemed for her. Her eyes filled with fear of what was gonna happen. "You will endure fifty lashes-" I walked over and took the whip to show her- "From this." Her breath picked up speed, as she started panicking, her eyes filled with tears and soon they rolled down her cheeks, only to be caught bu the strip of fabric. She started shaking her head, her eyes begging me not to do it. I prepared another ice-cold bucket of water, and dumped onto her again, and prepared another one for when she passed out. She started pulling the ropes, hoping to break them. I walked over, and kicked the back of her knees, making her legs snap. She gave up and just hung there, while she whimpered. I raised my arm, hesitating, slowly regretting, maybe I should stop now and give her a warning. She started fighting just in that moment, and I let my arm fall and I bit my lip as the whip made contact with her back for the first time. She threw her head back in pain, screaming into the cloth, her cries becoming louder. I took my arm back and let it fall once again... and again... and again...

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