♥ Chapter 11 ♥

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I looked at my mom, she was gently shaking me. She looked at me "Are you okay?" I nodded, my entire body was hurting. She gently grabbed my hands, pulling them away from my legs. She helped me get down so I could lay properly. She tucked my blanket tighter around me. "Here you go, just sleep. I'll tell your teachers, that you are sick today." I tried sitting up, suddenly awake. "Wait... I'm not sick! I have to go to school" I burst out. She looked at me, gently pushing me down on the pillow again. "No, you're not going to school. You have a fever, if you're better tomorrow you can come to school." She said and left my room, closing the door behind me.

I looked up at the ceiling, I turned to lay in my side. I sighed. I could feel the sleep pulling me, I tried resisting, but in the end, I fell asleep. My last thought went to her, I hated her and yet I couldn't. She was the most perfect thing I had ever seen, it wasn't her fault I had had a bad dream about her. I knew I had to get out of here...

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